The Church Misunderstands the ‘Christ.’ They Hide or Deny the Fact You Too Possess the Same Divine Essence.

Purusha Radha
6 min readOct 13, 2023


There was never only one Christ. There have been and always will be countless Christs.

The Church has programmed us to believe there was and can only be one Christ. But this is a lie.

We all have the innate ability to become Christs.

The story of creation itself tells us why and how…

In the beginning, if there ever was a beginning (I know that’s hard to wrap your mind around. It’s hard for me too.), the first Intelligent Spirit was silent and contemplative.

There was only the Void and the contemplation of this Great Spirit.

In this silent state and through Its contemplation, Intelligent Spirit formed a picture of the universe It desired.

Having naught but the perfect picture or Divine Plan to follow, the universe willingly took the form directed by the Intelligence.*

Intelligent Spirit continued to contemplate the divine ideal of the picture. It expanded and unfolded into perfect visibility.

This Intelligence desired to know Itself through Its creations. And so It brought forth animate and inanimate forms for that experience.

One of the principle animate forms It created was a divine ideal known as immortal man.

This immortal ideal must always include a portion or spark of the central fire… which… projected it into existence.

This projection was the first cell that finally became man’s body and is the spark of life that always endures and never dies.

This cell is, in name, the Christ.

This cell, although divided and repeated many millions of times, retains the image of the Divine Spirit projected and implanted in it.*

This slightly simplified account of the creation story affirms the Universal Law of Correspondence:

As above, so below.

We are all endowed with the Christ light.

The countless Christs are us.

It’s just that we’ve either been unaware or we choose not to step into our Christ. To embrace the Christ Ideal does take conscious practice, but it’s not just our birthright…

it’s our imperative.

Christ is the Ideal of God the Infinite.

We have returned to our Christ when we remember and embrace the truth that God is and lives within us.

It’s the primitive church that eroded the true meaning of Christ. They made it a title with the definite article the as if to say there is only one Christ. They declared Christ the proper title of Jesus and only Jesus.

Wanting all the power (and money) they’ve perpetuated this disempowerment preaching to believers there is only one Christ. They’ve relegated the people to followers. Masses of people have fallen in line and in their ignorance they blindly accept this falsehood.

Jesus would be the first to tell you that you are a Christ as well. You just have to know it.

A great Master once told me:

Lust is the most powerful force in your life after fear. Lust for the holiness of your Christness.

What does lusting after our Christness mean? How do we take on the mantle of Christ? How do we become one with the Christ Ideal?

Get into the habit of seeing this perfect presence as your real self, this Christ of God presence.*

Affirm you are a Christ every day. Declare it in the morning, throughout the day and at night before bed. There’s a beautiful and highly effective way to do this. Get insights in this article:

I am Christ consciousness. I am the Christ of God.

Miracles and mysticism will begin happening in your life, but there’s more. The practice will make you more acutely aware that you are a Christ in your everyday comings and goings. And you’ll begin to naturally step into your birthright.

In the words of Jesus himself:

… in order to bring forth the Christ, I, as well as all others, must declare it; then must live the life, and the Christ must appear. You may declare the Christ all you will and, if you do not live the life, the Christ will never appear. Just think, dear friends, if all would declare the Christ then live the life for one year or five years, what an awakening there would be. The possibilities cannot be imagined.*

We can take embracing our Christic nature even further through this visualization practice.

See a divine white Light dazzling in purity and brilliance emanating… from the very center of your being. See it shining forth with such brilliance and glory that it emanates [from] every cell, fiber, tissue, muscle and organ of your… body.

Now see the true Christ of God standing forth, triumphant, pure, perfect and eternal… the triumphant and all conquering Godhead.

Step forth and claim this as your divine right and it is yours.

Actually feel, see and take hold of this Great Light. Accept, declare and know positively that it is yours and in a short time your body will actually send forth this Light.¹

You have to make the Christ Ideal your very own and not something that is outside of or beyond you. Don’t try to force it but devote yourself to the vision of this ideal.

Eventually, the thought patterns and behaviors of a Christ become habit for you. Let the Christ ideal pervade your life.

Your Christ actually waits quietly and patiently for you to integrate your divinity within you.

Here’s one way (and there are countless ways) to assist that integration to take place. The Great Master I mentioned above gave me this advice:

In your visualizations, take the body of Jesus the Christ and put it on like a wet suit that sits precisely in the blue corona of your auric field.²

Here’s another very simple practice that can help you realize your Christ.

Look for the Christ in every face you encounter.

The Christ spark lives within each one of us. Such an utterly simple practice makes us more aware of our own Christ as well as the God quality in everyone.

When Jesus spoke he never meant or said that he was the exception. It is the church who bastardized translations of his words that has people believing this lie.

On the contrary, Jesus is the example—our example.

There is indeed a second and last coming of the Christ and it’s not the one the churches preach about. It’s not the one conspiracy theorists talk about either.

The second and last coming of the Christ will occur in us.

It will be “the greatest of all splendors.. when all know and accept the Christ within, and live and unfold in this consciousness and grow as the lilies grow.”¹

  • ¹ From Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 1. N.p., DeVorss & Company, 1935.
  • ² The blue corona is the part of the auric field/aura closest to the physical body; usually lavender in color in starseeds.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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