Exalt Your Spiritual Journey: Call on the Divine Names in the Five Sacred Languages.

Purusha Radha
11 min readOct 20, 2023


English isn’t the only language you can speak. You don’t have to stick to English when you pray or make your affirmations. In fact, there’s amazing spiritual power in five other historic sacred languages.

Each of the five sacred languages activates you spiritually when speak their words in a certain way.

The five sacred languages of enlightenment are Hebrew (Aramaic), Egyptian, Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese.

These are the original languages of very early recorded history.

When you use the five sacred languages we do two things:

  1. You open the mind to eternal Light.
  2. You allow yourself here on the lower plane to connect with the Higher Evolution. The Higher Evolution are advanced forms of Divine intelligence in the higher planes, of course.

A very direct way to use sacred language is to invoke a Divine Name — a Name of God.

All hail the power of the Christ name!

I’m sure you’ve noticed how religious Christians pray in the name of Jesus. There is power in this.

For most of us, our usual default way of thinking is linear and egocentric. This kind of thinking doesn’t include the concept of multidimensionality — that there are multiple understandings of any one thing. And it often isn’t very heart-centered either.

When we speak a Divine Name, we free ourselves, if only for a moment, from linear thinking. And in that moment, the Light comes in.

Our third eye or ajna chakra¹ opens when we speak a Divine Name. It builds on our quest for higher consciousness.

The Divine Names are composed of sacred seed syllables. Together they create a harmonic (vibration of energy) within and intertwining your five bodies of Light.² (Please see footnote ² to understand the five bodies of Light).

These Names of higher entities are aspects of God the Infinite.

They see things in ways we can’t. If you call on them, they’ll come close to you. You’ll feel them. And they’ll give you guidance and help.

Some have joined me in prayer and meditation. They’ve come to me during my sacred ceremonies. Many have given me warnings, counsel and direction.

Some have even danced in the room with me.

They go with me wherever I go and respond to my questions throughout the day when I ask.

They share their Light and frequency so generously whenever we call on them by Name.

The Keys of Enoch³ says:

When you use Egyptian-Hebrew-Sanskrit-Tibetan-Chinese words to prime the thought vibrations to flow into your third eye area, the languages will open channels of crystalline vibration within you so that your body can work directly with the Higher Intelligence telethought communication.

In other words, George Harrison tells us in Awaiting On You All:

You don’t need no love in

You don’t need no bed pan

You don’t need a horoscope or a microscope

To see the mess that you’re in

If you open up your heart

You will know what I mean

We’ve been polluted so long

Now here’s a way for you to get clean

By chanting the Names of the Lord you’ll be free

The Lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see

Chanting the Names of the Lord and you’ll be free

The Lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see…

The five sacred languages Divine Names are gateways to qualities you want to develop within yourself.

Speaking Divine Names in the five sacred languages flows the energy of God the Infinite into you.

That energy creates crystalline channels of Light that form a pyramid of ‘jewel-crystals’ in the third eye.

You establish a harmonic between your crown seal and third eye chakras. And that harmonic of Light helps free you from limiting linear thinking.

The characters that compose the Hebrew alphabet, called alef-bet in Hebrew, are known as flame or fire letters. They radiate potent creative energy and imprint higher sound frequencies throughout the body.

Hebrew fire letters (or Aramaic which is the actual language Jesus spoke) are sacred energy sounds.

Yeshua ben-Joseph (Jesus) called down and integrated with his higher Body of Light using Aramaic decrees. He often did so when with his disciples and whenever he caused a ‘miracle’ to happen.

You’ll find these fire letters in The Keys of Enoch³ at the beginning of every chapter. The fire letters are shown encased in a flame graphic to convey its Light potency.

Hebrew is a Divine vector.

In math and physics, a vector is a course or direction that you take. It has scope and direction. Like the mathematical vector, sacred Hebrew flame letters and words will

take you places.

A vector is a thing that ‘both carries and rides.’ By speaking or even gazing at Hebrew fire letters you’ll do two things:

  1. Ride, feel and absorb thee high frequency of the flame letters.
  2. Surf their energy waves of Light.

Invoking Hebrew syllables and words opens your own higher mind. It quickens your Inner Gematrian Body² of Light (See footnote ² on the five bodies of Light).

Hebrew flame letters and words connect you with the Higher Intelligence from the future Pleiades and Orion.

Hebrew/Aramaic Divine Names

Michael/Mikhael/Mik-ky-ilu (the archangel) (pronounced Mee-kee-ee-lou)

We know him as the great archangel. It means…

who is like God.

Mik-ky-ilu is the head of the High Command of the Higher Intelligence. He is Lord Protector of the galactic realms and leader of starseeds who live on this planet right now. Mikhael works with Gabriel/Gavriel to protect all galactic realms.

Archangel Mikhael, inspire me in my service!

Gabriel/Gavriel (the archangel) (pronounced Gahv-ree-el)
The Divine Name Gavriel literally means…

hero of God (or)

God is my strength.

Invoke the names Mikhael (or Mik-ky-ilu) and Gavriel. Ask them to amplify your Light, strength, restored and healthy body. Ask them for inspiration to overcome your obstacles in life.

Melchizedek/Malchi-Tzedek (pronounced Mall-kee-tzay-dek)
The Divine Name Malchi-Tzedek means ‘king of righteousness.’

Malchi-Tzedek is called an Eternal Sovereign of Light who’s charged with helping us ascend into the fifth dimension Earth called Gaia.

Invoke the Name of Malchi-Tzedek to support you in your quest for truth and courage.

Righteous I am. Malchi-Tzedek I am.

Metatron/Maṭṭaṭrōn (the archangel) (pronounced Mah-tah-trone)
Creator of the electron, in mystical Judaism Maṭṭaṭrōn is the ‘Garment of Shaddai’ (See the understanding of Shaddai two paragraphs down).

He is a Divine Voice of God the Infinite. This archangel was teacher and guide to the immortal Enoch, the patriarch referenced in Hebrews 11:5.⁴

Maṭṭaṭrōn is the original voice of the sacred text The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch.² The Metatron-inspired book takes the reader through the education of the soul. The Keys provide a blueprint of the many levels of spiritual consciousness.

Archangels Malchi-Tzedek, Mikkyilu and Maṭṭaṭrōn are co-equals who work for the…

rescue, regenesis and reeducation of worlds going through the purification of the Living Light.²

Shaddai (pronounced Shah-dye)
Like Maṭṭaṭrōn, Shaddai is a Divine Name of God the Infinite. It is translated as ‘God Almighty’ of ‘God mighty and strong.’

Call on the Name Shaddai or el Shaddai for strength and personal power.

El Shaddai, be my strength. Shaddai. Shaddai. Shaddai. Shaddai.

Find an extensive list of the Hebrew/Aramaic sacred Names with descriptions and prayers published by the author of The Keys of Enoch, here. The list includes the Great Name YHWH and its permutations.

Sanskrit, from which many of our English words are derived, is a language of great protection. Its seed syllables and mantras help us keep our bodies free of insults and restore us to health and vitality.

Proper pronunciation of the Tibetan sacred words brings us enlightened compassion and love. It harmonizes our biological body with our mind and our Spirit.

Phowa (pronounced Fo-wah)
Literally meaning ‘the consciousness of Light,’ invoke the Name Phowa to consciously link yourself as student to a Divine Master Teacher.

Shakyamuni or Shakyamuni Buddha (pronounced Shock-yah-moo-nee)
The Name Shakyamuni means sage of the Shakyas. (Shakya was the name of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha’s clan.)

Decree the Name Shakyamuni for wisdom and compassion.

Shakyamuni soha, muni muni.

Bodhisattva (pronounced Bo-dee-saht-vah)
Bodhisattva is composed of the Sanskrit root bodhi meaning awakening or enlightenment and sattva meaning being.

The Name essentially means: a being on the way to becoming enlightened.

Bodhisattva I am.

Guanyin (pronounced Gwan-yin with a hard ‘g’ sound)
The Goddess Guanyin is incredibly respected in Tibetan and Chinese Bodhisattva belief.

She is consummate compassion.

Avalokitesvara (pronounced Ah-vah-lo-kee-tesh-vah-rah)
Avalokitesvara represents another aspect of Guanyin. Chinese and Tibetan share very many Gods, Goddesses and Divine Names.

Avalokitesvara is the healer Goddess of a thousand hands and a thousand eyes.

Call on both Names Guanyin and Avalokitesvara for compassion and healing.

I am kind and compassionate. Guanyin I am.

Krishna (pronounced Kreesh-nah with a slight roll of the ‘r’)
With a similarity to the Name, Christ, this Divine Aspect and Name, Krishna, means all-attractive one.

Sound the Name Krishna to help you attain the Christ Ideal.

Hare Krishna!

Rama Rama Gurudev (pronounced Rah-mah Rah-rah Goo-roo Dev with a slight roll of the ‘r’)
You might think you’re invoking the Hindu deity Rama and his qualities when you vocalize this phrase. But this Sanskrit decree is actually Higher Evolution code for calling upon your celestial Teacher of Light.

These celestial guides are part of the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of the Higher Intelligence.

Not exactly as a distress call, you’d declare this Name when you need wisdom, direction, or counsel.

We all have these elevated celestial spiritual guides. We don’t need to know their names. We just have to call out for their help with…

Rama Rama Gurudev.

Chinese leads us to experience the speech and communication used in the Higher Worlds.

Budai (pronounced Boo-dye)
Budai is known as the Buddha of the Future.

Call on Budai to help you see your future so you can make changes, if necessary, in the Now.

Yaoshi (pronounced Yah-oh-shee)
Yaoshi is the medicine or healing Buddha. Invoke the Name Yaoshi for healing.

Yaoshi healed I am.

Loshana (pronounced Loh-shah-nah)
Loshana is the highest cosmic transcendental Buddha. It’s the Divine Name you’ll invoke if you want spiritual acceleration and evolution.

The Name Buddha itself is a Divine Name. Call it out for more love, wisdom and compassion in your life.


Egyptian is permeated with the mystical potential of the third eye or ajna chakra. For the ancient Egyptians it was the Eye of Horus or the Eternal Eye.

The Eternal Eye focuses and channels the Light that comes in through the crown seal chakra from the Higher Worlds into a pyramidal shape.

Amen-Ptah (pronounced Ah-mayn Ptah with a very slight ‘p’ sound before tah)
Amen-Ptah was known as the Lord of Life and Father of Fathers in ancient Egypt. He was called the God of the Beautiful Face.

Amen-Ptah is charged with education of the soul in humans.

Say the Name Amen-Ptah when you feel like you’re struggling on your spiritual path.

Amen-Ptah, lift me up.

Osiris is the Lord Creator from the Higher Evolution of Orion. Osiris is all about raising the consciousness of the human and other root races of the multiverse.

He presents us with the model of death, rebirth and resurrection of the body.

And beyond death and resurrection, Osiris represents immortality of the body. This means the body does not have to die.

And as we develop ourselves in consciousness, we have the option to choose the path of Osiris — that of immortality.

It is all a choice and Osiris presents these choices to us.

If a light goes on inside you when you hear that it’s possible to never die, choose it.

I am immortal. Osiris immortality I am.

The entities behind the Divine Names can be your guides and companions.

Beyond the physical and five senses an unseen realm of celestial guides—your brothers and sisters—exists. They wait patiently for you to connect and interact with them.

We think that what we perceive with the five senses is the 99% of creation. What we can’t see or touch we mentally banish to the remaining 1%.

But the truth is exactly the opposite. What we think is the 1% is actually far greater than anything you can perceive with your senses. It’s brimming with highly advanced celestial entities assigned to assist you on your spiritual journey.

And along with invoking a Divine Name to help you on your path, call on the Names when you feel alone and lonely.

Decree the Names. Chant them. Sing the Names. Gaze at the written Name. Scan the sacred texts in the five sacred languages.

These Divine Aspects will surround you with Light and Love. You might feel uplifted in a very palpable way. Or it may feel subtle.

Either way, they’ll not ever let you down. They must come to you when you summon them with a pure and not a needy heart.

Many mantras are rich in Divine Names and the five sacred languages seed syllables. When you use seed syllables from all five languages together, especially in meditation, you initiate undulating waves of Light that harmonize all of your bodies.

I’ll be writing about mantras next so please come back for that article in my stories list.

For an introduction to the five sacred languages, read this article:

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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My Conscious Time Travel Book

¹ Ajna comes from the sacred Sanskrit language and Vedic tradition. It conveys the summoning of perception and meta-wisdom. Many people call it the sixth or third eye seal.

² (1) Electromagnetic Body of Light: This body is made up of counter-rotating energy fields — electro and magneto — around the physical body. Electro is the principle of male energy. It is an energy that draws out. Magneto is the principle of female energy. It is the energy that draws in.

(2) Epi-Kinetic Body: This is a biological plasma body used by the electromagnetic body (above) for purposes of projection and teleportation.

(3) Eka Body: This body is a substratum higher consciousness body that allows us to work in and out of time. This is how we are able to consciously time travel consciously. (Please find my digital book at issuu.com or the paperback on Amazon.) The Eka Body provides us with spiritual experience based on each person’s level of consciousness.

(4) Inner Gematrian Body: This is the Light Body formed by the life force of God the Infinite. Made of light geometries it is actively involved in consciousness creation, inspiration, and healing. It mathematically arranges each of the energy meridians of the body in order to more fully guide and energize it.

(5) Outer Zohar Body: The outer body of Light or the ‘coat of many colors,’ the Zohar Body functions as part of a trinity with the Overself (which some call the Higher Self) and the ‘Anointed Christ Overself Body’ which receives direct revelation from the Throne Worlds of YHWH(Yahweh).

³ Hurtak, J. J. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch. United States, Academy for Future Science, 1987. This is not the same as The Book of Enoch.

⁴ Hebrews 11:5: “By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: ‘He could not be found, because God had taken him away.’ For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.”

