The Sound Voice Is A Powerful Manifesting Tool.

Purusha Radha
4 min readDec 16, 2023


I used to make affirmations aloud often with a flamboyant animated voice. It was a voice that sounded like I was fighting my subtle unspoken disbelief.

I felt like I had a mountain to climb to get what I wanted. And I figured I had to use my most powerful voice to summon my desires into being.

I’ve learned that a bold swashbuckling voice isn’t necessary. In fact, it’s counterproductive.

A beautiful red haired young woman with eyes closed speaks with her sound voice and not a voice of sound; blue waves of Light radiate in the background.

The voice you use in declaring affirmations is equally as important as the words you say. And there is only simple requirement:

Speak your affirmations with a sound voice.

Your sound voice is the voice of God within you. This is the voice of pure authentic knowing. It’s a steady, somewhat deeper, even voice of confidence that speaks more slowly. God’s not ever in a hurry.

You may feel you need the confidence to manifest your desires. But you never have to convince the God within.

Before you begin your prayer or affirmation practice you bring yourself to center.

Come to a sense of completeness, oneness and balance within yourself.

This doesn’t have to be a big production. You simply take a moment to breathe and let your sound voice bubble up and do the talking.

Before you begin your prayers or affirmations, say:

I call forth my sound Divine voice.

You are the Commander commanding your body, soul and spirit.

You must also let go of any mental conflict about your life—even concerning your affirmations.

If a battle’s waging in your ego mind, you have an unsound mind. And that conflict is definitely not fertile ground for creation.

Peace and resolution are the hallmarks of a sound mind and voice. With them you can speak with the voice of resolution and God-Isness.

An even toned sound voice is a voice that brings Light, not chaos, into the words you express. And Light is the fuel for the engine of manifestation.

Think of a time when you heard someone ranting or crying. Could that voice have possibly lent Light to the situation?

Your voice is not just a voice of sound. It can be a sound voice if you allow it to be.

The sound voice is not loud but it’s powerful.

It can even be soundless as in silent within yourself and still be powerful.

Your sound voice is beyond noise and the futile forcing of something into existence. Instead it confidently says without saying:

I am God and I create.

The sound voice is the God voice.

You put your whole being into the words you speak feeling no separation. You speak in the completeness, the wholeness and the soundness of yourself.

With serene unity of soul and spirit you utter your commands. Dynamism is not required. Only harmony of Self is.

Soundness is wholeness and oneness. We must always strive for these.

Affirm with the sound voice of Oneness Consciousness the greatest of all sound affirmations, “I am God.”

More than the words alone, your sound voice declares through this affirmation that you are one with the All and the All lives within you.

No edifice is a sound structure unless it’s a harmonized unit.

We’re like any soundly built edifice whose parts all come together harmoniously to make the whole. When we must harmonize our souls and spirits we feel sound and whole.

That oneness of soul and spirit reflects the oneness we feel with all of life.

With it we start experiencing much less emotional outburst. We feel more even and balanced which are Godly attributes.

Love and all its derivatives become our prevailing emotions.

Think of a person you know who lives in chaos. I’m sure if you listen to their manner of voice, you’ll hear sarcasm, whining, resentment, anger, victimhood or other negative tones.

A sound voice can’t possibly match up with chaos and bad things happening one after another.

Mirror your voice to the deep state of actuality within you.

There’s a deep spiritual state of actuality within you. It’s always awaiting your definite creative spoken word so it can start processing it into manifestation.

But your voice must mirror that deep state of actuality within. You already inherently know how that voice sounds.

In my primary article on affirmations, I wrote:

You must vocalize your affirmations with an even, calm voice that issues … resolution. Slowly you must speak the affirmations in a voice befitting of a kind sweet God.

You’re not speaking to a God of thunder or fury but a God of love, peace and equanimity.

You are matching your voice to the voice of the Mind of God.

You’re not emotionally commanding God to do anything. But you are working serenely with God to create. It’s your sound voice of God is that’s doing the commanding.

Try to always speak with a sound voice. Do it not just for your affirmations and prayer but in all your speech.

Call forth your Godly sound voice. It will bring calm to your being and to everyone you speak to.

Ask yourself what would be the attributes of God the Infinite. Then mirror those in your tone of voice and manner of speaking.

This is the beginning of beings who know who we are. We align to our God-Isness, soundness and wholeness.

Speak with the sound voice of God the Infinite within you. Allow your sound voice to arise from the belly of your soul as you speak affirmations and prayers. This is key for successful manifesting.

And don’t stop there. Summon your sound voice as you speak to people in everyday conversations. It may seem like a small or subtle action but its effects can be profound and ripple out into forever.

God knows, the world needs exactly that calming soundness right now.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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