The Vision Board Tool of Manifesting: Tips for Creating Yours You Might Not Have Thought Of.

Purusha Radha
5 min readJan 6, 2024


It’s always the right time to make yourself the great manifesting tool called the Vision Board. Most people who create them say that almost everything on their board sooner or later comes true. I’ve certainly found that to be so.

There are stories of people who tucked their Vision Board away and out of sight. When they rediscovered the board they were amazed to find that everything on the board had come true.

A Victorian sunroom with sunlight streaming through the ornate windows and cash falling from the ceiling piling up in the middle of the floor

I’m sharing with you a way to create your very personal Vision Board that I don’t hear people talk about.

There are some similarities between my methods and theirs. But I think my way is not only easier, it’ll get you more excited about your life’s desires.

Your Ongoing Changing Vision Board

Anything that grows stagnant loses the energy to create.

You want to be able to easily remove images that come true and replace them with new ones. That’s not so easy to do if you’re relying on finding magazine pictures to permanently paste on a board.

And if you have your Vision Board out in the open, you’re going to glance at your board every day. That’s important.

Your optical system and brain will process the images often merely by way of your peripheral vision and that’s all you need.

Whether you gaze directly at the images or your eyes catch them peripherally, your midbrain and subconscious go into motion to process your desires into creation.

So hang your Vision Board on the wall or feature it as a work of art on a small tabletop easel. I have mine resting on a small wooden tabletop easel I got at Wal-Mart for around $12.

People talk about creating online digital Vision Boards on the internet. Those probably won’t be anywhere near as effective for you as a tangible Vision Board will be.

And the only time you’ll see your digital Vision Board (if we can even call it that at his point) is if you open your phone or computer. A digital board simply won’t have the presence in your life that the physical board you created with your own hands will.

The Board Itself

I suggest purchasing a relatively inexpensive fabric memory/memo photo bulletin board. I saw one just today in Target for $12 in the stationery department. And there are many larger ones on Amazon for around $20. If you prefer to use a cork board that can work too.

You can pin your pictures to the memory board and move them around. This makes it easy to replace photos that don’t speak to you any more or those that have come true.

A three-story home with bay windows and flower boxes
The home I’d love to have!

Finding Images for Your Vision Board

While you can find good pictures in magazines, don’t restrict yourself to searching magazines for them. In most cases, they’ll only approximate what you’re looking for. Plus it can get expensive even if you buy used magazines at a thrift shop.

You have to be super lucky to find pictures in magazines that convey exactly what you want. And if you’re determined to do it this way, you’re going to spend an awful lot of time doing it.

There are easier ways.

You can find free beautiful photos at Pexels, Pixabay, and Unsplash online. But even these sources can often be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

You can also do just do an image search online. When you find what speaks to you print it out on good quality paper made for rich color printing. Most often I use 4 x 6” photo paper so my Vision Board has pictorial quality.

I created most of the pictures on my Vision Board using the Midjourney A.I. platform. It lets you create super specific images that match exactly with your desire.

For example, I have a desire to receive a big cash windfall. How are you going to find a picture to match that desire in a magazine or online photo source? Not easily at all. But I created an image with ease at Midjourney.

The picture features a large sunroom with tall windows and sunlight streaming through. (See picture featured above.) Cash is gently falling from the ceiling, sort of out of nowhere, piling up in the middle of the floor. It’s quite a clear image my subconscious can interpret and take action on.

I have pictures of myself in the future on my Vision Board. You can only do that if you use a good A.I. platform. (Midjourney may be the best one right now.)

This means you do have to print your images out yourself. I’d rather do that than hunt for pictures in magazines. I have more control this way.

Be sure to add affirmations and titles to your Vision Board. Hand write or create them in Word or Pages and then print them out. Don’t rely on trying to find just the right statements or titles in a chance magazine.

Love Your Vision Board.

It all makes for a really gorgeous Vision Board you can get behind. And if you can love your Vision Board, you’re going to have that much more success with it.

You want to post images of all the things you want to be, do and have. If you have an affirmation practice, get your ideas from there.

Include images that depict your spiritual life, your Body of Light, enlightenment, higher consciousness, aspirations and Mastery. Have pictures that portray your physical vitality and health and the way you want your body to look.

Post pictures of you realizing success in your station (service to others) or in your career. Show yourself in the near future as the person you desire to be.

Put yourself in the middle of abundance, family, relationships, a beautiful home, new companions, and travel.

Make your pictures specific. Create images of the way you want the rooms in your home to look or the specific places you want to travel to.

Include images of major life events you wish to experience.

From Vision to Manifesting

Be smart with your time and make your Vision Board super specific to you.

The Great Masters and Creator Gods used such specificity to create the multiverse — right down to the most minute detail.

Use these methods so your board aligns perfectly with you, who you are, and your desires. Get excited about it and the expanding life you’re soon to have.

Have tremendous fun creating your life… perfect image by perfect image.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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