The Sacred Haven You Call Home: Your Bedrock of Spiritual Support

Purusha Radha
5 min readDec 29, 2023


I like my home to be nice — clean, in order and welcoming. This is so my home has good energy to support my spiritual path and my whole being. In many ways, it represents who I am. But recently, a friend I reconnected with after several years told me my home reflected I had OCD.

A sweet stone cottage with a red door in the sunlight and red flowers near the doorway

Look. I know certain things bug me. I’ve been that way since a child. I straighten crooked pictures and chaos bothers me. What can I say?

I also never let my desire for order go to the extreme understanding that would be unhealthy. Balance is what I always strive for and you’ll see that if you come to my home and really look. Believe me, and at the risk of sounding like I doth protest too much, I’ve definitely got stuff that needs attention.

My friend’s on a similar spiritual path.
But I think she forgot these three spiritual principles:

  1. Energy is everywhere and must be allowed to flow. If energy gets stuck or impeded, it creates discomfort and even sickness.
  2. The Kabbalah principle, “As above, so below,”¹ is demonstrated even in our messy or ordered homes. Our homes (relationships, finances, health) reflect what’s going on in our minds — and in our spirituality.
  3. Starseeds are of noble celestial lineage. Where we come from, we’re all royals. There’s no such thing as chaos in our home worlds — only intentional beauty, harmony and order.

1. Energy must be allowed to flow.

Energy flow is a spiritual thing. The tidy-master Marie Kondo herself will tell you this.

If you have stacks of unfinished work, helter-skelter placement of objects and loads of clutter, it shows at least three things.

  • Your mind’s in chaos.
  • You’re neither paying attention to nor respecting the energy around you.
  • You haven’t realized your home as safe sanctuary.

You want the energy in your home to flow just like you want it to flow in your body. Make room for that energy to move and flow. Create spaces for it.

This usually means you need to declutter, pare down and organize like things with like.

Stuck energy in your environment will have an effect on your physical vital energy. Even in clutter and mayhem, you can still function and probably relatively well. I know people who do. But I also observe they’re not exactly oases of serenity either.

And while we don’t really have to go as far as Chinese feng shui, the art of placement is a good art to practice. You can do it easily simply by feeling how your home and the placement of objects in it feel to you.

It’s interesting how feng means wind and shui means water. Both elements naturally flow through spaces.

Along with helping energy to flow, make your home your safe sanctuary.

You go out into the world every day and even if no one accosts you, you still come home and thankfully shut the door to the world behind you.

This is your home base — the place where you recollect yourself.

This home of yours should be your safe space. It should welcome you with open arms and nurture and caress you. Your home should be the place you say, “Ahhhhh.”

Restoring. Loving. Uplifting.

More than a safe sanctuary, it can be your temple. Your home shouldn’t be a flop house where you throw things around and consume television all night long.

Make it the home of a God.

2. As above. So below. From the home to the mind and from the mind to the home.

Every level (from the base material to energetic spiritual) cascades up or down to the other.

Clean out and organize your closets and dresser drawers, and your mind will follow suit. Try it. It works.

You can’t blame your home sanctuary for mental and emotional imbalance. But your home with either support your balance or it won’t.

As for my friend, you may have guessed it. Her home’s very cluttered, unappealing, with objects all over congesting energy flow. And I may be understating it. She cries and gets angry and combative a lot.

Maybe her emotional state creates her home. Or maybe it’s the other way around. Who knows for sure? But one thing I do know is that when you deal with one you naturally take care of the other.

An artistic rendition of a seventh dimension crystal home on the Pleiades with fairies on the ground
An artistic rendition of a future seventh dimension crystal home in the Pleiades

3. Starseeds are the royal blood of their future seventh dimension families and of the Holy Spirit.

Would people who know and feel such royalty of their beings just toss things around and surround themselves with erratic energies?

Instead, wouldn’t they fold and carefully place articles that clothe a God? Wouldn’t they create an ambiance reflective of their souls and make care of the home a priority?

God is about order, not chaos. As Divine Offspring it follows we’d choose energetic order and beauty.

There’s a reason for the adage: “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”

Starseeds come from home worlds where we live completely on purpose. Our crystal home structures radiate with Light, Energy and Love. Everything is beauty and harmony. And while we can’t yet completely duplicate that here on Earth, we can approach it as best we can.

We can begin to remember. Creating homes befitting such royalty will help us remember ourselves.

Your home says everything about you.

If you’re getting the idea that maybe you have work to do with your home environment, go into the feeling of what it’s like to live in truly intentional uplifting energy. It should feel magnificent.

Our homes are just as important as all the other aspects of our lives.

Your home stands for who you are. It says everything about you. It should reflect what you feel in your heart and soul. And if it doesn’t, you’ve got a new project to pursue.

Don’t ever apologize or make excuses to anyone for your beautiful home sanctuary as I certainly won’t.

Let your home be your uplifting nurturing temple not just for yourself but all who enter there.

Closing Note: I understand all this can be much more challenging to accomplish with children or other people in the house who don’t think like you. I’ve found that children actually love the structure and the serene environment it creates. In fact, they require this sereneity since their energy is so much of the time at peak level. As for other adults in your home, I’m certain it will positively affect them. You’ll probably find them cooperating rather than fighting against it.

¹ “As above, so below” is a popular modern paraphrase of the second verse of the Emerald Tablet by Hermes Trismegistus (called by some the Greek God Hermes and by others the Egyptian God Thoth). Translated from the latin, the passage reads: That which is above is like to that which is below, and that which is below is like to that which is above.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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