The Walking Nighttime Meditation: Divine Knowledge and Guidance Shower Down On You This Way Too.

Purusha Radha
6 min readSep 30, 2023


One of the most fulfilling ways to meditate is the practice of walking meditation outdoors. By walking, gazing at and appreciating nature around you the chatterbox mind quiets down.

You ride the River of Consciousness. Knowledge and guidance that can only be described as Divine showers down on you.

… we have to transcend cultural languages and fall into a phase with the communication systems that nature has placed all around us. —Terence McKenna

You can choose to enjoy your walking meditation during the more active daylight or more quiet nighttime hours. Both bring energies while walking that support your meditation but in different ways.

According to ancient Chinese philosophy, daylight is yang energy and nighttime is yin energy. Feel it for yourself and you’ll see that it’s true.

Yang energy is active, bright, outward, loud, hard, fast, warm and masculine. Yin, on the other hand, is passive, dark, inward, quiet, soft, slow, cold and feminine.

I’ve walked and meditated a lot on bright sunny days in nature preserves and parks. And it’s vital we experience and commune with nature during the daytime.

But my favorite time for walking meditation is at night. It’s probably because it’s so conducive to the yin energy already rooted in meditation.

Meditation is a very inward focusing practice. It’s very yin so it’s perfect to combine it with the night which is also very yin.

If you’re walking at night, your safest place to walk is your neighborhood. There are enough trees, plants and critters to make it enough of a natural setting. Besides, you’ve got the sky to look up to, filled with celestial energy.

Walk at your own chosen pace. Don’t pay attention to what teachers dictate about that.

Walk in complete silence or talk softly to yourself as inspiration and messages from your Oversoul bubble up.

More reasons to walk and meditate in the evening hours

  • No one else is out walking aside from the occasional dog walker. Not usually. You have your mystical space pretty much all to yourself.
  • It’s quieter, in fact, extremely quiet and still. Almost everyone’s in their homes winding down their days. The energies of the people are calming as they get ready for bed. There’s much less energetic interference.
  • You get to experience the energy of the moon, stars and planets in the night sky. For most people, when we go outside it’s usually during the daytime. We see and feel the sun and its warmth and energy, but not so much what comes with the night. At night you create for yourself a unique holy opportunity.
  • Critters you don’t usually see during the day, come out at night. Many of them sing so beautifully in chorus. You can take in their healing tones.
  • You’re not too crazy after a long day of work to get off the couch for a walk. But the evening and later night have many gifts waiting for you. Once you get going you’ll be so glad you did and you’ll want to make it a regular practice. Each walk will be unique even if you take the same route. The evening walk will give you the nurturing you need.
  • When the weather gets very cold, blustery, snowy and icy, choose to walk in the evening when conditions are safe. Try not to let weather stop you from your practice. Bundle up, but don’t be afraid of the elements either. Slightly underdressing lets you experience the air and breezes.
  • You encourage your unseen vital energy to flow better throughout your body. Blood and lymph circulation flow better too. Your cardiovascular system is improved even if you walk slowly. In a very enjoyable way, you encourage health, youth and vitality, both physically and energetically.

All of nature showers you with its perfect energy. Take cues from the wisdom of the natural world and cosmos.

The celestial

  • The silvery moonlight displays its stoic serene spirit. The moon’s cycles demonstrate the cycles of life to you. Learn to live in harmony with them.
  • Stars sparkle with a radiant light just like the Light within you. Notice this and take it into your heart.
  • Clouds backlit by moonlight make picture formations to offer you Divine messages. Stop and feel what they are saying to you.

The trees

  • Majestic trees of all ages speak strength and wisdom no matter the wind or weather.
  • Gladly accept the drop of baptismal holy water the tree plops on your head as you walk by. The tree is acknowledging and appreciating you.
  • Take home the tiny leafy twig presented you on your path. Place it on your altar. The tree gave you a humble but sacred gift.
  • Speak to the trees with love especially the one with the lone branch that waves to you. It acknowledges your mutual relationship and essence. Tell the trees (and all flora you see) just how beautiful they are.
  • Accept the trees’ friendship and healing. Touch them. Yes, embrace them.

The breezes

  • Let the beautiful wind blow through your auric field (aura) to cleanse it of energetic density. Ask the gentle breeze to take with it whatever is not of the highest Divine Light.
  • Notice the flow of the breeze. Breathe like the breeze. Intend to flow with life just like the breeze.

The animals

  • The toads and frogs, cicadas and crickets all sing joyful songs. Contemplate how to bring such song into your life. Accept their healing tones.
  • Observe how still the animals are. Bring that stillness into your home when return from your walk. Observe the toad who sits motionless under the streetlight. What can you learn from its example?
  • The cats in the street own the night. They appreciate night’s energies and bask in them. Take your cues from our feline yin energy friends.
  • Say kind words to all animal life you encounter. They are superconsciously one with you so you be one with them.

What happens on your nighttime meditation walk

“Ask and you shall receive.”

Ask your questions and wait for the answers to be revealed. They will often come within seconds. And if they don’t, just wait.

Don’t let your mind furtively search for answers. Answers may come to you in your dreams or the next day or next week. But they will come.

The Divine doesn’t leave questions unanswered. You just have to learn how to hear them. Intend to be open to receive and hear.

Some of the greatest bits of counsel I ever received for my business, I got when I walked at night. I took that guidance and used it in my creations with tremendous success.

When I was going through an extremely challenging relationship, I got the wisdom and peace I needed on these walks. It made me sane.

When I want to know what’s around the corner or down the road, I ask to know on these walks. This helps me be precognitive. I’ve made many correct decisions based on what came back to me during these meditation walks.


The more you practice any kind of meditation, the more serene and at ease you become. You no longer tolerate chaos and drama in your life.

Your inner and outer serenity encourages you to make necessary and welcomed changes in your life.

You become more resilient and responsive to life. And the Light grows within you. You become enlightened.

The cipher of energy

Wherever you walk be sure to bless all the other inhabitants along the way. I bless the homes I walk by and I send Light to the people in them. Little do they know as they’re sitting watching television or worrying about tomorrow, someone is outside their home caring about them.

You create a circulating cipher of energy when you take the nighttime walk to meditate. There is give and receive and it’s really so beautiful.

It nurtures and supports and lifts you up. The experience gives you all you need to go back to your home and into your life.

And you are taking the opportunity to give back to all living beings in the natural and cosmic worlds. They rarely get a peep of appreciative kind words or thoughts from any human being.

I’ve practiced nighttime walking meditation for some 40 years now and it never gets old. If you don’t already, I hope you’ll give it a try.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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