We Are Free of Any Obligation to Die.

Purusha Radha
6 min readNov 11, 2023


If you’ve ever read the words of a true Master, you’d hear the Master say you never have to die. Masters call death deceasing the flesh body. And they find death profane because they understand more than we do, exactly who we are.

A beautiful Christmas wreath and symbol of immortality with a red satin bow and white roses
The Christmas Wreath: Symbol of Immortality

When I say Master I don’t mean bestselling self-improvement gurus. And I wouldn’t include the Dalai Lama, Sadhguru or Deepak Chopra in the list either. All those people have good knowledge about life eternal but many of them, if not all, obviously end up dying.

They die because they missed the unlimitedness teaching and believe they must die. Great teachers that they are, they never took their own teachings beyond.

They haven’t ridden the continuum of their teachings into true unlimitedness.

Many of the Masters I’m talking about have visited the planet from the future Pleiades very many times. They’ve been oracled by various starseeds especially since the 80s.

These Masters also appear in the books, Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East. You can also learn from them in many of Barbara Marciniak’s books. And there are others.

These transcendent Masters bring up the subject of immortality often.

They urge us to hear them when they say we absolutely don’t have to grow old, wither and die.

And the message, which a relatively privileged few get to hear, falls on deaf ears almost completely.

Most people are deaf to the message because we’ve come in forgetting our origins and destiny. We’ve had to completely forget who and what we are to incarnate, work from the inside, and help the planet graduate to the fifth dimension.

But these Masters from our home worlds promised to keep prodding us until we heard. There are just so many layers of muck 3D programming to break through. We took it all on really, through no fault of our own. It happens starting right at birth.

But if we have Masters shouting truth to us…

We shouldn’t just hear it. We should listen, don’t you think?

They know an awful lot more than we do. Why ever would we reject or pass over these nuggets of gold unless we don’t believe?

And there’s the truth right there. Almost none believe. And I think more than that, almost none want to believe.

Do we really choose not to believe or hear the truth about our own immortality? And why?

I remember the first time I heard one of these Masters say we didn’t have to decease our bodies.

It was like a light bulb went on inside me. And it wasn’t because I was afraid of dying. I was quite young so those thoughts weren’t even in my consciousness at the time.

I only know that her words were seared into my mind. And through the years I’d hear her say it again and again.

The last time she said it, I don’t know how she could’ve been more clear: No one in the room ‘wrote’ to decease their flesh bodies this lifetime.

And yet since that night, a steady progression of deaths have occurred among the people I know who were there.

I sound like I think avoiding death is easy to accomplish and that it should have been for them. My apologies for that. I don’t mean to be insensitive but inquisitive. It’s how we learn, of course. And I feel the story example is an important one.

Through the years, whenever I’d bring up to any of them what I so clearly heard, it was always crickets. Either that or most of them looked at me like I had two heads.

They’d tell me they never even heard the message. Is it because they chose not to? Had they already simply made such a firm choice to die?

What is it about the message that we’re all immortals that makes people just shut down?

Is our 3D programming that sinister and deep?

It so often pushes us to opt for limitation rather than strive to be truly great. We let it prevent us from fulfilling on our birthright.

And so we stay limited and closed—barely living—let alone triumphing over death.

The transcendent Pleiadian Master Ramtha² said:

In man’s beginnings on this plane — when man still knew he was God — he lived in the same embodiment for thousands of years because the power that gave the body immortality was the purity of unlimited thought

A midnight sky with a bright white North Star shining brightly
The North Star: Symbof of Immortality

We’re steered toward fearful deaths that don’t line up with who we are.

In Bringers of the Dawn,³ the future Pleiadian Masters also talk about this problem:

You have been steered toward fearful deaths through stories that do not unite you with who you are and so you die poisoned, sick and toxic.

It is difficult to rise up like a fountain and keep yourself intact when you approach the great doorway of death in this state… a vast problem on your planet.

And then they ask us all the most magnificent question designed to get us thinking without limits:

When you contemplate the future, do you envision that you will terminate at some point or do you read that mysterious place of immortality?

And from the Masters in Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East:

There is no mystery; we have only reached a place in consciousness where we are able to receive the highest teachings, the place where Jesus is today. It is a place in consciousness where we know that by putting off mortality, we are able to take on immortality; where we know that man is immortal, sinless, deathless, unchangeable, eternal…

And Jesus in that same book (Volume 1):

So many see only that part of my life which ended on the cross, forgetting that the greater part is as I am now; forgetting entirely that man still lives, even after what seems a violent death. Life cannot be destroyed.

It goes on and on and life well lived never degenerates nor passes. Even the flesh may be immortalized so that it never changes.

The teachings on immortality aren’t in some obscure book buried deep in catacombs somewhere.

They’re quite available. More than that, they’ll find their way to you. But you must begin contemplating your own immortality persistently.

And if it’s logic you want, here’s the simple logic.

In a former article, I wrote this:

Our Creator replicated us from Itself. God the Infinite does not age, nor decay and die.

Made in the image and likeness of that which created us, why would be believe in sickness, aging, decay and death?

We call ourselves beings but do we stop to contemplate the true meaning of the word? Being means we are — not the chaos of the world — but the serenity of our Creator.

God the Infinite purely, simply and unlimitedly exists without thought of death — only being.

As offspring of God the Infinite this means that we’re just like God.

God is an Isness. You are an Isness. And…

Death is a blasphemy to an Isness.

Provocative words from a transcendent Pleiadian Master I know.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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¹ Spalding, Baird T. Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 1. United States, DeVorss Publications, 1935.

² Ramtha: The White Book. United States, JZK Publishing, 2018.

³ Marciniak, Barbara. Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians. United States, Inner Traditions/Bear, 1992.

