Physician, Heal Thyself!

Purusha Radha
8 min readNov 8, 2023


Physical healing doesn’t just happen to you. You have to cause it to occur. True healing is really up to you.

The Master Sananda, known on Earth as Jesus, from the future Pleiades radiating with Light and holding a sphere of Light
The future seventh dimension Pleidian Master Sananda, known on Earth as Jesus

You won’t usually find real healing in traditional Western medicine. Conventional medicine manages symptoms and rarely creates a cure.

Western medicine knows little of nutrition and doesn’t understand the meaning of healing and cure. Usually, when they create a good outcome, it will be relatively quick but they really have just manipulated symptoms.

That’s why people flock to doctors and take pharmaceuticals. They get near instant relief from their uncomfortable or painful symptoms. But they don’t realize their symptoms have only been manipulated.

The condition almost always still exists.

Symptoms are red flags that signal an underlying condition. They’re not really the sickness or disease. Symptoms are outward signs that something not so good’s going on inside the body.

Better put, symptoms are signs your body is out-of-balance. And you won’t be out of balance with just one organ or piece of tissue.

It’s always systemic meaning an entire system will be out of equilibrium.

Traditional Chinese medicine has it right. It looks to find the imbalance and then work to achieve that balance. And it also involves the whole person. It takes your emotions and stresses into account in order to understand and correct your condition.

This is true healing at work.

Sometimes it helps to take a drug.

If symptoms are very uncomfortable they’re going to grip your attention. Sometimes it benefits to take a drug for relief. Doing so can help you get your mind off your symptoms.

That helps you devote your mental energy towards healing. And it’s a fact that what we focus on mentally only gets bigger.

Taking a pharmaceutical for some relief can help jumpstart you in a more positive direction. But remember, the condition still exists. It’s only that you aren’t feeling or seeing it outwardly quite as acutely.

Who really creates the cure?

As managers of symptoms for the most part, it’s a travesty the medical establishment is the only one allowed to use the word cure.

Holistic practitioners work towards cures. But if they use the word, the medical machine comes after them.

And ultimately, the real one doing the curing is you. Any holistic practitioner with integrity will tell you that. They’re merely working with the God Spirit within you as facilitators.

You will always be the one creating the healing.

In essence, the body listens to your commands. Very many of your hormones and neurotransmitters are deeply involved in your healing.

Your body responds to the commands you give it. It’s just that you have to get in the habit of giving it good commands and very often.

As a result of your commands, you’ll sometimes be led to a healing tool. Or you might hear a solution that gets your attention. You could even have an outright miraculous healing.

I wrote a whole article on that topic here.

Conventional Medicine Versus Holistic Healing

Conventional medicine is very good at diagnosing and taking care of emergency situations. And it can give us temporary relief from pain and suffering. We’d be lost without those.

Holistic healing, true curative healing, is more slow. It’s an incremental process. It builds from day to day. You have to understand that.

But once you’ve achieved the healing, you are truly healed. Your healing will endure.

Diseases and conditions that are treated with drugs or sometimes surgery often return. Many people relapse, because it isn’t real healing. It was only a Band-Aid sort of treatment.

It’s important, if you’re reading this, to begin right now to establish balance in your body. And then maintain that balance as best you can.

How do you do that?

First, you must become really and truly intimate with your body. You need to be able to understand all of its nuances and how it communicates with you.

Talk to your body. Listen to it.

You need to get to a point where you know what is going on with your body in nearly every moment. Learn to understand your unique body and what makes it tick.

This is so you can give it what it needs and treat it the way it needs to be treated.

Be proactive with your body and health. Begin now rather than wait until something builds up that takes you past the point of no return.

This may take awhile but dive in and enjoy the journey.

Develop a relationship of deep appreciation with your body. It has carried you through life all this time and it wants to continue serving you.

There’s a magnificent way to give your body such appreciation and I wrote about it in this article:

Strive now to develop such intimacy with your body so you don’t have a much bigger challenge in your future.

You will soon become so close with your body you can hear its slightest whispers that something’s gone off balance. Then you can spring into immediate action to give your body what it requires.

And mostly what your body requires is understanding, appreciation, and tender loving care.

I say all this having healed myself from a number of conditions that people run to the doctor and take drugs for.

Years ago, starting out on my spiritual path, my path was so important to me I saw my body as a nuisance. It was just this bag of bones and flesh I had to carry around with me. I didn’t stop to think it was my soul’s container, my Divine vessel.

Then I finally realized the very important symbiotic relationship the body has with mind and Spirit. That’s when I began to better heal myself when something went wrong. And I’ve experienced a steady development in my ability to heal myself.

Emotion in Healing

I have a dear companion who passed earlier this year. When he died he had several diseases ravaging his body, not just one.

Somewhere along the line he just gave up. On the surface, he believed everything I’m saying here but he didn’t deeply believe it.

He didn’t really take himself as healer into his heart and soul.

Instead, he chose to watch television all day long, drink alcohol and be angry. Depressed by his self-created misfortune, he shut himself away from people. He felt like a failure in his spiritual life. And he just gave up.

Any day, at any moment, he could’ve begun again. Feeling the mountain was insurmountable, he never did begin again.

He harbored anger and refused to forgive. And that eats away at you. That’s what happens when we don’t take charge and work to heal ourselves on all levels including the emotional.

My friend was a very good soul. But if you sit in an easy chair all day and night long watching television and diddle through life, when you don’t venture into the consciousness of healing, it stands to reason you’re never going to heal your body. No miracle medicine in the world will help you either.

Instead, you’ll degenerate and suffer for years like my friend and no one really deserves to live like that.

We’re meant to be whole and full of life and vitality. When we go out-of-balance, we must bring ourselves back to balance again.

Again, talk to your body.

Literally talk to your body as a friend. In the light of all of the struggles of life your body has taken care of you the best it could.

Your body has weathered the storms of sickness. It has weathered the stress you have subjected it to.

And still it lives.

Give your body tender loving care even now when you’re well. Tell your body how much you love it. Let your body know that you’re one with it. Treat your body like royalty.

If you’re sick or manifesting some kind of symptom, ask your body what it needs for repair. Tell your body that whatever that is you will supply it.

Recognize your body as a Vessel of the Universe. It’s a Vessel of the God that lives within you.

It is God’s palace.

Don’t buy into the belief system on this earth that says everyone must get sick and die.

Christs know they’re not supposed to buy into these lies and they don’t.

Every time you do there’s an entity of darkness smiling because it’s winning. It’s getting what it wants which is a bunch of sick and suffering people so it can feed off that energy.

Immortality is in all of our DNA. If immortality is in our DNA then we’re not meant to decay and decease our bodies through sickness and so-called ‘age.’

Our Creator replicated us from Itself. God the Infinite does not age, nor decay and die.

Made in the image and likeness of that which created us, why would be believe in sickness, aging, decay and death?

A woman of slightly more mature age revels in her innate Divine ability to heal herself
the innate Divine ability to heal oneself

No matter your age, you can become the healer you are inside.

In fact, the older you are the better.

Do you know why?

Because you’re wiser. Because you have the benefit of years and years of experience, knowledge and wisdom.

As we grow older we should be getting better not worse.

That’s another lie we’re taught to believe — that with old age comes decay and ugliness. It’s one big fat lie almost everyone buys into.

Look around you. You’ll see it everywhere. And everyone thinks it’s normal.

In fact, it’s abnormal. And the sooner we wake up to this truth, the sooner our world turns around in an instant.

Some people get so sick and exhausted after so years of life they actually really just want to die. Fearing they won’t be able to survive they don’t want to live long.

But if you can keep yourself from aging aggressively with a healthy body all along, you have powers.

You have the power to survive very well past 100 years and not in a nursing home either.

When you can do things like that…

You can do anything.

Supposedly, the thymus gland, the gland responsible for a robust immune system, diminishes to next to nothing as we get older.

This doesn’t have to be so. It’s all a matter of thought, belief and attitude.

Command that your thymus gland and immune system are strong and vibrant. Command you are full of vitality and energy.

I hope you’ll have a look at the article I wrote that outlines how to do this here:

No one else can really do your healing for you.

Realize yourself as Vessel of Divine Light, Love and Spirit, and you’ll know you’re never alone in your healing.

You have the greatest physician there could ever be… right within yourself.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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