Learning About Collaboration in Community Science From from Youth Leaders in the Klamath Basin

2 min readJun 9, 2016


Grant Gilkison, Katherine Kim and Jose Ramirez brought lessons from their research in the Klamath Basin to Quantified Self Public Health 22016. Photo: Kristy Walker

“Our staples were acorns and salmon. Within the last five generous that’s all been taken away from us and replaced with sugar and flour. Diabetes runs rampant, so we’re educating our children.” — Grant Gilkison

Four years ago Grant Gilkison set out to help the young people in his community explore the reality of the food system in the Klamath Basin. Although this remote area of Northern California coast is ecologically rich, with a history of knowledge and trade in a vast range of wild and cultivated foods, today it is a food desert. Collaborating with UC Davis researcher Kathy Kim, Grant involved local youth in assessing food security by scanning foods, measuring health, and surveying residents of the towns along the river. In the video below, you can listen to Grant, Kathy, and Jose Ramirez, one of the youth leaders who worked on the food security study, talk with other symposium participants about the successes of their program and the barriers they dealt with. Their presentation and the Q&A that follows is deeply revealing about the prospects for collaboration in community science and the possibilities for change.

Jose Ramirez and Grant Gilkison talk about research, resources, and trust in academic-community collaborations.

