Anomaly in Ancient Egypt: Consequences of Authoritarian Parenting on Disobedient Children

Rabitta Shahbaz
5 min readSep 5, 2023


Hey everyone, welcome back to “History Mystery”!

Today, we’re embarking on a time-traveling adventure into ancient Egypt to explore authoritarian parenting and the intriguing consequences that awaited those cheeky kiddos who dared to defy their parental authority.

Located on the banks of the Nile 2700 years ago, Ancient Egypt was famous for its magnificent artifacts i.e., pyramids, pharaohs, and mummies. Egyptians specialized in engineering, agriculture, and medicine as well as developed hieroglyphic writing and left behind a vast collection of religious texts known as the Book of the Dead.

The punishments for the mischievous little troublemakers in this successful and full-of-charm civilization were as interesting as the pyramids themselves.

Being a child in ancient Egypt was like walking a narrow path above the Nile, except the crocodiles below were the mighty expectations set by the parents and even bigger punishments waiting to snap at your heels!

Verbal Reprimands

Verbal reprimands were the foremost consequence that awaited the uncompliant kids. When a child crossed a line and dared to go against the expectations, the parents didn’t hold back letting them know how disappointed they were feeling.

A verbal storm would unleash upon the kids that were intimidating enough to even make the mighty Sphinx shudder! Those stern words conveyed disapproval, making it clear that their defiant behavior and disobedience were thoroughly disliked.

Corporal/ Physical Punishments:

Let’s delve into the stricter disciplinary methods employed by ancient Egyptian parents. Compared to their predecessors in Ancient Mesopotamia, the Egyptians seemed to have just the same if not more low level of patience for their kid’s disobedience.

Parents didn’t hesitate to unleash the mighty power of their hands, resorting to spanking, slapping, or even a good old-fashioned caning as part of their disciplinary repertoire.

The severity and frequency of these punishments may have varied depending on the family and the offense committed, but one thing is for sure — ancient Egyptian kids had a healthy respect for their parents’ mighty palms.

Wanna explore the forbidden behaviors in ancient Egypt? It’s not what you think. Find out more by clicking here.

Stripped Of Privileges: Zero Privileges For Disobedience:

Another trick that worked like magic to get the kids in ancient Egypt on track and fly right was to deprive defiant kids of their privileges. “Zero privileges for disobedience” echoed in the kid’s head who dared to go against the parental authority.

It was like watching a clever magician whisk away your favorite toy right before your eyes. Stubborn kids would have to wave goodbye to cherished playdates with friends, their beloved possessions, and leisure activities.

Along with the toys and playdates, school was also considered a luxury back in 3100 B.C. and both parents and young fellows of the society didn’t take education in ancient Egypt lightly.

If a child consistently disobeyed or neglected their responsibilities, parents could restrict their access to schooling and strip them of their learning opportunities.

Those kids must have felt truly devastated, not being able to attend school.

Personally, if my parents had adopted this ancient Egyptian authoritarian parenting style, I wouldn’t have wasted so much time perfecting my Oscar-worthy acting skills, pretending to have a stomachache every morning just to escape the dreaded school routine.

Extra Chores:

Assigning extra chores or tasks was another way parents taught responsibility, discipline, and the importance of fulfilling obligations. Parents would assign more house chores or outdoor tasks as a consequence of their disobedience.

It’s like if you don’t do what’s assigned to you properly and on time, then be prepared to shoulder even more tasks and duties.

Final Words.

And that’s all for today!

In this blog, we caught a glimpse into the captivating world of ancient Egyptian strict parenting. From thunderous verbal reprimands to disappearing privileges, and physical punishments, these parents knew just where to hit to keep their mischievous little ones in check.

It’s fascinating to see how the consequences in ancient Egypt left no room for slacking off.

Fortunately, we’ve come a long way since then. Parenting practices have evolved, now emphasizing positive reinforcement, open communication, and nurturing our little ones’ growth.

So, the next time you find yourself in a disagreement with your parents, remember the ancient Egyptian consequences and be grateful for the more enlightened approach we have today.

What are your thoughts on the parenting approach of ancient Egypt? Let me know in the comments.

Take care! ❤



Rabitta Shahbaz

I'm here to unravel the fascinating evolution of parenting , in short, how the parents have gone soft over time and much more!"