Behave or Beware: 7 Taboos Ancient Egyptian Kids Couldn’t Ignore!

Rabitta Shahbaz
5 min readAug 8, 2023


Nestled along the captivating Nile River, Egypt unveils its treasures of majestic pyramids, awe-inspiring pharaohs, and enigmatic mummies, each shrouded in a tapestry of history and wonder!

Over 5,000 years ago, the scenic civilization of Ancient Egypt thrived along the banks of the Nile River, with its rich history and cultural wonders.

Their mysterious script, and hieroglyphics, whisper untold tales of gods and mortals, hidden in cryptic symbols like doors to the past. Amidst the veils of eternity, the Book of the Dead emerges illuminating the path to a realm beyond our comprehension.

And in this “Book of the Dead,” we also find valuable insights into the specific strict rules and restrictions ancient Egyptian parents used to ensure the proper upbringing and behavior of their children.

Pharaoh’s Disciplinary Code: Forbidden Behaviors in Ancient Egypt.

Discipline and restraint were the code of life for the ancient Egyptians, and they expected their children to follow the same path.

“Children need to listen to more experienced people and live by obeying the commands of authorities and God”

That was the ideology of the Ancient Egyptians.

Here are seven practices that were strictly forbidden for children in ancient Egypt, or else the disobedient would lead a life as Anomaly in Ancient Egypt.

Disrespect Towards Parents/Authority:

Children were expected to show utmost respect and obedience to their parents. Abusive behavior or bad language from parents was considered highly inappropriate and unacceptable.

Strict Egyptian teacher ready to teach disobedient children a lesson.

And the same goes for other authority figures like teachers and elders. Disobeying their instructions or questioning their authority was discouraged and punishable.

Theft and Dishonesty:

Honesty and integrity were highly valued qualities in ancient Egypt. Children were forbidden to engage in theft, dishonesty, or deception.

If God forbid, a child is caught engaging in an illicit act, both the child and his family face serious consequences, including,

  • Paying double or triple the value of the stolen item
  • In extreme cases, mutilation of the arm.
The punishment for stealing ranged from paying double the stolen value to more severe measures like extreme beating or even organ mutilation

Aladdin was a lucky man to escape such consequences. Otherwise, he spent his entire life working hard to cover the prices of the things he stole and the small frauds he had committed.

Skipping Education:

Education was highly valued in ancient Egypt, and children were expected to make their education a priority. Skipping education was a major concern for ancient Egyptian parents, as it prevented their children from acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for their future roles.

Education in ancient Egypt had a strong religious and moral aspect, teaching children about the gods, the afterlife, and the values ​​of their culture.

Parents believed that an educated child has more chances of a successful and fulfilling life both in this world and in the hereafter. Therefore, neglecting studies was a serious offense, and loss of opportunities for personal growth, and a failure to uphold societal values.

Disobeying Cultural and Religious Practices:

In ancient Egypt, local culture and religion played an important role in people’s daily lives. Children were expected to wholeheartedly adopt cultural and religious practices, participate in religious rites, and observe certain traditions.

The ancient Egyptians were extremely sensitive about these matters, and any instance of disobedience or neglect of these practices by children was not tolerated and had profound consequences.


Ancient Egyptian strict parents emphasized the value of hard work and diligence. Like their predecessors Mesopotamians, in Ancient Egyptian civilization children were also expected to actively participate in,

  • Household chores
  • Assist in family businesses
  • Complete the assigned duties responsibly

or else their unannounced laziness would get them in grave trouble.

Immoral Behavior and Inappropriate Socializing:

Modesty and decency were highly valued in Ancient Egyptian society. Children were expected to dress appropriately and behave modestly, and banned from engaging in indecent or inappropriate behavior.

They also had strict guidelines regarding socializing. Children were only allowed to associate with individuals of good character and avoid bad influences. Mingling with the bad company was strongly discouraged.

Excessive Indulgence:

Ancient Egyptian parents emphasized the importance of moderation and self-control. Children were restricted from excessive indulgence in food, drinks, or material possessions. In conclusion, greediness and gluttony were not allowed.

Final Words:

Observing the restrictions and disciplinary measures in ancient Egypt provides valuable insight into the cultural and social values ​​of the time.

Emphasis on discipline, respect, and adherence to rules was paramount in shaping the character and virtues of the younger generation.

Through these strict parenting techniques, ancient Egyptian parents sought to instill a sense of responsibility and respect for authority, preparing their children to become contributing members of the society they valued.

Past practices may differ from modern parenting practices, but they reflect the diverse ways societies have raised their children throughout the ages.

Reflecting on their parenting style, would you consider adopting such a strict parenting style?

Share your thoughts in the comments and join us for more captivating Dives Back in Time ❤



Rabitta Shahbaz

I'm here to unravel the fascinating evolution of parenting , in short, how the parents have gone soft over time and much more!"