Website of Generous Individuals Giving Away Money

7 min readMar 4, 2024


Maybe right now you are in a situation when you need money and you don’t know how to receive it. Or you do everything but still have not enough money. Then read this article and discover a website where generous individuals give away money. My article will help you connect with kind-hearted donors.

Understanding the Concept of Generosity in Online Giving

​​Nowadays the concept of generosity has taken on a whole new dimension with online giving becoming increasingly popular. Websites such as GoFundMe, Kickstarter, and Patreon have provided a platform where individuals can donate money to causes they believe in or directly support individuals in need. These platforms have revolutionized the way people give money away and have made it easier than ever for both the rich and kind-hearted to contribute to various charitable endeavors.

Photo by Celyn Kang on Unsplash

One of the remarkable aspects of online giving is the accessibility it provides to both the givers and receivers. In the past, finding individuals or organizations to support financially could be a challenging task, often requiring considerable effort and research. However, with the rise of online giving platforms, individuals in need can now easily create profiles or campaigns and share their stories with a vast online community. This allows kind-hearted people to connect directly with those in need, thereby ensuring their donations make a tangible impact on someone’s life.

Websites, where rich or kind people give money away, have also shifted the narrative around wealth and generosity. In a society often characterized by income disparities, these platforms have created the space for individuals with financial means to give back in meaningful ways. It no longer requires enormous wealth to make a difference; even smaller donations can contribute significantly to a cause. The power of collective generosity is harnessed on these websites, showing that every contribution, no matter how big or small, is valued and can make a lasting impact.

However, it is essential to exercise caution when engaging in online giving. While many platforms have measures in place to verify the credibility of individuals or organizations seeking donations, scams, and fraudulent campaigns do exist. It is crucial for donors to thoroughly research and assess the authenticity of a cause before contributing. By exercising due diligence and utilizing trusted and reputable websites, individuals can ensure their generosity reaches those who genuinely require assistance.

Photo by Christian Dubovan on Unsplash

Online giving has innovated the concept of generosity, opening up new opportunities for people to support causes and individuals they are passionate about. It is important to choose online giving with caution and research, ensuring donations are directed towards real causes. With these considerations in mind, online giving can be a powerful tool for making a positive impact on the lives of others.

Online Platform Where Rich Benefactors Donate Money

Are you in need of financial assistance? Luckily there are online platforms where rich and kind-hearted individuals donate money to those in need. If you are in a difficult situation right now and you need money support, look no further. Here I will introduce you to the cool online platforms where generous people give money away.


One of the well-known platforms is BeggingMoney which provides a platform for people to share their stories and request financial assistance. This website allows users to read the stories of others, which can help them gain inspiration and insights on how to craft their own stories. The Ask for money page on this platform provides clear instructions on how to create an effective request for financial help. The website provides financial and emergency assistance for free.

Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

You can get money for different needs, there are a bunch of different categories: animals, Backpackers, Business Capital, Car Repairs, Dental, Emergency Money, Eviction Notice, Home Foreclosure, Medical Bills, Mortgage, Rent, Single Dads, Single Moms, Student Loans, Tuition Fees, Uncategorized, Wishes, etc.

You will be able to receive all donated funds directly to your free PayPal account.

Everything that you need to do it’s:

  • Open the link to this website
  • Write at least 400 words explaining your situation
  • to have a PayPal account
  • Fill in the form.
Begging Money form

But you must explain properly why you should receive a donation because typing “I need $500,000 to buy a dream house” doesn’t work.

On the website, you can read the stories of other people if you don’t have an idea how to start to write.

On the page Ask for Money, you can find all the instructions.

“Ask For Money” Button

Tips for Maximizing Your Chances of Receiving Financial Assistance

The most important thing in this matter is to honestly tell your story about how you got into the situation and what time you need. You should not make up a non-existent story, because members of the commission can check the information received.

Don’t think that these very rich people will be stupid, and you will be able to deceive them. Still, they somehow made a lot of money. Therefore, they have connections and can check everything.

Do your research
If you need financial assistance, take the time to research and identify organizations and individuals who are known for providing aid. There are many websites where rich or kind people give money away, and by searching through these platforms, you can find potential sources of support. However, be cautious and do your due diligence to avoid scams or fraudulent individuals. Look for reputable websites and ensure the organizations or individuals you contact have a legitimate track record of helping those in need.

Tell your story

Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

When reaching out for financial aid, it is essential to tell your story effectively. Craft a compelling narrative that highlights your struggles, aspirations and how financial assistance can make a significant impact on your life. Include details that provide context and appeal to the emotions of potential donors. Sharing your story with authenticity and sincerity can help you connect with individuals who resonate with your situation and are more likely to offer assistance.

After filling out the form and writing your story, you will see this message:

Your post is successfully submitted. IMPORTANT: due to large volume the current processing time is 7–10 days.

You can choose one of the packages bellow to get more exposure and get published within 12 hours.

If someone wants to get more chances, they can make a payment. But this is completely optional.

I think this is done so that the site can exist on donations. But they also don’t promise you that if you make a payment, the sponsors will definitely choose you. So you need to think 100 times before paying for something. It’s more like a lottery.

Follow up and express gratitude
After submitting your applications or reaching out for help, it’s important to follow up and express gratitude for any assistance you receive, no matter how small. This shows your sincerity and appreciation, and it can leave a lasting positive impression on the organization or individual helping you. Maintaining a respectful and grateful attitude throughout the process can also open doors for potential ongoing support and future opportunities. Remember, the way you conduct yourself during the application process can significantly impact your chances of receiving financial assistance.

In conclusion, maximizing your chances of receiving financial assistance requires honesty, research, storytelling, and persistence. By being truthful about your situation, connecting with relevant organizations and websites, crafting a compelling narrative, and staying persistent in your efforts, you can increase your chances of finding the financial help you need. Remember, financial assistance is available, and by utilizing these tips, you can navigate the process with confidence and improve your likelihood of receiving support.

