a prayer for felled trees

rachael amber
Sep 1, 2023


a teal ink drawing on brown kraft paper of trees and roots and logs as hands and branches reaching out for protection, surrounding the prayer written below;
by Rachael Amber

breathing, reaching, benevolent beings.
laborers of love
logged for lust…

a prayer for
the felled trees still deeply rooted
continually exploited

a prayer for the mycellium that live on,
the creatures that fled in time, and those who could not.

a prayer for the powerless & the power hungry

a prayer for healing, for restoration post-disruption & destruction.

a prayer for forgiveness, a prayer for reconciliation
a prayer for the land — with you I stand
not truly powerless,
but in transition.

life returns & reclaims…

Read the related writing Litany of Logging here.

By Rachael Amber

… 08.30.23 on the full pisces blue moon.

find more of my illustrations & art projects at rachaelamber.com
follow me on the ‘gram.



rachael amber

visual & written connections • cyclical living • nature honoring • ever-seeking • • • nature-centric artist & designer • creator of Cycles Journal •