the litany of logging

rachael amber
2 min readSep 1, 2023


a drawing by Rachael Amber of a hand extending downwards as roots beneath a severed tree stump.
continuum by Rachael Amber

they keep logging across the street
whirring, disturbing
habitats and lands they claim to own
plowing down past what’s natural
shaking the Earth with each vehicle

it seems i’m not the only one
who struggles with enoughness
when they keep going and going
never pausing or feeling.

i am of both the powerless and the power hungry
though neither is solely that

i feel their grief, i feel deep relief
through cyclical roots, i trust in regrowth
the mycelium that will continue
the plants that will now receive light

in the cycles of decay and rebirth
destruction and restoration
i don’t always have a say but i do have a voice

this is a practice of cyclical mindfulness;
we can be disrupted, displaced, deconstructed,
but we cannot be fully uprooted from the Earth & the elements.

we may suffer, but we are supported.
we are impermanent, but we are continual through our communities
of descendants, biomes, ancestors and spirit.

the Earth’s core is untouchable, as is ours.
the universe has no center, a reminder that each of ours is essential.

Read the related writing a Prayer for Felled Trees here.

By Rachael Amber

… 08.30.23 on the full pisces blue moon.

find more of my illustrations & art projects at
follow me on the ‘gram.



rachael amber

visual & written connections • cyclical living • nature honoring • ever-seeking • • • nature-centric artist & designer • creator of Cycles Journal •