52 Fridays Experiment: Week 2

Joy Magnet
2 min readMar 1, 2023


Every week in 2023, I am challenging myself, finding adventure and having fun in this crazy world, because WHY NOT? This is 52 Fridays Experiment and welcome to Week 2.

Photo by Hayes Potter on Unsplash

I am NOT a DIY person by any means. But…I’d like to think I’m capable of learning the basics so to home improvement land we go! One of my goals of the 52 Fridays Experiement is to push myself beyond my comfort zone, and I would say mounting a TV, and home improvement DIY projects in general, are certainly not in my wheelhouse…so here goes…

This week’s category: DIY Home Improvement

What I did: Mounted a TV in my home office (with the help of my slightly more capable but still not a contractor husband)

Was it worth it? Yes! Seing that mounted TV on the wall every time I come into my office to write in the morning gives me an insane amount of pride in myself. I did that, ME, I hung that TV on the wall. By the way, is this how people feel about kids? “I made that! ME??” Please comment below, actually curious.

What’s great about this activity: I’m not someone who loves home improvement or construction-y things so the only thing fun about this was the purchasing part (going to hardware store and getting the things we needed, pretending like we know where everything is and then having to ask 2 different store associates), and watching the TV turn on for the first time. What strange magic is this?!

What I didn’t realize: Drilling holes in the wall is one of the more thrilling things I’ve done in a while. I currently rent my place so the threat that I could be messing up added to thrill of it all! I also didn’t realize how EASY it is when you take it step by step.

Was it Worth the Time?: Yes, but…if this was a big a** TV, I would NOT be as comfortable doing this again and might hire someone to come help us. With a 40” TV, it took us about 2 hours from start to finish including the pauses we took to look up things on Youtube and snack breaks, clean up, etc. That’s about my time limit for doing anything handy in the house. I’m glad I did it, but I’m also glad it’s over.

Next up on 52 Fridays, I will be sharing about my first time making candles! Check back here to come along this experiment. Happy days!



Joy Magnet

Writer, creator, building a radiant, juicy life, one day at a time.