The Genie Within | Your Subconscious Mind (LESSON 4)

Rafael Saldaña
6 min readJun 13, 2024


Lesson 4 | Laws of the subconscious mind

· When programming your subconscious, it is essential to repeat the conditioning often until the subconscious accepts it

· Attaching emotion to a suggestion is more effective

· The subconscious mind only lives in the present tense. For Example, you must say — I am happy, instead of I’ll be or was.

· One dominant concept: the subconscious will accept one thing at a time. (one thought, one program) practices and repeat that one thing until your subconscious accepts it.

· When the conscious and subconscious conflict, the subconscious always wins

· William Glasser, M.D., from his book School Without Failure, suggests emphasizing the positives and eliminating the negative feedback

Law of Expectations

· The goals you set for your subconscious mind; it will try to fulfill them.

· The body reacts according to the expectations in the subconscious mind

· Expectation is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Law of Placebos

· The placebo effect is when the patients’ belief system causes the same healing effect as the real medicine.

· Studies have shown that beliefs can dramatically change the way medicine is dosed.

· Over the years, medical science has identified the primary systems of the body — circulatory, digestive, endocrine, autonomic nervous, parasympathetic nervous, and immune. But the other systems that are central to the proper functioning of the human being need to be emphasized — the healing system and the belief system

· The belief system is often the activator of the healing

Law of Reverse Effort

· The law of the reverse effort — the more you try it, the less likely you are to achieve it.

· The more effort you put into your will, the more the power of your imagination increases, and at an escalating rate. Thus, the “not remembering” wins.

· The more you consciously will something, the more you increase the opposing power. The trick is not to will what you want. The trick is to let it happen. Your conscious mind must allow your subconscious mind to do it. Your conscious mind must remain passive and detached.

· When you will yourself to do something, you also harbor a fear of failing. Fear is a powerful emotion. If your fear of failure is stronger than your will to succeed, fear wins.

· Example: imagine walking on a wooden pole suspended 5 inches above the ground — easy and no fear. Now imagine the same pole suspended between skyscrapers — your fear will win over your ability.

Law of expression

· The body and mind are one; what affects one affects the other. A negative or bad expression will affect your thinking and mind. The same for a happy/positive expression

· Every idea causes a physical reaction.

· Stress causes inflammation: worry causes ulcers, anger releases adrenaline accompanied by changes in circulation, energy, pulse, respiration, etc. Fear causes nervousness and an upset stomach, and food causes hunger.

· A study by Harvard (Dr. W.B. Cannon) found that consciously cultivated love caused the eyes to brighten, improved circulation, digestion, and elimination.

· Fear, envy, and hate cause the opposite effects.

· Man thinks with its entire body; what the body thinks, it becomes.

· If you are not happy, act like you are and will become happy.

· The natural energy cycle: Thought-Expression-rest-energy.

Expressed energy

· Psychologists recommend that when you get mad, you should express your anger somehow. Not in a violent manner, but in a constructive one by taking or writing about it or running around.

· It’s unhealthy to bottle up anger. This emotional energy is suppressed when you do not express it in some way.

Suppressed energy

· Avoid energy suppressing at all means.

· Always express your energy this way so that no or little harm is done to your body.

· The energy is expressed, and you can sleep soundly

Repressed energy

· Repressed energy will be expressed as undirected activity, such as Tension and Anxiety.

· Tension and Anxiety prevent relaxation of the inner muscles, which hinders the immune system and interferes with restful sleep.

Chronic Stress

· The body will find an outlet for repressed energy, Stress, Anxiety, etc. These may include nail biting, finger tapping, gum chewing, etc. If it persists, the outlet may become ulcers, high blood pressure, headaches, or worse

· Dr. Selye proved in The Stress of Life that repressed Stress wears the body down until it becomes sick.

· Anxiety causes Stress, and that harms your immune system.

· It’s essential to practice forgiveness, if not for the benefit of the other, for your benefit.

· Chronic Tension and Anxiety interfere with everyone’s immune system.

· This is why deep relaxation and deep sleep are essential. It allows your body to regenerate and revitalize itself.

· People who reach more profound levels of sleep need less sleep than those who do not fully relax

Reactions to Stress

· Everyone reacts differently to Stress.

· Example of John vs Alice: both have a grumpy boss. John stresses because he takes it personally. Alice just understands that his boss is under a lot of pressure, and he might also be having problems outside work. She decides not to take it personally and thus doesn’t stress about it.

Methods to relieve Stress.

1) Use the law of reverse effort. Go into alpha and repeat, “Whatever is causing this stress now acts to relax me.”

2) Go into the alpha state and visualize a relaxing scene.

3) Use the mental overlay method.

a. Write on a piece of paper the thing that is stressing you.

b. Close your eyes and enter an alpha state. Think of a time when you felt joyful, wonderful, serene, and content. Project this image on your mental screen and hold it for about 30 seconds.

c. Open your eyes and read what you wrote on the paper.

4) Go into alpha state. If you had a bad experience, replay the experience in a positive way. If you offended someone by saying something you wish you had not, repeat the scene and say the right several times. Remember, your subconscious mind does not know the difference between real and imagined experiences. This exercise will make it a positive experience rather than a negative one.

P.S. You may still want to apologize to the person you offended


· Any action has an opposite and equal reaction

· To resist is to give the opposite thing power

· Examples: when someone tells you you are lazy, avoid saying, “Not, I’m not.” Because now you have to prove it. Instead, say, “That is true; you think I am lazy, and you have a right to think that. But please tell me why you believe that. The burden of proof is on the other person, and you have defused a potentially violent argument.

· Put your energy into what you stand for and believe in. Do not give your energy to negative causes.

The tense / relax conditioning exercise.

· The purpose is to feel the difference between Tension and deep relaxation. It also teaches your muscles how to feel relaxed.

· We use the word sleep to lose consciousness. not to go into the delta state but to give your mind a break and go into the alpha state.

· The purpose of adding it to the routine is to remove apprehension from your conscious mind.

· Listen, read, and practice the tense, relaxed routine

Read the next lesson here:

