The Genie Within | Your Subconscious Mind (LESSON 5)

Rafael Saldaña
3 min readJun 13, 2024


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Lesson 5 | Communicating with your subconscious

· Five techniques are presented in this lesson.

Internal conversation:

· You need to be friendly to your subconscious mind. Need to develop rapport and be appreciative. Thus, it’s important to give it a name.

· When it grants you a request, say thank you, just as you would with any other person.

· To practice, go into alpha to speak with your subconscious

· The name shouldn’t be of someone with emotional connotations — friends, siblings, etc.


· There are 4 ways your subconscious can swing your pendulum — circular, linear, and in one or the other direction.

· Ask your subconscious to select one of the four signals for a yes

· It will work best if you put yourself in the alpha state

· Questions

  • Phrase your questions precisely
  • Do not think of what the answer might be or what you would like it to be. Stay neutral

o Pendulum use cases:

  • Checking hunches
  • Dream interpretation
  • Vitamin dosages
  • Allergy sources
  • Source of gut feelings
  • Reason for procrastination
  • Origin of illness

o The following things can be helpful in determining the causes of an illness

  • Conflict
  • Motivation
  • Suggestion
  • Organ language
  • Identification (with someone else)
  • Self-punishment (guilt)
  • Past experience
  • Need for attention
  • Need to control someone

· The pendulum is an easy way to talk to your subconscious, but it takes ingenuity since you have to work with only yes and no.

Finger movement

· Hold your hand over a surface

· Ask your subconscious to pick one finger for yes, one for no, and one for “I don’t know”

Induce dreaming

· Put it to work solving a problem or coming up with a new idea

· Examples:

  • How to organize your time/life
  • (if you are a student) how can you find more time to study
  • How to get people to join your new club
  • How to decorate your living room

o Your subconscious mind is a goal-seeking computer


o Just before falling asleep, tell your subconscious mind to give you the answer to your question or come up with an idea or solution to a problem in a dream.

o Have a pencil and paper ready. When you wake up, you must write down your ideas, as the dream is vivid and fresh.

Automatic Writing

· Method

  • Use a wide-body pen
  • Hold it vertically and rest your arm and hand for it to be free of motion
  • Use a wide blank paper
  • Command your subconscious mind to start writing.

Muscle response testing

· Muscle response testing (MTR) is also called Kinesthesiology

· MTR is based on the facts that positive energy strengthens muscles and negative energy weakens them and that the truth is associated with positive energy and untruths with negative energy.


· Have your arm straight at 90 degrees, perpendicular to you,

· You must ask someone to help you pull your arm down

· You will ask a question and the person will try to bring the arm down (gently)

· If the answer is yes it will create stronger tension, if no it will have a weaker tension

Read the next lesson here:

