The Genie Within | Your Subconscious Mind (LESSON 6)

Rafael Saldaña
4 min readJun 13, 2024


Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

Lesson 6 | Methods of using your subconscious mind, part 1

Review of key points:

· Expectations: you must expect results when commanding your subconscious

· Positive attitude: Keep positive, even if things don’t happen in your schedule. Have faith.

· If you harbor a fear of failure, the fear (your subconscious mind) will overcome your will (conscious mind) to succeed.

· Activate your subconscious mind: use emotions and your genie. Use words that evoke emotions and images.

· Avoid critical analysis and comparison.

· Detach your conscious mind: If you think about your affirmations in your beta state, you might think of thoughts of failure. One hundred reasons may come to mind why you will fail. Practice detached acceptance

· Give the job to your genie: Trust your faithful and trusted genie

· Use emotion: Emotion is energy; use emotion when communicating with your genie

· Sense: Use all your senses. If you program for a new car, smell the new upholstery, hear the horn, kick the tires, etc.

· Go into Alpha: Alpha is the state in your subconscious. Use it for your affirmations.

· Use repetition: feed your affirmations various times until they dominate

· Use Imagination: Imagine yourself doing a skill correctly every time.

· Replace a bad habit: you cannot change what is ingrained in your subconscious mind. But you can overpower it with its opposite. Feed the positive until it replaces the negative

· Update your goals: Go over your goals periodically. Your genie is seeking whatever it is fed. Feed it goals that will give you happiness, peace, and fulfillment.

· Monitor your thoughts. Your subconscious mind is a goal-seeking computer. Always, always feed it only positive, constructive, heartful goals. Think of yourself only as you want to be.

· Most of the methods described are easy and require little preparation.

· Using your subconscious mind must be easy and effective.


  • Before getting into the methods, we must understand the advertising tactics to avoid falling on them.
  • Advertising methods used to sell.
  • Reason: only used in the technical field to show benefits (rational, logical sense)
  • Rewards: provide rewards like points or cash back
  • Suggestion: suggestions are given to your subconscious mind, not your conscious mind.
  • Suggestions are accepted more readily while you are in the alpha state
  • TV commercials leverage your relaxation state to sell products/services using emotions and imagination, conditioned reflex substitution, Images, symbolism, repetition, instant replay, political ads, and others
  • Conditioned reflex substitution: an example of a company selling headaches in the flu season.
  • Images to communicate with your mind in pictures
  • Symbolism: symbols of strength, weakness, glamorous, calm, etc.
  • Repetition: repeating the same ad several times
  • Instant replay: vivid memory; once a commercial ad is planted (first time 30 seconds), the second time could only be 5 seconds and will make you recall
  • Political ads: look at symbolism to connect with your views and ideas
  • Conclusion When you see an advertisement of an unhealthy person blowing their nose, replace that image with a healthy person eating, sleeping, and eating well.


· Worry incorporates most of the factors for planting a suggestion in your subconscious mind.

· When you worry too much, you are planting negative scenarios in your mind

· Worries break the natural energy cycle: energy →thought →expression→ rest →energy, etc.

· Instead of worrying, do something constructive

· Brainstorm the imagined problem:

  • Clearly define the problem and think of as many solutions as you can
  • Take action to work on the solutions
  • Use your emotional energy in a direct way
  • Once you have done all you can, quit worrying
  • A key aspect of taking action is helping you feel you are in control

“I am” Method.

I am a powerful word — when someone asks you - how are you? Use positive words.

  • I’m having a wonderful day
  • Marvelous
  • Wonderful
  • I’m…Healthy, Successful
  • Joyful and prosperous
  • A beautiful person
  • Intelligent and articulate
  • A loving person, Etc.

“It works” Method.

  • Take a 3X5 inch card and write down things and conditions.
  • Be specific, be descriptive, and even draw an image.
  • Don’t be timid; do not hesitate to want too much.
  • Limit to a maximum of three cards.
  • It is recommended that you read the list early in the morning and later at night while you are in your alpha state.
  • Keep the desire to yourself. Sharing dilutes the power in the subconscious mind and puts unnecessary pressure on you to succeed.
  • Don’t tell your genie how to do it

Pictured Suggestions Method

Poster Board Display

  • Pictures act as icons in your subconscious mind and, when activated, trigger your affirmation.
  • Posterboard display
  • This is the equivalent of a vision board—add pictures of what you want and what you want to become.

Dream book

  • Write about what you want to do or become, and write about your goals. Add pictures.
  • Don’t be timid, write anything and everything

Conditioning exercise — clear Method

  • You must continuously clean your subconscious from anything that produces a negative outcome, like cleaning your hard drive.
  • Avoid any media, content, programs, or relationships that trigger jealousies, vengefulness, loss of temper, grudges, etc.
  • Most harmful programs in our subconscious were acquired in childhood, and we are unaware they exist. These negative emotional programs can seriously affect your physical and emotional health.
  • You need to override your negative programs with positive affirmations to clean your hard drive. Check the clear routine!

Read the next lesson here:

