The Genie Within | Your Subconscious Mind (LESSON 7)

Rafael Saldaña
4 min readJun 13, 2024


Photo by Zachary Nelson on Unsplash

Lesson 7 | Methods of using your subconscious mind, part 2

Joy Center on the Septum Pellucidum Method

· Turn your joy center. What to feel happy? Stimulate your “Joy” center by activating your septum pellucidum.

· You can do it mentally, but you must know its location.

· Cross an intersection imaginary line going front to back through your “third eye” and one going just slightly above your left ear

· Go into alpha state and tell your subconscious to stimulate your septum pellucidum

· Check the joy center routine from the book or MP3 audio

Subconscious crock-pot Method

· The idea of the crock-pot (slow-cook pot) suggests letting your subconscious work on the problem while you focus on other things.


  • Provide your subconscious with the problem and all the relevant context information
  • As your subconscious mind to come up with solutions
  • Forget about it for some time

Guided Imagery Method

· Example: a cancer patient visualizes its body fighting cancer.


  • Go into the alpha state and visualize the desired result
  • Use all the basic tactics: emotion, repetition, an expectation of success, a positive attitude, and all your senses.
  • Then, thank all your senses and let go.
  • Let our subconscious guide you in selecting images
  • Invoke as much emotion as you can.

Children (Guided Imagery Method)

· Tell your children only what you want them to become.

· Feed them positive affirmations at every opportunity, and never feed them negative ones.

· Tell short stories with positive affirmations and good morals as they fall asleep.

· Stories you make up are more personal and tailored to the child

· Story about a loving family having a peaceful meal together.

· Children sense that parents love them, and this gives them a true sense of confidence and poise

· The right brain is creative, and the left brain is logical. While listening to relaxing music, provide affirmations on the left and let the affirmations go to the right (creative side) and get into the subconscious

One-word affirmations (Guided Imagery Method)

· Eliminate words affecting your subconscious from your vocabulary

  • Try [eliminate]: try is an attempt to do it, but do not do it. Instead, use attempt, strive, and endeavor.
  • Delete: when on the TV, they are preparing for your next cold — think Delete
  • Cancel: Apply it with the same ideas as above
  • Done: When you have too many things to accomplish. A lot of undone work. Just imagine the word Done
  • Change: Think of change when you want to change a negative thought in your head
  • Gone: When you want to think about something you don’t want in your mind or life, think gone!
  • Numb: When you slam your finger on your car door, think numb instead of “ouch.”
  • Normal: Think normal when you want your finger to be in a normal state
  • Dry: If you think tears of crying are coming, think DRY to keep your eyes dry out of tears
  • Reach: Need to be creative: think Reach, for you to reach for ideas out of thin air
  • Summary — program your subconscious using one word and use it to trigger good, positive thoughts

Parables (Guided Imagery Method)

· Use parables to make your one-word affirmations more effective.

· Parable of the oxen working together — trigger word TOGETHER!

· Parable of a man carrying many unnecessary things in his journey to resemble carrying unnecessary emotions, feelings, thoughts, etc.

Substitution (Guided Imagery Method)

· Always think of yourself as the person you want to be

· Substitute negative or destroying thoughts with positives

Overlaying (Guided Imagery Method)

· Is to replace a dislike, fear, or bad habit with a positive one

· Another way is to write the thing that bothers you on a piece of paper. Close your eyes, go into alpha, and then visualize something very positive and happy

Acting Method

· Acting is a powerful tool in using your subconscious mind

· When you act, everything is possible

· Act as you are happy

· When you feel happy, your subconscious mind sends messages to your body to act happy. Conversely, when your body acts happy, your body cells send messages to your brain that you are happy.

· So learn to act as if…

· Check the acting routine in the book or MP3 audio

Read the next lesson here:

