Event loops (Flutter- Async Programming with Dart) — Part 2
2 min readAug 2, 2022
Part of Flutter/Dart Shorts: To the point| Simple.
1. Prerequisites
- Read prev article on isolates.
- Basic understanding of threading.
2. Why is this important?
- Event loops lie at the base of all of the high level asynchronous programming API.
3. Isolates, Event loops, Queues and their relationship.
- App -> Isolate -> Event loop -> Event Queue and Microtask Queue
4. What is an event QUEUE?
- Actions/events/tasks that are queued and waiting to be executed.
- Example 1: User interaction with the app such as scrolling, button presses etc.
- Example 2: Messages between isolates.
5. What is Microtask QUEUE?
- This comes into play when we need to complete a task later and before returning the control to event loop.
- Warning: Use this for super short tasks only since it blocks the event loop.
- Example: When mutation changes are reported asynchronously, Microtask queue helps in reporting these changes before the next event is picked up by the loop.
6. What is an event Loop?
- The event loop job is to pick up items from the queues and execute them one at a time.
7. Okay, Wire-up everything you just said please?
- First items are picked up from Microtask Queue, executed on first come first serve basis, one at a time.
- Then the next item from Event Queue is picked up and executed, again in FIFO.
- Then the cycle repeats. Executes the items in the Microtask Queue and then dequeue next item from the event queue and execute it.
7. What happens when Queues are empty?
- The event loop just sits there, waiting for items to be added in the queues.
That’s all for this one. Next week — Futures :-)
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