Future (Flutter- Async Programming with Dart) — Part 3

Abdur Mohammed
3 min readAug 8, 2022


Part of Flutter/Dart Shorts: To the point| Simple.

1.0 Pre-requisites

  • Asynchronous coding experience in any language (C#, Java etc.)
  • Basic Dart at minimum.
  • Read previous articles on event loops and isolates to understand section 9.

2.0 Why is this important?

  • Future is a vital part of asynchronous programming in dart.

3.0 What is a Future?

  • In simple terms, it can be defined as a promise to return either value or error at some point ahead in time.
  • It is the result of an async function call or operation.
Future<T> where T is the type of result.Future<Person> getPerson(int id);

4.0 States of Future

A future can be ever be in two states:

4.1 Uncompleted

  • When an async function is called, it returns an uncompleted future. The caller can hold on to this future while the async operation completes.

4.2 Completed

Two possibilities:

  • Completed successfully with a value
  • Completed with an error
States of future

5.0 Then method

  • This is an instance method called when the future completes with a value.

6.0 Catch error method

  • Also an instance method which is called if the future completes with an error.

7.0 WhenComplete method

  • This is called when the future completes regardless of whether it returns data or an error.

8.0 Constructors

8.1 Value constructor

  • Simplest one. Generates a future with a completed value.
Example: Future<bool>.value(true)

8.2 Error constructor

  • Creates a future that will finish with an error
Example: Future.error(Exception(‘sample error’ ));

8.3 Delayed constructor

  • Takes two params.
  • Duration: To delay the execution.
  • Function: To execute after the duration.
Future.delayed(const duration(seconds: 3), (){

9.0 Event loops and Future

  • Future is an API created to make it convenient to use the event loops.
  • Dart executes most of the code on a single thread on a single event loop.
  • For example, if we make a remote request and it gives us a future back, event loop gets a future back which it keeps it on the side and deals with other tasks in the queue which may or may not be related or just hangs around.
  • When the future completes, the event queue executes the ‘then’ method or catch error method based on how it completes.

10.0 Future Builder

  • Widget that takes a future and a builder.
  • When the future completes, it rebuilds its children.
Example: FutureBuilder<String>( future: getRemoteData(), builder:( context, snapshot){})
  • Snapshot is the current state of the future. The widget can check its properties hasData and hasError to redraw itself accordingly.

That’s all for this week. Next week Streams!

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Abdur Mohammed

React Native| Flutter | Senior Software Engineer | Sydney, Australia