You know what is attracting you, but do you know what is repelling you?

Why You Never Ditch Your Comfort Zone: Reason 1 And Resolution

A Series Of Reasons From Real People

Rama Yedla


It starts with hitting the snooze button or turning the alarm off. Time passes, and you realise you have just experienced a dull and drowsy morning. You try to talk to your other self, blaming and cursing for the situation.

Comfort zones are a survival mechanism and essential to ensure that we are happy doing what we do. However, a step out of that zone shows us the possibilities for growth, transition, and transformation.

I believe you are with me on this and happened to hear; read, know, recall from different sources.

There is no harm in ‘zone of comfort,’ what is it then?

The challenge is dealing with time we spend in our comfort zone, there has to be a buzzer that notifies us when we are sunk in it. Unfortunately and regularly, the temptation of the activities lures and makes us be there forever.

This temptation has the power to overcome any triggers that are in place to fight the comfort zone.

Yes! Triggers like motivation, inspiration, revelation, and ideation play an essential role in alarming and aligning us with the track we have started.

But how long? These triggers must present everywhere with a sustained release, which is a rarity.

Instead of waiting for the triggers to happen, what if we understand the reasons for not jumping out of the zone.

This is as simple as the importance we give to the mundane things in our life. If we know something is natural, less-risky, not hurting, we will not think for a while to do it.

So you damn find it. Find the reason(s) that is stopping you from achieving your dreams and help yourself fight against it.

Here are the most probable reasons that I handpicked based on what I hear from people who are struggling to fight it.

Reason 1: The Fear Of Embracing Risk

There is a father who is a coward by nature, his cowardice has grown with his age and body, and he never taught his son about courage and taking risks.

One day, he is heading home and happened to see a snake that is next to his sleeping son. The instant reaction from the father was to run towards it, pick it up with his bare hand and throw it away into a bush.

Since then, he never was frightened seeing a snake or hearing about it. He embraced that risk to protect himself and his family.

This is life, and it is all about finding things. We, humans, are curious to know about the reasons for many things around us. We must apply the same curiosity in the areas that are becoming obstacles to our success.

Give a try! Start by thinking about all the risks that stopped you from taking that next step you wanted to make, gauge them and order them in an ascending order of risk profile.

Pick the least risky option and make a plan on how to take that risk. For, E.g., I like a girl, and I want to tell her that she is beautiful. This is a less risky option for me given the loss that I am going to face (actually nothing).

  • I will think about the sentence I want to tell her (Hi, you look so beautiful)
  • I will walk to her
  • Say the sentence
  • Prepare for possible responses (Thank you, who are you, go to hell, and silence)
  • Prepare one or two-word answers for the above (It’s OK, bye, see you, I’m sorry)
  • Walk back with your focus on where you’d go

It is so simple, break it down, and you will have a clear picture of the real risk involved in taking risks. Next time you are better prepared for the same risk, and on, and on, you will be a pro at this level of risk.

Pick the next level of risk; plan, prepare, execute and then master.

Taking risks is more of a viable option than ever before. Though it is all about the mindset and how you see a risk, you still have an advantage of making a risky option broken into its granules.

What is in the Reason 2: The Fear Of Failure



Rama Yedla

Motivate | Write | Dance with Data | Delight Customer. With a mission to write 1000 posts so at least one of them helps people to transform their lives.