31 Days of Writing

3 min readMay 31, 2020


Image from Pexels

“An Ode for 31 Hari Menulis”

It was in May 2012 when I stumbled upon “31 Hari Menulis” for the first time. At that time, one of my senior I really admire joined the event. She came out as the winner that year. I might not write as good as her, but I really like the idea of trying. So, I planned to join the event at the earliest opportunity.

A Challenge for Myself

I first joined the event in 2013. At that time, I just wrote anything for fear of getting fined. We had to pay around IDR 20K for each day we did not submit a writing. I also joined for the second time in 2015, with the same spirit. I was really proud that I could finish without having to pay the fine. Winning was never in my agenda. I focused more on my personal development.

I am still struggling working without any supervision. Growing up with authoritarian parenting makes it hard for me to do something for myself. “31 Hari Menulis” provides a certain supervision that encourages me to finish the writing. Feels like a friend supporting without meddling directly. I really hope there comes a day when I do not need a supervision to finish a project. In the meantime, let me seize the opportunity provided by “31 Hari Menulis”.

Self-Discipline in Quarantine

When I first heard that “31 Hari Menulis” came back this year, I was really excited. However, we do not really have to pay anything if we do not submit our writing. I was quite unsure if I would be able to carry on without a certain form of punishment. Despite my worry, I can say that I am quite surprised that I did not quit halfway.

I have said before that quarantine messed up with my routine. However, thanks to this event, I finally have a reason to wake up in a good spirit each day. It is exciting to write about something you really like and work with #mybrandmoments agenda. Moreover, I get a chance to see other people’s writings as well thanks to “31 Hari Menulis” retweets. In a way, it gives me a purpose and it is more than what my job can give me during this quarantine.

Closing Time

So far, I have written 93 posts by joining “31 Hari Menulis” three times. It is fun to see my writing throughout these years. Obviously, some cringe-worthy stuffs here and there, but it actually shows how far I have come since the first time. I still feel a little bit sorry for the judges since they have to go through my horrible writings, though. However, I still hope I will be able to join the next event.

For this closing time, I sincerely offer my gratitude to “31 Hari Menulis” team members who work so hard to motivate and support us from afar. Thank you for spending your precious time doing this amazing event and I sincerely wish you guys all the best.

Till we meet again.

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#mybrandmoments is a bunch of justifiable-love letters to brands I have shared my precious moments with. It is an attempt to appreciate their existence and thank them for their service. Celebrate the moments!




(Still) an aspiring writer and researcher. Working on #mybrandmoments and #thirtysomethingy agenda. Dark humor enthusiast.