RS19 Numbers and Stats

Ran Tavory
2 min readJul 10, 2019


Reversim Summit 2019

We developers love numbers and stats. What’s a better way to summarize Reversim Summit 2019 than a heap of numbers

Registration and Attendees

How many guests did we have each day?

Day 1

  • Registered: 1393
  • Show up: 1280
  • Percent no-show: 8%

Day 2

  • Registered: 1532
  • Show: 1515
  • Percent no-show: 2%

Uniques guests across the two days:: 2397

Guests who showed up to both days: 588

Men registered: 1840

Women registered: 544

Women percent: 22.82%

How many remained on the waiting list and did not buy a ticket?

  • Day 1: 608
  • Day 2: 132
  • Waiting list total: 890

Who were our guests?

Top titles:

  • Software Engineer: 332
  • Software Developer: 225
  • Developer: 106
  • CTO: 59
  • Backend Developer: 35
  • Senior Software Engineer: 35
  • Data Scientist: 30


  • How many submissions: 450
  • How many accepted: 70
  • Accepted percentage: 15%
  • First time speakers at RS: 57
  • Percent of first time speakers at RS: 73%


  • Feedbacks (how many filled the feedback form): 833
General feedback (for D1)

That’s all, it’s been hard work and fun, the videos are here and photos are here, see you next year.

Previous years stats:



Ran Tavory

The voice @reversim, head of Data Science at AppsFlyer