Ordinals Mainnet Bridge

Rarity Garden
2 min readFeb 20, 2023


The first marketplace and tools for Ordinals are on the way, and Rarity Garden is already enabling Inscription owners to trade their artifacts on the largest NFT marketplaces available.

As outlined in our All About Rarity Garden in 2023 article, Rarity Garden’s mission is to provide as many useful features for collectors and creators as possible. As the first larger rollout this year, we are introducing the Ordinals Bridge to the public. The bridge allows Inscription owners to mint representations of their artifacts on Ethereum Mainnet and reach a far wider audience than is natively possible. Minted artifacts may be returned at any time by current holders.

It remains to be seen if the recently announced native marketplaces for Ordinals are able to provide the exact same ease-of-use and free-to-list features that we know and love from Ethereum NFTs. That’s where bridges come into play. Here’s how it works:

  1. Inscription owners start a bridging process on Rarity Garden.
  2. By sending Inscriptions to our vault, minting will be enabled.
  3. After receiving their minted NFTs, owners may trade and transfer as they please.
  4. Inscriptions may be returned by their owners at any time.
  5. Upon returning, owners receive access to the vault of their returned Inscriptions.
  6. Returned NFTs will be available for re-minting on the next bridging process.

The following fees apply:

  • BTC transaction fees for sending Inscriptions to our vault.
  • Ethereum gas fees for minting and returning.
  • No service fees.

The Ordinals Bridge will be followed by Rarity Garden’s native NFT marketplace, and we invite everyone to trade their Ordinals once available, as it will make heavy use of the Rarity Garden $UNIVERSE token.

