
Matter and MSNBC.com (along with 40 of our favorite writers) are rereading Susan Faludi’s feminist classic this summer. Join in.



Chapter 1

Welcome to Backlash Book Club

With Irin Carmon

Chapter 2

“You Don’t Remember What It Was Like When There Was No Feminist Internet”

With Donna Shalala, Roxane Gay, and Rebecca Traister

Chapter 3

Rosie the Riveter and Wonder Woman (Yay!) Suburban Patios and Padded Bras (Boo!)

With Richard Yeselson, Joan Walsh, and Richard Kim

Chapter 4

“If Women Don’t Conform to Conventional Gender Roles, Terrible Things Will Happen!”

With Leslie Bennetts, Anna Holmes, and Mikki Halpin

Chapter 5

Why Fatal Attraction Is the Horror Movie Version of Lean In

With Sady Doyle, Stacia Brown, and Amanda Hess

Chapter 6

The Ultimate Feminist Binge-Watch

With Emily Nussbaum, Lena Dunham, and Aminatou Sow

Chapter 7

And Another Question: What Ever Happened to Pantsuits?

With Sasha Weiss, Marisa Meltzer, and Michelle Dean

Chapter 8

Nip, Tuck, Douse, Lather, Rise, Repeat

With Adelle Waldman, Jenna Sauers, and Kate Harding

Chapter 9

When Pro-Woman Means the Opposite

With Kathryn Joyce, Erin Gloria Ryan, and Dave Weigel

Chapter 10

The GOP: Alienating Women in the Exact Same Way for the Past 35 Years (and Counting)

With Jamelle Bouie, Alex Pareene, and Michelle Goldberg

Chapter 11

Beyoncé’s Messy Version of Feminism

With Tressie McMillan Cottom, Salamishah Tillet, and Adam Serwer

Chapter 12

“Hey Ladies! Blame Yourself For Society’s Ills!”

With Jamilah Lemieux, Ann Friedman, and Heather Havrilesky

Chapter 13

If Being Like the Dudes is What it Takes, Well, That’s Not Going to Work Out

Bryce Covert, Latoya Peterson, and Krystal Ball

Chapter 14

And Now, the Abortion Chapter

Brittney Cooper, Katha Pollitt, and Jeffrey Toobin

The Summer of Backlash

Susan Faludi’s Response to #BacklashBookClub

Susan Faludi

Jill Abramson Doesn’t Want to Be a Symbol of the Backlash

The former executive editor of The New York Times explains why the book made her angry, admits to (still) counting female bylines in the paper, and defends Maureen Dowd’s brand of feminism

Jill Abramson and Irin Carmon

Lots of ways to read along and join in: Post your own Backlash response on Medium, tweet at @readmatter with #BacklashBookClub, or comment on MSNBC.com. We’ll be featuring some of your posts and tweets as we go.

