Jill Abramson and Irin Camron

Jill Abramson Doesn’t Want to Be a Symbol of the Backlash

The former executive editor of The New York Times explains why the book made her angry, admits to (still) counting female bylines in the paper, and defends Maureen Dowd’s brand of feminism

Irin Carmon
Published in
1 min readSep 12, 2014



Lots of ways to read along and join in: Post your own Backlash response on Medium/MSNBC.com, tweet at @readmatter with #BacklashBookClub, or comment on MSNBC.com. We’ll be featuring some of your posts and tweets as we go.

Read more of the Backlash Book Club, featuring Susan Faludi, Lena Dunham, Ann Friedman, and Heather Havrilesky, and others.

