Angels Help Us Root the 5D

multidimensional benevolent beings are all around us

Reyna Park
3 min readMar 1, 2023

Can I tell you about a funniest thing that happened just now?

An angel helped me root my physical 3D body in 5th dimension consciousness.

I was sitting politely with a friend, aware of the “fire under my ass,” or put simply the locale in my body where 5th dimension energy connects, located in the kundalini of the root chakra.

Working with this energy will determine how my day goes. It can become quite fiery and painful if I am stagnant about my lightwork.

That is why I call it the fire under my ass.

It is a physical sensation. It is loving, it is kind, and still it is a lot of high vibrational energy to carry in the body, which sometimes makes it feel like it is burning.

This energy is also my highest source of twin flame intuition. I can usually tell how my twin is feeling by sensing into this energy.

As I was sitting, the “fire” was not painful but under a pleasant cool breeze, fanning gently in the new energy released by the lightworker gateway on 2/23/23.

A light, enjoyable sensation touched the knuckle of my right hand. An Angel! I can always recognize when one is present with me because of this memorable sensation.

Angels like to land on fingers.

I will let on — I would love to describe this sensation intricately, and the words that come to mind are “white light”, “tickle”, “joyful”. See the butterfly in the above picture.

The Angel in question gently fanned the flame, or 5d energy, about my body, dispersing it and relieving some of the pressure on my bones and muscles. I sighed into the ease of this.

In a pragmatic sense, the fire is pressurized tissue due to high frequencies mixing with lower frequencies. The Angel was able to depressurize the tissue by further integrating the higher frequencies into adjacent tissue.

My favorite part about spirituality is that we have the scientific tools to observe how these dimensions work.

This benevolent, kind Angel moved the 5d energy across poles and into my right side body.

I’ve watched this transition across poles occur naturally as I do shadowwork. I still have shadows, or dense pockets of low vibrational energy, in my right side elbow and neck, which discourage the energy from rooting here. One of these shadows is related to an injury that occurred in this lifetime.

Angels help us in ways that are so subtle they are often not realized.

Angels move through the subtle energetic body, a 6th, intuitive spiritual sense that is variably detected in the population.

To be under a wonderful and awe inspiring recognition is to recognize that these beings are around us all the time.

With that, the Angel was gone and I returned to chatting with my friend.

I made a note of the muscle memory for this high vibrational, lovely feeling in my right side body, so that I can return to practicing this at any time.




I am a lightworker — To learn more divine truths, and to find guides for your own healing, follow me on this publication!

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