What Einstein Would Say About Twin Flames and Spiritual Awakenings

E = mc² explains

Reyna Park
5 min readFeb 11, 2023

If you had told Einstein in 1950 of the existence of twin flames, higher selves, and energetic healing, he might have been skeptical at best. Scientists tend to believe only what can be proven by the scientific method.

Einstein would be surprised to know his own theory has a lot to say about divine events!

Here is a simple dive into the scientific evidence for the law of vibration.

Einsteinian physics

Modern medicine is backed by Newton’s physics. Doctors focus on the mechanistic (works like a computer, the whole is the sum of its parts) components of the human body (cells, organs) and entirely ignore the subtle energy body and vital life-force energy, also known as chi, prana, spirit, amongst others (works like magic).

Einstein’s physics gave us a large clue towards the substance of life itself and how it performs magic. He proved with his equation E = mc² that energy and matter are dual expressions of the same substance; they are interchangeable. If it has mass, it has energy — and if it has energy, it vibrates.

Therefore the physical tissues of our bodies- and all other material matter in this world- possesses a vibrating frequency.

Electrons in every atom behave as waves with a frequency.

Quantum theory (put simply)

After Einstein lived, quantum theory went on to prove again that all particles of matter can move as waves, and thus possess frequency. Scientists observed that electrons behave both as particles (matter) and waves (light) simultaneously.

Energy = mass * the speed of light. Einstein is relating all matter to a frequency that is determined by the speed of light.

Even if matter is in particle state and has mass, it is still related to energy through the speed of light.

Einstein proved that we are beings of “frozen” light!

Therefore all of the universe vibrates at a frequency.

How does frequency correlate to the divine? Why do we experience twin flames and spiritual awakenings?

These events have a lot to do with higher frequency energy interacting with our own frequency.

Natural frequency of the body is the basic idea behind the chakras system, and it’s totally backed by the hard sciences.

Energetic bodies

We, as living beings, get to experience something incredible.

We get to experience an energetic body composed of chakras, or pockets of high vibration energy. The chakras system references aura. What is aura? It is the result of vibration.

There is an extraordinary amount of high-vibrational electric activity happening inside the body at every second of waking life that creates intense electric fields.

These electric fields allow us to experience and be sensitive to higher quantum vibrations, which are the basis of intelligent consciousness.

All particles have electrical polarity and produce electromagnetic fields.

Yes, the particles that compose molecules that are digesting food and pushing blood around the body.

This is the law of vibration applied to the human body.

Electric field and potential near a water molecule.

This water molecule produces areas of negative and positive charge, but both are part of the electromagnetic field. Now imagine 1.5x10²⁷ of these molecules in your body, each one producing a field!

Every particle produces an electric field. Therefore— all things in physical form possess an aura.

The heart churns out the largest source of our electromagnetic aura. The many myocytes of the large heart muscles become rapidly depolarized each time the heart beats, and these action potentials spew electricity.

The heart emits aura and medical science is waking up to this.


Electromagnetic auras are also how we can manage emotions and thoughts, which are induced by chemical reactions in the body and projected onto our auras. Our every thought has physical configuration because it travels through a specific neuronal pathway, and this is reflected by our electromagnetic field.

Contact with higher beings can be detected through the aura.

Everything has frequency, so we can interact with anything in the universe by projecting our consciousness, and vice versa. We can be visited by any being. This is the law of oneness. Higher “divine” vibrations reach us internally and externally. In the world outside, our higher selves reach us through angel numbers and synchronicities, embedded in the vibrational fabric of life itself.

Inside of us, higher divine vibrations can integrate into our bodies by entering through the aura electric field.

Higher divine vibrations reach us through our energy bodies — through our own electric fields- and through the vibrations of the universe around us.

The chakras system tells us that meditating and keeping up with our spiritual health is important, and this is because our emotions are tied up in the heart’s electromagnetic field and energy body.

This explains how the crazy emotional rollercoaster of twin flames and spiritual awakenings happen within and without us!

This explains why we see angel numbers.

And how certain people are brought to certain places.

We can keep our chakras clear by keeping our minds clear through meditation. Keeping the energy body healthy is key for human health.

Well Einstein, you gave us the key and the clues were right there.

Now we have a substantial theoretical scientific understanding of divinity.

Thank you sincerely.





Electromagnetic field: The result of polarity of atoms.

Polarity of atoms: The result of how many electrons an atom has.

Aura: The result of vibration of atoms that produces a measurable frequency.

Consciousness: A ubiquitous phenomenon that is heightened in living organisms that produce a certain frequency of their aura.

Energy body: The aura created by the natural electromagnetic processes of a living body.

I am a lightworker — To learn more divine truths, and to find guides for your own healing, follow me on this publication!

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