My latest twigs of poetree :)

indivisible illimitable u
8 min readMar 21, 2020


Will Evolution Ever Write A Requiem For The Covid Blues?

The great Ellis Marsalis, Jr., died of corona virus in NOLA,
one of a thousand that passed away this Avril Fool’s, from it,
all of whom will be missed dearly, “…we(e),…”’ll ever bay.

In his day, near his death, (W.A.) Mozart said to his wife,
“I fear I am writing a requiem for myself”, as he composed
‘Requiem Mass in D minor- Lacrimosa’, of unparalleled beauty.

With rheumatic fever hitting Europe at that time, and soon
after, yellow fever in Philly, here, epidemics and pandemics
became common, the worst, 1918 Spanish Flu, 1/2 a bill dead.

listening to comedy ring hollow, a necessary alternative to
the news that isn’t new, my ear longs for his veracious music.
How can USA have the worst response to it among technocracies?

Our king-kong sized terrible-two, Rump, playing his keystone
President act for 3 months has determined the repub conspiracy’s,
global oligarchy’s agenda’s yoke tighten around the people’s neck.

The stealing of social security from the elderly, infirm, through
Covid-19 exterminating them more than others, this couldn’t get
done politcally by the repubs for 2 decades. As well, the poor

to lower-middle-class, especially people of color, can’t afford
to defend themselves usually, now it’s worse. “Stimulus bills”?,
over 1/2 a trill to bail out small, big businesses, pay big Pharma,

medical supplies corps, who’re already making hand over fist from
the bidding war between States, federal agencies, dictating Bush,
Rump klans who’re heavily invested, ever increasing kafknching.

Coastal regions, big cities, mostly dems, are murdered more by
virtue of #, close proximity, needs, Rump’s re-election plan.
This while he kept his criminal cuts to SNAP, still stealing food

from mouths of babes and handing it to billionaires. Same as
it ever was, class war, repubs using jobs they don’t do, to mass-
exterminate non-repubs instead. like the serial murderers who

masquerade as cops, killers …, as doctors, judges as justices.
The ‘big fix’ is in, if it ain’t fixed don’t break it, stop all
criminal insanity, if not you then who, here, where, now, when?

This leaf of poetree, although it just a twig be, may be my last.
If so, I’m honored to pass with such great artists, yet, hopefully
not from skyrocketing price of living. Social distance, wear mask.

If Not Here Then Where, Now Then When, You, Who?

Rump, his admin., are ‘using’ the corona virus
as multiple means to their plethora of ends.
Many, many ends, ends of lives, animal, humane
and otherwise, will be taking place due to their
modus operandi. How much will it matter how
“close and together” we’ve become if there’s
250,000 less humane, if a % of the remaining
don’t vote in the election in the Fall because
the “virus will come back with a vengeance,
for a lot of people will go back to operating
as if it’s gone, just because things got better
by Summer”, out of fear of dying or causing
the death by pandemic of their family, friends,
and a king-kong sized terrible-two gets re-
installed into the Black-house? After the bi-
polar axi of global supposed power, socialist,
totalitarian China, Utin one and his Rump, the
other, capitalist, republican one conspired to
try and cower the usa citizenry with their
fake trade war, that was no more than a repub
increase of tax on each citizen, because the
Chinese corps. just increased their prices on
consumer goods to cover the cost of tariffs,
failed to, it’s plausible that they came up
with the pandemic to permanently cower man,
the environmental cause and segue humanity
into it’s extinction. Awakened, illimitable
potential, indivisible as life, you, can stop
them. If you’re not taking bullets you’re
making them. The ‘big fix’ is in, if it ain’t
fixed don’t break it. Social distance, wear
masks, vote early, protect, occupy and GOTV,
be well, viva la vida, viva la evolucion.

On Medium:

CLIA Concocted Covid-19 Act? (in progress)

Whilst there is no ‘Devil’, which the Roman Catholic Empire needs to, and projects, exists,
while that’s just them dictating their notsee/totalitarian control over the world, there is
the closest thing that has ever existed to it, the united suck of assassin’s gov’t’s ‘suck’,
as it’s called on the street, specifically the republikan conspiracy’s psychic-terrorism.
This ‘devil’, which is dictating their ‘final solution’ for humanity is the only game in town,
like Hitler’s was (though they did a slower blitzkrieg by dividing and conquering the country
into a baskin ‘n robbins of 23 flavors of supremacy), as well as a plethora of conspiracies,
which ‘gotherdone’, all feeding on the genocide of heterosexual, Caucasian, non-republican
newborns to men, this notsee dictatorship’s ‘Jews’, which includes some of them too, ends all.

Climate crisis and our king-kong sized terrible-two, Rump’s playing his keystone President
act for two months has determined his, the republikan conspiracy’s, global oligarchy’s
agenda, which they couldn’t get done politically for the last 2 decades, the stealing of
social security from the elderly, infirm. Instead of privatizing S.S. they’re exterminating
recipients through the purposeful spread of corona virus, which kills the elderly, infirm,
predominantly. Also, daily domestic notsee attacks by the republikan party has numbed the
populace to them, so their doing terrorist attacks before the election won’t have the same
effects of determining a polity vote more right-wing, ergo, plausibly deniable extermination
by pandemic, incompetence, is happening instead. Will dreamers awaken before their murder?

This is nothing new, the republikan conspiracy led Gov’t, it’s suck and millions of minions,
Neuter newborns, anatomically destroy toddlers, kids, teens, adults constantly, also doing
all crime, spreading all disease, pestilence against and to them, shoving it down their
throats to further their murder of those non-republikans. How could you not know their the
devil. Every republikan uses their jobs they supposedly do to exterminate non-republikans
instead. That’s the same as Hitler’s minions did, for it wasn’t generals, admirals, etc.,
who realized his and his asses rise, it was the file-clerks, receptionists, cab drivers all
destroying, committing treason every moment, instead of doing their jobs, like the serial
murderers who masquerade as cops, exterminators …, as doctors, judges …, as justices.

Rump and his admin. were informed by 17 intelligence agencies about corona in january, he
lied about it extremely, pathologically and still is, as recently as March he was saying
“we have 5 cases and by the end of the week we’ll have one, then it’ll disappear”, in order
to determine as many people were infected as possible before the states jumped in to try to
stop it, the highest of treason. Simply because the quickest spread will be in the largest
metropolitan areas, specifically Cali and NY, where most voters are democrat or too sane to
vote Rump. Also, the predominance of infections and mortality will be in the lower-middle-
class to poor, 60 % of the nation, who can’t defend themselves as well, and will die from
it more, price of living skyrocketing, people have less $ than ever, class war by pandemic.

His latest, “the cure’s worse than the pandemic”, everyone should die by criminally insanely
putting them all back to work ’til death, to get Utin’s Rump more $ sooner from his corps.
I told you during the campaign that if he won we’d be lucky if he doesn’t pull a Caligula,
that’s only three steps from his current hitlerian positions. The “Stimulus bills”, the
Dems are pushing back but the Repubs are getting the edge as ever, 1/2 a trill to bail out
big businesses and they kept his criminal cuts to food stamps, still stealing food from the
mouths of babes and handing it to billionaires. Pharma, medical supplies corps making hand
over fist from bidding war between States, federal agencies, Bush, Rump klans kafknchinging.
The ‘big fix’ is in, if it ain’t fixed don’t break it, stop criminal insanity, vote Bernie.

Celebrate Earth, Mother’s Days By Donating Your Taxes To Defend Them

My mother was raped by the united suck of assassins gov’t, given
HPV, an STD, that causes cancer south of the border years later,
And her assassination from it. At the time the republicans said
‘They raped her because my father wasn’t using her southern
Parts, so, somebody could’. Even though my father was an extreme
Republican, they assassinated her in order to, as they murdered
Two of my older brothers as infants in the crib, astronomically
Increase the medical industrial complexes theft of our family,
And because I was an activist, even though they succeeded
In slowing my activism down, it doubled my determination
To free this nation of republican notsees, and their pet dinos.
This while Earth’s raped constantly by mountaintop removal.
Gandhi said, ‘The root of all oppression in our world lies in
(Supposed) science’, ‘be the change you wnt to see in the world’.
Rems, their dinos, and caving dems, to food being stolen from
The mouths of babes, by continually cutting food stamps, and
Giving it to billionaires, in estate, etc., tax cuts, are la
Machine’s worst, mothball NASA, now. Earth murder is the largest
B-line to the corporate structure’s convolution’s notsee profits,
Extermination to extinction of humanity, the second, which
Includes unending crusading blitzkrieging unnecessary global war,
The Largest carbon bootprint, stealing astronomically more of
Your tax $ vacuumed up by the military industrial complex to
Mostly republicans, like Senator McWho, who doesn’t need another
30 mansions. Why are you paying taxes to destroyers, oppressors,
Mutilators, abusers, censors, rapists, murderers, exterminators,
Genociders, extincters, of newborns, infants, toddlers, kids,
Teens, adults, mothers, grandmothers, animals, and Mother
Nature? From the shadows we must grow too, for even they speak
Of light, by making sure they’re behind us, and we’re moving.

a blade of grass, reality’s rapier

Sleep came to me 4 times this morn’,
even though torture awakened me
after a short time, betwixt.
A blessing compared to days before.
Severely psychically attacked
while my soul stood strong.
There but for Thee’s grace go I.

My father a tank, a beat down for hours,
I 1 3/4, wasn’t speaking yet, wouldn’t
’til 3, he wouldn’t stop knocking me out,
each time I’d awake, immediately stand,
never cry a tear, I knew better
and something’s very wrong with him.
I couldn’t hate then and would never.

Non-humancentricity, how to be, all life
are needed threads in life’s fabric,
that cannot be allowed to be torn
asunder, walking within nature’s balance,
giving back to it’s abundance,
is not only sage advise,
it’s required for earthly life.

Thanx for all you do; have a good eve’ :) reality



indivisible illimitable u

Intellect can't lead, life doesn't follow; if you're not taking bullets you're making them; grace can't be sought, it seeks you; an injustice to any is to all