Survivor 41 episode 6 power rankings: The We Game

Is it the merge? Do we have a Survivor Fiji situation on our hands? The Survivor 41 episode 6 power rankings aim for an overall picture.

The Reality Canuck
4 min readOct 27, 2021

We are in an unprecedented era of Survivor 41. Advantages have dictated the pace of the pre-merge, with players receiving, exchanging, or discovering them at least once every episode. However, none of them have been played so far, setting up what should be an explosive second half of the game.

Last week’s power rankings saw Genie at the bottom rung of the bottom category, with me commenting that there was no way Ricard or Shan would vote out one or the other. That didn’t stop the editors from trying!

Here are my Survivor 41 episode 6 power rankings!


Shan Smith: If last week’s episode proved anything, it’s that Shan can win friends and influence people with minimal effort. There might come a time where Ricard or Shan target one another, but she has the advantages and partnerships to bear the brunt.

Liana Wallace: Liana had a significant breakthrough this episode, wresting more trust in the tribe, gaining a partner for the merge, and now has the most overpowered advantage in the history of Survivor. She now has the power to force a player to tell the truth about an idol/advantage and obtain it.

More importantly, she has a power only one other player knows about. Even a one-person secret is a commodity these days.

Deshawn Radden: Most of the editing focus on the failed advantage throw and attempt to get out Erika has shifted away from Deshawn, who is prepping for the merge with an advantage and a potential partnership with Evvie. He has more options than most people on Luvu, who will likely be targeted due to their numbers.

In the Mix

Tiffany Seely: Not only has she consistently had correct takes, but she’s positioning herself to be a central player for the remaining Yase players. She seems poised to rely on the relationships from everyone on her current tribe and with the players she met on Prisoner’s Dilemma Island.

Ricard Foyé: He’s started to notice that Shan is getting credit for players he targets for elimination. That bodes well for his protection, as he has a prominent shield ahead of him and the strategic insight to navigate a merge scenario.

Evvie Jagoda: We’re starting to see Evvie’s influence on Yase begin to waver, and that is not a position you want to be in ahead of the merge. However, she still has many players in her corner at this moment, leading her to grow her target as an influential player.

Screenshot, CBS

Middle of the Road

Heather Aldret: We still know nothing about Heather other than that her tribe had her back when she floundered at a challenge. Luvu will be a merge target, but I don’t think anybody will come for her right now.

Naseer Muttalif: Naseer has been one of the most rootable players of Survivor 41, and to quote a great character this season, him finding the third Beware Advantage idol was “music to my sound.” He seems amenable to anything at the merge.

Erika Casupanan: Though she’s still getting a bit of heat check from Danny and Deshawn, there’s no way that they target Erika in a merge scenario. The women have more significant numbers, and Luvu might have to stay strong to fend off the other tribes.

Potential Targets

Xander Hastings: Almost everybody in the game knows that Xander has an idol, and he mistakenly put trust in the Yase women when each was plotting to vote him out. I don’t see a scenario where he isn’t a target for elimination throughout the rest of the game. However, this ain’t a standard merge.

Danny McCray: The guy screams NFL player, and there’s nothing that he’s shown so far that screams, “I am going to redefine what is a threat in this game.” He needs to go on an immunity stretch, in my mind.

Sydney Segal: Her indecisiveness seen across several episodes indicates, to me, a potential downfall. I could totally see her being put in a Sarah Lacina 1.0 situation at the merge where her inability to get a solid commitment to either side puts her in danger.

