Machines That Play (Chess — Before Deep Blue)

42 min readSep 20, 2018

Machines That Play series has been broken into 7 parts. This is Part 3 of the series.

This series covers the history of Artificial Intelligence and games (until Deep Blue) and focuses on machines that played chess, checkers, and backgammon. The following topics are covered: how to build chess machines, Shannon’s work on chess, Turing’s work on chess, The Turk, El Ajedrecista, MANIAC, Bernstein chess program, Samuel’s checkers, Mac Hack VI, Cray Blitz, BKG, HiTech, Chinook, Deep Thought, TD-Gammon, and Deep Blue.

Part 1: Machines That Play (Overview)

Part 2: Machines That Play (Building Chess Machines) — this one

Part 3: Machines That Play (Chess — Before Deep Blue)

Part 4: Machines That Play (Deep Blue)

Part 5: Machines That Play (Post Deep Blue)

If you want a summary of the first 5 parts, focusing on the human elements, go here [link coming soon].

Part 6: Machines That Play (Checkers)

Part 7: Machines That Play (Backgammon)

Part 3: Machines That Play (Chess-Before Deep Blue)

It will cover a little bit of the history of computer chess, focusing on: Turk, El Ajedrecista, Shannon and Turing’s approaches to build chess programs, MANIAC, Bersnstein’s Chess program, Mac Hack VI, Cray Blitz, HiTech, ChipTest, and Deep Thought — most major attempts until…




Chief Data Scientist @healthtech company / Consulting: / my own healthtech company coming soon! (About me: 15+ yrs in edtech, healthtech, etc)