Redbelly Network — Month in Review July 2023

Redbelly Network
3 min readAug 1, 2023


Month in Review — July 2023

✅ More than 50% of the year is now behind us. It’s incredible how time flies when you’re having fun …or totally consumed with launching what we hope will be a revolutionary open finance platform that will change the way real-world assets are stored and exchanged.

☎️ Message from Prof Vincent Gramoli, Founder and CTO
July has been a whirlwind! I spent most of July travelling through Europe where I attended the IEEE CSF conference where my co-author presented a new resilient-optimal family of consensus protocols, called Basilic.

As well, I was lucky enough to attend EthCC in Paris just a week ago. EthCC was electric. So many passionate DLT and Blockchain enthusiasts, so many new ideas and applications being launched. I am awed and inspired by the international community of forward-thinking innovators and entrepreneurs who attended, presented, and showcased their ideas.

Back home everything was also moving forward and I am very proud of our team who are working incredibly hard to expand our Devnet and automatically register all its users.

🏆 Achievements in July
🚀 The Community Grants Program is now Open for Submissions! The Program is open to all members of our community who have a blockchain project idea that they want to build on Redbelly. We welcome applications from everyone who has a vision for how Redbelly Network can be used to create positive change in the world.
🔥 Our new VINE Developer Portal was released! Within the VINE Portal you will have access to relevant information relating to our development programs, including support portal, documentation, binaries, SDKs, wrappers, and more.
🎥 We released a new video talking about Redbelly’s Inception. Find it on our YouTube channel.
✈️ Our CTO & Founder Prof Vincent Gramoli attended the 36th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
🗼 Vincent also attended EthCC (Ethereum Community Conference) in Paris, France this month where he met with some of our investors as well as caught up with our Lead Ambassador, Nick Fisher.
📗 “The Future of Blockchain Consensus” co-authored by our CTO & Founder, Professor Vincent Gramoli was published in the July edition (Vol 66, №7, Pgs 79–80) of Communications of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). See it here.
📣 Kudos (a science-based platform bridging the gap between science and users), in partnership with the ACM, also published a summary article based on Redbelly Network’s fully verified consensus protocol. Read the summary here.
💻 More Node Operators were onboarded to our Devnet. If you were shortlisted, keep an eye out for your invitation to join.
👥 This month we continued our “Meet the Team Series” where we shared some personal insights from Matt Hale who is our Head of Product.
📕 We released a new Zealy QuestBoard sprint, based on our Meet the Team series. Check it out for your chance to collect some of our limited edition NFTs (which will entitle you to exclusive rewards at listing. The more you collect, the more value you will receive).
⚡️ If you have not already joined our Devnet Beta we encourage you to do so, you can find more details on our Medium blog.
🪱 We are searching for more Senior Software Engineers based out of our Chandigarh office. Please see our Careers page for more details.

Coming up in August: We will be actively working on new marketing campaigns in the coming weeks. Keep your eye out on our community channels and let us know your feedback.



Redbelly Network

The World’s ONLY Public Purpose-Built Real-World Asset Tokenisation Network.