Bruce Lee’s water method and why it matters for modern entrepreneurs.

Larry Kaul
7 min readJun 18, 2024


Bruce Lee was the world’s greatest martial artist. He taught the “secrets of the temple” water methods that I was taught even though I’ve never fought. It took years to know the difference between forced action and inner flow.

Most of the entrepreneur world does not believe in the power of water. The how to improve yourself industry preaches as gospel the exact opposite of what Bruce Lee taught. Fear of not knowing is the problem. That’s the fight.

Don’t be fooled by the quotes now shared as wisdom by those who succeeded in the society. Life is not about chasing success, fame, and fortune. It’s anchored in finding your way, right action, and prosperity.

It’s time to bring his methods into the mainstream. The principles are timeless. They are not complex. The mysterious hidden elements exist in plain site. Many of us see under the surface and deep into our ocean.

If mystical stuff gives you a headache here’s a framework approach. I’ve got daily groups to make this easier to understand, know, and execute. We live in a practical world. What matters is getting the results that we want.

The idea that success comes from pushing boulders up hills, chasing dreams, and forceful effort comes from a misunderstanding. Successful people confuse prosperity created from purpose with wealth extracted.

It took thirty years for extemporaneous movement in flow to ignite the fire within the water that is my true nature. This came after years of learning the training forms, daily practice, not forcing progress, and giving up on it.

What my Sifu taught us back in the nineties happened. The water methods express themselves in their own way. What’s exciting is that fire ignited from water is powerful. It happened after I forgot how to do all the forms.

We were taught the power of starting from the inside. Little did I know that years later I would translate this and other life lessons to replace stagnant how-to success methods that use force. Power flows from inner knowing.


My Sifu’s name is Bruce. He’s from Chicago. We never fought, punched, or kicked each other. I’m not trained in fighting. My internal power is highly developed. I would not get in a fight with me. We learned self-defense.

Bruce Lee’s method Jeet Kune Do anchors in the methods Bruce taught me. We rarely sparred like in the movies, hit punching bags, or talked about levels of belts. I learned postures, massage, flow, defense, and energy.

My entrepreneur experience campus works based on the principle of knowing. This means that all people in it are equal. I’ve made millions at times as an entrepreneur. That does not mean I know the answer for you.


Our society lacks balance. The “Cobra Kai dojo” is full of social media followers hanging onto the words of “wisdom” formed into quotes. Those who create attractive characters, know marketing, and succeed build fires.

These bonfires attract attention on social media. Followers want answers. There are none. Some gurus know this, most don’t, and a few want out of the game. Real life is mixing the power of fire and water together in you.

Image from Cobra Kai. It’s about Fire and Water mixing. Both must come together in society.


Let people run ahead. Slow down and pass them faster than you realize. This is a permanent solution to the entrepreneur experience. It’s easier, more fun, and works fast. Then flood into rooms as openings arise.

Don’t take it literally. Wax on and wax off means pay attention to yourself. Notice what you want. Slow down and experience resonance. Then enter the market. Try again. Notice. Allow confusion. Practice. Release. Allow.

Then start again. Get deeper on your own. Free yourself from the guru. Watch the water flow through you and into the world. Realize most won’t notice you. Learn not to care. Ignore them and watch your confusion.

When all feels lost allow yourself to fully lose the battle. Realize that it’s an inner game. The they in your mind only exists inside you. The battle is to release yourself from your friction. A big win follows the next surrender.

Take that win, make sure it’s what you want, examine it closely. Is it real? Does it have strings? Is it a mirage testing your resolve? When you know explode deeper into your marketplace. Go further than you think possible.

Now it’s time to sand the floor. This is the worst moment. You thought you had the battle won. You are strong but still weak. It’s not about you and them. There is only you. Realize this and sanding the floor becomes easy.

Back into the world to test your skills. Realize that you are like a new child. You know nothing. They don’t either. The difference is that you know this is true. As water you are invisible. Be patient with yourself and with them.

When alone again go deeper. Paint the fence. Those are new muscles. Notice how it got easier. You know yourself now. You found power that you do not know existed. Now you are getting free from the how-to methods.

The secret comes as you master fence painting. The movements are becoming automatic. Skills that did not exist feel easy to you now. The world does not notice. You mastered yourself. Prosperity follows quickly.

Being taught in this style is rare in today’s society. Image from Karate Kid.

Ponder this, apply to yourself, and truly know how water works as the most powerful element within the entrepreneur experience in the modern world today. Most play with fire. You will ignite fire from water. This is alchemy.

Like my Sifu Bruce I’ve had to create frameworks to help others access these powerful principles. Bruce told me his students were too analytical. What he meant was they couldn’t handle not knowing the answer.

The most important thing is to learn how to be yourself. It’s a paradox. You can’t be taught how to become like water. You are water. The goal is to learn how to release yourself from the need to copy others and not chase money.

Jeet Kune Do is being in existence beyond form. It means not belonging. Bruce did not belong anywhere. He was free. I’m the same. This condition is not possible to explain. You must discover yourself and be that purpose.

If you built your father’s life you will die feeling it was wasted. If you spend your days trying to please your mother the same thing. Standing outside the society, being misunderstood, and not being recognized is not easy.

This is the way of water. Don’t be afraid. If you want this destiny it is the right one for you. If not you are here for another reason. Water teaches us to realize the unlimited power inside. Allow it to flow out into the world.

This schematic contains the “codes to the Zion mainframe.” What I mean is the line in The Matrix that explains what Agent Smith wanted from Neo. Richard Rudd offers the world a map into these secrets. Here they are now.

The point is to find your place in the map. It’s more complex than I can explain here. Make sure to work through Richard’s program if you are serious. What I will say is that the upper left of this chart is my pearl.

Your job is to know what your job is in this lifetime. That’s the point. The only place to look is inside. Ignore the social media prophets, gurus without answers, and anybody who thinks they know what’s right for you.

Red Pill Pathway offers entrepreneurs, supporting coaches, and service providers More Money Now Approaches and Prosperity Strategies. Attend supportive peer groups, expert workshops, coaching or collaboration sessions, or work on projects.

We spend less time climbing social media mountains and more on creating a business that leads to lasting freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and wealth. Rather than get the answer, I’ll share how to create your ideal entrepreneur experience.

Entrepreneur Vision Clarity Session: You feel the pain of being an entrepreneur and want to focus, get clarity, and get faster results.

Red Pill Pathway Programs: You desire an easier path to freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and prosperity but don’t want to be a marketer.

Entrepreneur Experience: You are tired of playing the client pursuit game for your coaching or service provider business and don’t want to do sales.

More Money Now: You want fast results while you figure out your prosperity strategy and are tired of marketing and social media games.

Change Agent Board: You want a Return on Impact (ROI) for your wealth and desire to transform your market, industry, or company.

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Warmest Regards,





Larry Kaul

💡 My study of the world's greatest minds and how they would help entrepreneurs like us find freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and results 🔑