Warren Buffett inspires this approach to new business development.

Larry Kaul
7 min readMay 5, 2024


Can you imagine Warren Buffett starting today in this crazy world of social media marketing?

I suspect he would use principles rather than copy influencers. Inspired by this, I’ve looked back at what worked in my past to avoid today’s hacks.

I’ll share the principles and examples and provide a pathway to get More Money Now. It works, is fun, and feels honest.

More Money Now avoids success that’s not worth the struggle. Consistent results require stamina. Pay attention to how you feel as you move fast.

  1. I sold a $750K product launch event to a pharmaceutical company and then built a $1M annual book of business.
  2. I created $4K in recurring revenue in one month, which scaled quickly to $8K monthly in the insurance industry in the first year.
  3. I built a $1.5M virtual sales outsourcing passive-income company that scaled to $100k monthly recurring in the second year.

My aim is consistent income without compromising my freedom, satisfaction, or happiness. Failure is a success with compromise.

More Money Now: The Five-Step Method

  1. Product: Know what you have, who it’s for, and why it matters.
  2. Connect: Get visible, be consistent, and test ideas.
  3. Ask: Notice resonance, get clarity, and gain focus.
  4. Schmooze: Deepen understanding, share vision, and come together.
  5. Next: Move fast, get specific, and realize results.


Your awareness of life and experience is unique. By embracing what's possible, combine these into a clear product idea and a quick storyline.

Select your market not by thinking about who will buy but rather what group of people you want to be around. Combine all your interests.

Survey the entire market landscape and divide it into mentors, peers, and partners. Finally, figure out why people within that market should pay you.

PROCESS: Know what you have, who it’s for, and why it matters.

I’m an expert in inner development and transformation, being an entrepreneur, and the lead generation, sales, and marketing industries.

My best conversations are with people with a burning vision, passion, or purpose. I also like the type of people who want to support them.

I matter because entrepreneurs like to go fast, work on themselves, be visible, join peer communities, and seek systems rather than advice.


Getting known within your market comes when you gain confidence. Clarify your knowledge, and you won’t need marketing hacks.

Use communities, content, networking events, social media, digital hangouts, podcast networks, comment feeds, and cold outreach.

Results at this stage mean proving that you like the market, enjoy talking to the right people, and find the public conversation engaging.

PROCESS: Get visible, be consistent, and test ideas.

I use the calendar to stay consistent, seize opportunities, stay in constant motion, notice what’s working, and go fast but adjust quickly.

My style is lateral creative thinking, meaning I change course constantly. This is fine as long as I’m actively engaged consistently.

What I look for is less what works and more what feels right. The goal is to notice where things are, what people believe, and what’s coming next.


The goal is resonance. Is my passion real or merely interest? Where is the market? Is it growing or declining? Can I find my people? Where do I fit?

Clarity comes from moments of resonance. It’s in the conversations where it occurs. Notice the excitement when somebody gets what you notice.

The focus rolls out of clarity. Conversations become peer-to-peer as you find your people. In discussion, you prove the concept and market fit.

PROCESS: Notice resonance, get clarity, and gain focus.

Lead into the market. Look for waves of change to surf that are ready to break—iterate through action in motion. Act like a peer, not a salesperson.

The idea is to notice when clarity occurs in conversation. This happens when you get into more than a few connected discussions.

Ask is about learning, noticing, and adapting quickly. Your hunch may be correct, a false pathway to nowhere, or an opportunity ready to break fast.


The self-selection process happens when you know your stuff, who it’s for, and why it matters. You are not merely another needy hustler on the prowl.

Markets follow predictable patterns. Learn more in this David Bowie article. When you get deep into the pool, where to dive becomes obvious.

What matters most is finding the right people and ignoring the rest. Share your vision, absorb their vision, and merge desire.

PROCESS: Deepen understanding, share vision, and come together.

Spend more time with the people you like talking with and less with the general market. When you don’t feel resonance, move on fast.

Get connected to the networks of the people with whom you evolved a shared desire. Don’t waste time with people who don’t get your vision.

Watch for financial, networking, and leadership opportunities. Jump quickly. You will find small cracks that get you further ahead quickly.


Speed matters. Results come quickly once you prove the product, get connected, know the market, and find and get deep with your people.

More Money Now comes when you get specific. Then, wherever you connect, you are in the right circles, sharing what you know resonates.

What comes next are tangible opportunities likely to close, higher quality clients, and inside tracks to decision-makers, influencers, and leaders.

PROCESS: Move fast, get specific, and realize results.

Act with urgency. Use the time blocks wisely. Sprints work best. Getting results within a month is possible, but not when you jump ahead.

Know your stuff. At this point, you are an expert. You knew the product, and now you know the market. It’s about paying attention to details now.

Results come on their own accord. You will succeed when you get the product/market fit right. Don’t worry about the numbers. They will come.

Many successful people stumble with Making More Money Now because they focus on the wrong things and want to find the answer.

It’s not possible to know what will work until it does. Success in this method does not need to be planned; your actions must be consistent.


Watch your reactions to everything that’s happening. Does your product feel right? Are you sure you know your stuff, and do you care enough?

The friction in the market gives you opportunities to notice, hone, and refine your direction. Watch yourself, not the market. Evolve the idea.


Notice your reaction to brick walls. Become curious about how you handle them. Do you push harder, collapse into fear, or get distracted constantly?

The lack of knowing gives you the gift of learning humility, how to keep your mind open, and how to notice. It also teaches you resourcefulness.


Talk and listen to everybody. During your time blocks, it’s acceptable to change course. If you notice something, chase it down. Be a detective.

Small details and cracks in the wall open at the strangest times. Bury yourself in frenetic activity during your time block, and you miss them.


Success comes through small groups bonded together. Insiders won’t let in outsiders. Ignore political games. What’s next is outside.

Chasing top people to curry favor relegates you to the bleacher seats. Rather than follow the leaders, find those who share your desires.


Avoid finding safety in numbers. Failure attracts those who fail, and success finds its counterpart. If you are new, find those with vision.

Opportunities emerge fast when you become an expert in yourself and the market. The money rolls toward you, but not when you stop noticing them.

Many people work on their mindset, productivity, and skills. For me, it’s possible to achieve these goals with a few quick books or lessons.

What worked best was to avoid working on myself or the business and spend my time moving fast through these steps, paying attention.

When I felt blocked, I noticed this, changed course, and got creative. The more I released the pain rather than worked on it, the better.

For those who feel overwhelmed, stuck, or frustrated, allow those emotions to come rather than push them away.

Stick to your time blocks, but work through whatever bothers you rather than push through it. The lesson is inside the feeling. Try this method.

Red Pill Pathway offers entrepreneurs, supporting coaches, and service providers More Money Now Approaches and Prosperity Strategies. Attend supportive peer groups, expert workshops, coaching or collaboration sessions, or work on projects.

We spend less time climbing social media mountains and more on creating a business that leads to lasting freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and wealth. Rather than get the answer, I’ll share how to create your ideal entrepreneur experience.

Entrepreneur Vision Clarity Session: You feel the pain of being an entrepreneur and want to focus, get clarity, and get faster results.

Red Pill Pathway Programs: You desire an easier path to freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and prosperity but don’t want to be a marketer.

Entrepreneur Experience: You are tired of playing the client pursuit game for your coaching or service provider business and don’t want to do sales.

More Money Now: You want fast results while you figure out your prosperity strategy and are tired of marketing and social media games.

Change Agent Board: You want a Return on Impact (ROI) for your wealth and desire to transform your market, industry, or company.

Reach out to discuss details or with any questions.

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Warmest Regards,





Larry Kaul

💡 My study of the world's greatest minds and how they would help entrepreneurs like us find freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and results 🔑