Charlie Munger inspires a new approach to funding entrepreneurs.

Larry Kaul
6 min readDec 13, 2023


Charlie Munger had a major impact on me. He reminds me of me. I’m a human learning machine.

This works as I’m not interested in being good at anything. I’d rather be an expert in truth, life, and being an entrepreneur.

He tapped creative energy. It’s rare to see this in business. Learn more about how that works here. It’s truly the road less traveled for prosperity.

I’ve been using his mental models approach for a few years now. I’ve combined this with the Napoleon Hill Master Mind Council. I’m not an expert in money. I’m the best on the world in my chosen domains.

The impact of allowing wisdom in can’t be overstated. I’m an expert because of a lifetime of experience in personal transformation, business development, entrepreneur structures, market dynamics, and change.

High School: When I saw the books in the stacks at Northwestern University as a high school senior, tears came to my eyes. I spent a few hours reading confusing journals on Applied Psychology and Biology.

University: My facility advisor wondered why I did not have enough classes by my senior year to declare a Major field of study. “It looks like you made scrambled eggs; what were you thinking?” I learned without directions.

Young Adult: Selling children’s clothing to retailers and working in my parent's small business was punishment enough for the crime of wanting freedom. I turned the business into a lifestyle company for all of us.

Maturing Cynic: Left the family business, got a “real” job in corporate sales in the marketing industry, tried to get into a business school, and focused on racing sailboats, drinking, and chasing results like everybody else.

World Expert: After years of learning, I knew I knew the answers. I built careful arguments on top of opinions, hoping to keep up if I needed to win an argument with somebody less educated than me. The truth was obvious.

Money Focus: Learned to care less about ideas and more about money. I got serious and needed to make up for lost time. I kept on the news as always, but my opinion was becoming less and less important.

Moment of Truth: Realized that despite having built a virtual business before the pandemic, written a book about it on Amazon, and succeeded, I missed the new lead gen. What’s a funnel? What’s an offer? What’s a hook?


Entrepreneur Experiment (First Two Years): Dropped the rope and turned the company over to the head of sales to run. “Wake up Neo. The Matrix has you came into my life along with a slew of how-to succeed gurus.

Entrepreneur Experiment (Last Year): Found wisdom by accident. Stopped learning and started to experience life directly. Used books of the ages to verify and confirm what was happening. Dropped the guru how-to steps.

Today: Go to bookstores during the day and wonder how to keep up with the wisdom now wide open to me. Everything feels simple and clear. I’ve entered the secret temple of truth. I’m like water. It comes through me.

Why does this matter? Entrepreneurs should be funded by entrepreneurs steeped in wisdom. Principles matter. These construct into mental models developed through a lifetime of direct knowing. All other money is dumb.


My mind changed when I stopped cramming it full of information. Shifting my awareness to escape the mind requires this transition. The more I put into my mind to learn, the less I could access my deeper truth and wisdom.

I press go and hope for the best. What if an investor wants to control me?

I’ve never had to find investors. Many entrepreneur must take money. This is a disaster when the money is stupid. Stupid money means matrix money. Charlie and Warren used mental models. What about average people?

My dreams were modest enough to do it the old-fashioned way. What about somebody who needs capital to build software, investors who know the score, or experts in the domain to open doors or deploy workable systems?

I’ve found a way through years of experimentation to build a $30M infrastructure at an 85% net profit for my new business. I don’t want to be bigger than that. This is more than enough money for me. I’m set with this.

How do I think about others in the context of the “rules” of my new approach to success as an entrepreneur?

Never push for success.

Don’t attempt to get people to do what I want.

Avoid a focus on results, plans, and deadlines.

I think of “money” people as likely stuck in the conventional world of how the entrepreneur game has been played for years.

The rules for them violate the core “road less traveled” success principles.

Focus first on ROI.

Set KPIs and goals.

Create a plan.

This is different from how to become a top 1% entrepreneur measured by freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and prosperity. How do vision-oriented entrepreneurs escape backers who force them to chase money and results?

The old ways are not the best way to build a fortune, make an impact, and change how the entrepreneurs I want to support experience the world.

Charlie and Warren modeled how to build wealth without forcing results, allowing people to thrive, and ignoring short-term goals.

Charlie Munger taught me that the investment system is corrupt and morally bankrupt, ignorant of truth, and, in his words, dangerous.

Financing business to scale must become part of the experience-sharing economy playbook for vision-oriented entrepreneurs who need investors.

Let’s start with what to avoid when looking for investors.

People who use words like immediate, fast, and KPIs.

Investors who want a proposal before the meeting.

Anybody who doesn’t control their funding source.


These people have a hidden agenda.

They fear change.

They fear loss.

They fear failure.

Don’t engage with them!

Bet on the expert, not the genius.

Mental Model Scorecard for Return of Impact (ROI) investors

You’ve failed as much as the entrepreneur you will back.

It’s not your first time.

The vision comes from inside.

They will do whatever it takes to succeed.

Money and success matter but do not motivate.

The vision elevates humanity.

The plan is in the imagination.

They will prove the concept in the market.

The beta and pilot phases will be allowed to breath as what’s new takes time to find it’s market and should not be force through marketing.

The dream began when they were around 5 years old.

There is only one question an investor should ask an entrepreneur.

How much do you need?

Then, the negotiation is simple.

What’s the time to return?

How do we measure it?

When do you need the money?

Good luck.

Let me know if you need me.

Red Pill Pathway offers entrepreneurs, supporting coaches, and service providers More Money Now Approaches and Prosperity Strategies. Attend supportive peer groups, expert workshops, coaching or collaboration sessions, or work on projects.

We spend less time climbing social media mountains and more on creating a business that leads to lasting freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and wealth. Rather than get the answer, I’ll share how to create your ideal entrepreneur experience.

Entrepreneur Vision Clarity Session: You feel the pain of being an entrepreneur and want to focus, get clarity, and get faster results.

Red Pill Pathway Programs: You desire an easier path to freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and prosperity but don’t want to be a marketer.

Entrepreneur Experience: You are tired of playing the client pursuit game for your coaching or service provider business and don’t want to do sales.

More Money Now: You want fast results while you figure out your prosperity strategy and are tired of marketing and social media games.

Change Agent Board: You want a Return on Impact (ROI) for your wealth and desire to transform your market, industry, or company.

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Warmest Regards,





Larry Kaul

💡 My study of the world's greatest minds and how they would help entrepreneurs like us find freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and results 🔑