Here’s what I learned from Bob Proctor about entrepreneurs.

Larry Kaul
11 min readNov 9, 2023


Bob Proctor, one of the world’s most successful coaches, taught how to succeed approaches based on Napoleon Hill’s ideas that worked.

I’m more familiar with Napoleon Hill. I never did Bob’s programs, but I know he’s deeply immersed in Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich, like me.

Like Bob, I feel deeply connected to Napoleon Hill and the ideas in Bob’s “bible.” Despite the title, it’s for entrepreneurs who want more than money.

I’ll share my entrepreneurial experience, how I built lifestyle and passive income companies, and how my decision to risk it all the past few years came. I’ve created a new approach but learned much from this book.

My life has become a series of successful trials by fire. I’ve never taken the easy road. It’s by choice that I’ve given up safe or easy money, left secure perches for new pastures, or been unwilling to compromise for success.

Many entrepreneurs want to feel safe, secure, and stable. It’s not possible. The feeling of security comes when you find your people. Careful of this King Midas trap of chasing money and gaining security from wealth.

Try this instead of following gurus who have more wealth than prosperity, don’t know much about life, and preach follow me how-to methods.


I’ve reworked the entrepreneur playbook for the modern era. It’s an approach based on laws, principles, and mechanisms, like Think and Grow Rich, that always work. My life prepared me for this moment.

I’ll explain myself first, then provide a new path forward and invite you to join this new world as an equal, not a follower. The world has changed, but not the entrepreneur's path to success. Here’s what’s different now.

  1. You have a burning desire for financial success but want freedom, satisfaction, happiness, stable prosperity, and money.
  2. You know that success comes to those who become original. Many are tired of copying influencers' how-to formulas that create carbon copies.
  3. You realize that leverage comes from being part of an inner circle of people who run your market and reject the high cost of entry.

The days of the $100,000 MasterMind networking group, an influencer who has the answer motivating others from the big stage, and the idea that because you made more, you know more ended for many of us.

My lifetime of struggle to find my way as an entrepreneur got me here faster than most, but like many, I got lost in the influencer game on social media. It took gaining access to an insider group on social to reject them.

I gave up the social media mountain climb, formed my insider community, and broadened my Think and Grow Rich use. My experience in marketing, lead generation, and entrepreneurial success prepared me for leadership.

I took a family business from $200K to $800K in revenue without how-to methods, coaching, or knowledge of what I was doing in my twenties. It manifested through hard work because I knew exactly what I wanted.

The goal was freedom to read, travel, and be myself. I accidentally created a lifestyle business without realizing this was an accomplishment. Skills learned included lead generation and how to sell and scale systems.

After leaving the family business, I took a business developer job and built a corporate sales pipeline from scratch to make it outside the family. I walked away when the marketing agency I worked for sold to investors.

Business developers are often entrepreneurs who have yet to figure out their company. When I heard about the sale, my left foot was out the door. I don’t fit in corporate, so I quit and sailed across the Atlantic, a passion idea.

Returning to run the family business to pursue economic freedom, I stood on top of a collapsing retail industry. Forging my steel in the fire after years of learning to run a P&L myself, I exited with decent cash but no direction.

Looking for another business, I explored franchises but prepared to open an insurance agency. I got my hands dirty. I sold business insurance door to door for a top agent to learn the industry. I’m an entrepreneur—a bad fit.

I cut my teeth in the marketing industry, working for the family business and later selling to corporate marketing departments. I used that to network into what was next: the emerging marketing technology industry.

It felt like home. I became a business development hunter for a series of eCommerce, lead generation, AI, machine learning, recommendations, and social analytics software companies, and I succeeded in the industry.

I turned this into a 7-figure sales outsourcing company. I’d been doing lead generation, business development, and sales long enough to work across industries with as many different types of products and services.

This is my passive income business. I’ve not worked in or on it for almost four years. It succeeded because of my business development approach. It scaled due to my knowledge of building and running a small company.

It thrived because I was looking ahead. I created it as a virtual business using new technologies to allow us to communicate that are accepted as commonplace today. I also used a new flextime hiring and staffing model.

It still exists because I turned it over to a partner to run. It was worth giving up equity, income, and control. During the pandemic, I noticed that bigger opportunities emerged on social media, and I wanted to pursue that path.

After experimenting with other concepts, I launched Red Pill Pathway and the Entrepreneur Experience. It’s a bigger idea than I expected. It took years, but I learned how to teach others who aren’t like me what I know.

It came after a few years of study in persuasion science, influencer marketing, personal branding, course creation, group coaching models, funnels and challenges, and social media networking. I executed all of this.


I’ll provide ideas and principles I learned from experience to help you do what I did. My wish for you is to wean you away from how-to-succeed coaching formulas. They sell like hotcakes and never work.

Human beings create success from thoughts. It requires effortless action. Bob gets this. Many dismiss the “manifestation” approaches promised by acolytes of people like Bob Proctor, Napoleon Hill, and Rhonda Byrne.

The goal is to be yourself and get what you want. It’s a fool's errand to try and force money to come. That’s not what Bob and Napoleon meant in their teachings. I tried to write down numbers and be confident. It didn’t work.

What did work was the system. Prosperity came in forms that did not always immediately include money. I got purpose, meaning, satisfaction, or sometimes people, ideas, and resources. Money inevitably followed.


I’ve spent significant time following Napoleon’s suggestions. Prosperity strategies come from within. Writing down how much money you want will not work when you need the money to feel secure. It will come on its own.

The creative flow of intelligence does not reward limited desires. That would rob you of getting what you truly want. Expanding my vision worked for me, and you may find the same. Do you want more than just money?

I spent three years writing down what I wanted. My actions were focused and consistent, and my confidence rarely wavered. Prosperity came, but the results came slower when I tried getting what I wanted to feel secure.


When individuals succeed, they write down their successes, which becomes their coaching program—most who follow this fail. You will never know how you will succeed. Some blame themselves or troll the guru.

This is why I never follow how-to-succeed programs. It’s like walking behind somebody looking for their footprints in the snow. Given that I’m not them, it’s highly unlikely that I’ll get the results by copying influencers.

Many succeeded using formulas such as writing checks to themselves, using vision boards, or trying to manifest money in their bank accounts. None of this ever worked for me, but here is an updated pathway that did.

Compromise nothing.

⭕ If I don’t want to do social media, I don’t.

⭕ If I don’t want to attend networking events, I don’t.

⭕ If I don’t want to do something, I don’t.

Knowing the principles taught by Napoleon Hill and used successfully by Bob Proctor allows me to ignore anything that does not suit me.

What do I do instead?

Nothing except what feels right, timely, and relevant to me, but only when my awareness is entirely on my vision. When I’ve got clarity, this is possible.

I don’t have to learn how to succeed because knowing how to do anything, as Bob suggests, makes it impossible to pay attention to the world I’m in.

I don’t have to chase results.

I don’t have to push myself.

What do I have to be?

I’ve got to be visible, take action, and pay attention to my impact on my market. I need to feel we resonate with each other. If I love the market, it will work. If I don’t, I’ll fail. I want to show up as a leader but also an equal.

How will they engage me if they don’t know who I am? What’s the point of innovating by copying the market leaders? Why not be an original?

I think about it like this.

⭕ If I work hard to get known and don’t enjoy doing the work, I’ll be exhausted.

⭕ If I don’t enjoy what I’m doing, then my effort will likely not produce results, as I’ll appear needy because I need it badly.

Get known and succeed; I feel like I’ve failed when, to get there, I have to go back to my old ways of forcing results, feeling bad, and compromising.

I don’t want to compromise anything. This is the critical point.

How do I recognize what works and what doesn’t work for me?

The most crucial equation here is to figure out what will work for me. I know what I want and what I don’t like.

I know I’m not willing to force results, chase outcomes, or overwhelm myself in pursuit of success, money, or happiness. You may be different. If you want to chase results because that feels great, do that more often.

I don’t want a business that will take away the freedom, satisfaction, and happiness I now enjoy.

This was hard fought. It worked, and abandoning the new enjoyment approach is a mistake when the results are not coming fast enough.

I have to understand whether I can’t get myself to do the hard thing I don’t want to do or the thing I think I should be doing that is wrong.

I separated these into two categories:

The first category is recognizing when I’m procrastinating, lazy, or afraid to take a particular action. Get that right first.

The second category is while I’m taking that action that I previously did not want to take, do I feel better, but the action feels wrong?

Then, I’m going in the wrong direction.

If you need a coaching conversation to figure out what’s going on, you need to get a coach and evolve beyond expecting the coach to teach you.

My mentors asked me questions that made me feel disoriented. I couldn’t figure out which end was up. Anyway. That’s the gift. Then they told me to do something. And it should be something like: Pay attention to what’s happening around you and figure out what feels right for you. It should be something like taking a self-inventory and answering certain questions. This was Napoleon’s approach. Then, a wisdom dose. I learned not to follow him or Bob Proctor and do it for myself. It took time.

My mentors helped me understand what was going on around me. Coaches I hired later told me what to do, problem-solved with me, or projected what they wanted. This is the problem with the how-to-succeed industry today.

How can I create my vision if I don’t know who I am?

There are only three things you need to have an excellent entrepreneurial experience.

One: Know who you are and what you want.

Two: Know who you want to serve and why.

Three: Know how to serve them selfishly.

The answer to these questions came from something other than learning what works in the marketplace or copying successful people who figured it out.

It came from getting to know myself, taking the necessary actions to succeed, and adding value to the marketplace beyond the payment I’m extracting from the world. It’s an approach that I call selfish service without trying at any time to force a result, compromise an action, or chase success.

You may feel overwhelmed by hearing this. That’s why it may be time to find a mentor and get yourself out of the how-to-succeed industry.

Red Pill Pathway offers entrepreneurs, supporting coaches, and service providers More Money Now Approaches and Prosperity Strategies. Attend supportive peer groups, expert workshops, coaching or collaboration sessions, or work on projects.

We spend less time climbing social media mountains and more on creating a business that leads to lasting freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and wealth. Rather than get the answer, I’ll share how to create your ideal entrepreneur experience.

Entrepreneur Vision Clarity Session: You feel the pain of being an entrepreneur and want to focus, get clarity, and get faster results.

Red Pill Pathway Programs: You desire an easier path to freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and prosperity but don’t want to be a marketer.

Entrepreneur Experience: You are tired of playing the client pursuit game for your coaching or service provider business and don’t want to do sales.

More Money Now: You want fast results while you figure out your prosperity strategy and are tired of marketing and social media games.

Change Agent Board: You want a Return on Impact (ROI) for your wealth and desire to transform your market, industry, or company.

Reach out to discuss details or with any questions.

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Warmest Regards,





Larry Kaul

💡 My study of the world's greatest minds and how they would help entrepreneurs like us find freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and results 🔑