What I learned from the United States Marines about business development.

Larry Kaul
4 min readJul 9, 2024


I’ve never been in the military. I’m not a Marine. My longest tenure in a hierarchy was six months. Luckily, I got fired and put out of my misery.

My Marine spirit in another life would end up one of them. More likely, a special forces variety. I’m drawn to water. Here’s an article to explain.

One of my worst moments in my career history came early. We ran out of leads to contact. My reaction was to jump in a van and go on the road.

The American ideal is not conservative or progressive. It’s a global spirit of entrepreneur freedom.

Entrepreneurs experience life in reverse from most people. The army attracts those who love logistics, rules, and predictability. Not the Marines.

Let’s storm the beach, plant the flag, and secure enemy territory. Then get on the horn and tell the army. We don’t have patience to organize things.

Using this analogy entrepreneurs need a different system to succeed. Salespeople join the army. They love contests, regulations, and systems.

Marketers today push how-to succeed systems. Most of them did not use them to succeed. They are designed to sell product to people in pain.

Entrepreneurs feel pain like Marines. We learn to embrace the burn. My tendency to jump in the deep end before testing the water explains the method. Structure comes from principles and mechanisms not copying.

Business developers by nature become entrepreneurs. You know this is you because the idea of a sales job crushes your spirit. Don’t join the Army.

The Vanguard fleet at Montrose Harbor in Chicago runs spring frostbiting races on Sunday morning. This was my first race. Nobody rescued me.

Racing against former college sailing team champions to most feels like a stupid idea. Not knowing how to right the boat the same. I can’t help it.

My crew stuck in the thirty degree water was tough. She was not happy that I had no idea what I was doing. We sailed together for a few years.

The fastest way to fail comes when you follow and copy successful people. The best path is to find your people. This may include experts and mentors.

I’ve never met a successful entrepreneur who needed five how-to steps to run into a burning building. Getting guidance about firefighting is smart.

Coaches, consultants, and salespeople often want to join the Army. They like stability, certainty, and carving a lane. Entrepreneurs want adventure.

Learn more here about a More Money Now business development approach designed for those who crave a life of meaningful adventure.

Bootcamp means that you dive into icy water alone. What you will find is that you won’t be for long. It never took me longer than a few months.

The size of the vision may expand. That’s your work. The job of an entrepreneur becomes one of teasing out your vision from the matrix.

When you follow a social media guru with the answers that can’t happen. You get trapped in the illusion that you are a normal person.

Red Pill Pathway offers entrepreneurs, supporting coaches, and service providers More Money Now Approaches and Prosperity Strategies. Attend supportive peer groups, expert workshops, coaching or collaboration sessions, or work on projects.

We spend less time climbing social media mountains and more on creating a business that leads to lasting freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and wealth. Rather than get the answer, I’ll share how to create your ideal entrepreneur experience.

Entrepreneur Vision Clarity Session: You feel the pain of being an entrepreneur and want to focus, get clarity, and get faster results.

Red Pill Pathway Programs: You desire an easier path to freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and prosperity but don’t want to be a marketer.

Entrepreneur Experience: You are tired of playing the client pursuit game for your coaching or service provider business and don’t want to do sales.

More Money Now: You want fast results while you figure out your prosperity strategy and are tired of marketing and social media games.

Change Agent Board: You want a Return on Impact (ROI) for your wealth and desire to transform your market, industry, or company.

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Warmest Regards,





Larry Kaul

💡 My study of the world's greatest minds and how they would help entrepreneurs like us find freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and results 🔑