Russell Brunson taught me the power and perils of the attractive character.

Larry Kaul
4 min readJun 24, 2024


We crossed paths on my computer the first summer of the pandemic.

My life changed that day. I’ve immersed myself in his teachings, did the thirty-day challenge, and thought long and hard about revealed secrets.

For those living under a rock, like me until noticing, Russell took the power of direct-response marketing into the Google age and won the biggest prize.

His endearing potato gun story of legend, realization that the audience comes into view through passion, and storytelling ideas changed things.

Constructing a software company of the scale of Click Funnels, outside the friendly confines of Silicon Valley, he got what most entrepreneurs want.

Freedom to pursue his passion. It turned out his satisfaction came from being the head funnel hacker attracting a large following of devotees.

Happiness came from a relationship with Tony Robbins, a strong supportive family, and the adoration of the masses conditioned to believe.

Then it got ugly. The days of the potato gun gave way to his decision to hold fast to the marketing of money manifestation secrets of Napoleon Hill.

It’s not a surprise that Google turned into an ad network, Russell Brunson into an extraction marketer, and the influencer economy kicked into gear.

Dan Kennedy channeled through Russell his famous five steps to this, seven steps to that, and a magic doohickey met marketing manifestation.

Society struggles to break free of the grip of a simple belief that proved itselves false back in the Vedic period in India. Chasing leads to arrival.

Ray Bradbury, who knows these secrets, taught me to write with rage or love. This article combines both feelings. It’s admiration and disgust.

Here’s why I’m not only annoyed but outraged by what’s happening:

  1. Napoleon Hill wrote a manual to prosperity not the secrets to chase wealth, get money, or trick your mind into not craving security.
  2. The use of authority, social proof, and consistency persuasion principles at this moment in evolutionary history is a tragedy.
  3. Confusing knowing the secrets of the temple with expert, dotcom, and traffic marketing weapons blinds fear-based seekers of truth.

Society radically changed since Russell Brunson integrated late-night television marketing with the direct-response power of Google ads.

Most people still get caught in the ad network nets. As beginners to the entrepreneur game these people may purchase out of fear or ignorance.

The high-likely-to-succeed clients that everybody wants moved beyond the marketing bullshit. They are less susceptible and not fooled by light shows.

Dan Kennedy was right when he suggested never telling people the truth. What Russell does not appear to know is that that age died a few years ago.

“But if you go deeper, you’ll find that they want to be the envy of all of their friends who are falling apart. That’s the secret ego motivation that inspires them to find you. And further, they do NOT want to be put into a nursing home. That’s the secret fear that has them searching for you. Sell them abilities their friends don’t have and you’ll have them eating out of your hand.”
Dan S. Kennedy, Magnetic Marketing: How To Attract A Flood Of New Customers That Pay, Stay, and Refer

I’m not saying marketing to fear is not ethical. What I suggest is that nobody watches late night TV commercials these days except for laughs.

The idea of creating attractive characters, using storytelling to convince, and targeting fearful minds feels not only idiotic but a futile strategy.

I’ve reworked outdated concepts from the manifestation crowd. Click this article to learn about my direct experience with them. Don’t chase money.

Bottom line for those ready to escape the marketing secrets traps. Ignore the promoters of old ways. You know the answers. They are inside you.

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We spend less time climbing social media mountains and more on creating a business that leads to lasting freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and wealth. Rather than get the answer, I’ll share how to create your ideal entrepreneur experience.

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Warmest Regards,





Larry Kaul

💡 My study of the world's greatest minds and how they would help entrepreneurs like us find freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and results 🔑