How Andrew Carnegie became prosperous without hoarding wealth or chasing money.

Larry Kaul
6 min readApr 14, 2024


Andrew Carnegie's strategy was prosperity, not wealth. It worked, and he made enough to afford to give most of it back to the world Warren Buffet style. He got wealth, money, and fame but that was never the point of it.

Learn how to create your prosperity strategy, stop chasing money unless necessary, and detach yourself from financial outcomes. Many never get there. It’s good enough to use the approach even if you feel selfish.

You won’t need to go as deep into the void as me. I’ve been sucked into the gravitational pull of more black holes and spit out the ether into new worlds than most people I’ve met or read about. My advice is find your way.

I’m thinking about you. For some it’s a complex picture of simplicity, others want and need a few simple methods, and some inspiration that the impossible is possible. Find your way but know the path. I’m here for you.

I’ve formulated this strategy. As Napoleon Hill reported, it feels like what Carnegie did and fits my personal development experience. You don’t need to want to give back to the world. Use this approach and get more.

While exploring prosperity strategies from the Law of Attraction, Napoleon Hill, and Bob Proctor, I learned to write numbers and think about them.

Bruce Lee, one of my mentors, used Napoleon’s formula from Think and Grow Rich to create his martial arts empire. While reading his biography, I found his Chief Aim in the book by Matthew Polly, its author.

When the money never came as expected, confusion led to a deeper search for wealth strategy answers. I got deep into The Secret and Neville Goddard. These approaches fell short but make perfect sense to me.

What I learned next surprised me. I stopped writing down what I wanted, thinking about results, outcomes, and money. Progress was faster.

Here’s the progression from Think and Grow Rich to the Red Pill Pathway. It includes integrating separate wisdom and prosperity systems.

  1. Multiple attempts at following Napoleon Hill’s advice, including extensive time working through the self-inquiry and Master Mind.
  2. Daily creative sessions, which I learned from Law of Attraction, led to quantum leaps in shifting my awareness and expanding my experience.
  3. Exploration of beliefs using techniques from Byron Katie, Socrates, and Buddhism fit perfectly with what I’d done earlier with Napoleon Hill.
  4. Practicing ideas from surrender approaches that I learned from Michael Singer, David Hawkins, and Jack Kornfield released chronic burdens.
  5. Sub-conscious work came from bio-energetic meditative and Tai Chi approaches, including Joe Dispenza's meditations and my regressions.

This work turned out to be preparation for what came later. It was necessary. Without clearing out what’s in the way, what’s new won’t arrive. I never suggest that people do what I did. Everybody knows their answer.

Prosperity strategies focused on getting money, results, or business did not work for me because I had a bigger vision. It does work for those where that’s what they want. Most of us want more. Allow the vision to expand.

Rhonda Byrne, Bob Proctor, and Napoleon Hill got it right, and the error is in the minds of those who came later, misunderstood them, or judged the idea that life starts with an idea that transmutes into tangible form.

My issue was integrating what I’d learned about creation from mystical traditions with wealth creation from modern leaders. I’d learned about creation from The Alchemist, Yogananda, and the New Testament.

Like everything else, solutions came from experience and a shift into a new phase. Experiencing Christ's Consciousness through the transition from mind to Self through the Holy Spirit clarified me. Traditions came together.

A Course in Miracles was not an answer but a way to refocus on what mattered. My pilot group of peers had formed, Red Pill Pathway was almost done, and I was finished with the most demanding transitional work.

  1. I realized that the prosperity strategy in Red Pill Pathway would not know itself until I was prepared to deliver it.
  2. My role was not to teach, be an expert, or share knowledge but to refine my gift, learn from others through experience-sharing, and connect.
  3. Success in tangible wealth should wait until I have learned how to meet my people where they are, which is not where I’m most comfortable.

I learned how to expand into the body of Christ, which is the same as realizing my Buddha nature and existing in Brahma's eternal mind. The feeling of being there became more important than writing numbers down on a piece of paper and feeling emotionally sure of wealth arriving.

Without money, my entrepreneurial experiment fails. Focusing on money, forcing results, and chasing metrics also leads to falling short. People in my groups don’t have to do this, as I thought. They should find their way.

The challenge was knowing how to create wealth without marketing, sales struggles, or how to close business. Preparing myself had to come first.

  1. Daily practices evolving the Aum sound approaches taught by Wayne Dyer feel right, and I’ve created my version for vision acceleration.
  2. Creating a More Money Now system to integrate with Red Pill Pathway worked. Now, I can more easily meet people where they are.
  3. I recognize that being specific about what I want violates the principle of surprise, and it’s better to imagine my future life than use numbers.

Working with Brian Muka, a peer in my pilot group, we released an acorn of unworthiness buried deep inside the onion that I’d been peeling since my 12-step experiences as a teenager. I learned to release and not peel it.

My thoughts about the Law of Attraction, The Secret, and Think and Grow Rich got clear. These approaches make sense but are out of context as society has evolved since their publication—the same with spirituality.

It’s not confusing to me now. Traditions come in perfect form for specific reasons. Rick Rubin explains this well in his book on creativity. He explains that the idea is waiting for the artist to notice. Here’s my article on Rubin.

My role is to notice, explore, and create. Others will find themselves doing other things. All entrepreneurs have prosperity strategies, but most will ignore them and chase money, hoard wealth, and continue marketing.

Red Pill Pathway offers entrepreneurs, supporting coaches, service providers high-touch groups, and self-directed More Money Now and Wealth Strategies.

We spend less time climbing social media mountains and more on creating a business that leads to lasting freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and wealth.

  1. Vision Clarity Session: You feel the pain of being an entrepreneur and want focus, clarity, and results.
  2. Red Pill Pathway Programs: You desire a faster path to freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and results but feel something’s missing.
  3. Entrepreneur Experience: You are tired of playing the client pursuit game for your coaching or service provider business.
  4. More Money Now: You aren’t ready for a wealth strategy but tired of the marketing, networking, and social media games.
  5. Change Agent Board: You want a Return on Impact (ROI) for your wealth and desire to transform your market, industry, or company.

Reach out to discuss details or with any questions.

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Warmest Regards,





Larry Kaul

💡 My study of the world's greatest minds and how they would help entrepreneurs like us find freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and results 🔑