Never miss any of the most important links, even in a busy week

Introducing: The Weekend ☕️

2 min readJul 8, 2020

You’re a curious human being and always eager to learn more and get better at what you do. The internet is your friend. And yet…when was the last time you looked back and thought to yourself: Wow, this week I really found time for everything that’s relevant and interesting to me? If your answer is something like 😬 or 😓 or 😩 or 🤯, please read on.

Whatever you do, weeks tend to get busy. It always feels like you’re missing out on important stuff. We built Refind to help with this — but we realized we can do better.

Refind’s mission is to help you make the most of the web. We cut out the noise so you can spend time on what’s really worth your attention. Every day, we analyze hundreds of thousands of new links from around the web to pick 10 highly relevant links for each user, tailored to their interests.

One feedback that consistently ranked among the top 3 we got from our users was this: Those picks are great, but in some weeks, it’s really hard to keep up.

So we figured we need to take our mission one step further. Make sure you don’t miss any of the most important links, even in a busy week.

Introducing: The Weekend.

Every Saturday morning, we provide you with a personalized weekend edition that lets you slow down and catch up. Turning that end-of-week feeling of 😩 to something more like 😌. Here’s what’s in the weekend edition:

  • Your top five this week: From all the links we recommended to you during the week, we re-surface the five you really shouldn’t miss.
  • From your reading list: The most relevant unread pieces from your reading list (powered by the algorithm we introduced in May)
  • An overview of the most popular links of the week, from your personal network and from all around Refind.
  • Plus, because it’s the weekend: Three lean-back longreads on broader societal topics that are unrelated to work.

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Refind helps you make the most of the web. Spend your time on what’s worth your attention. Learn more at: