CryptoKitties + CryptoCelebrities = REPOP WORLD

5 min readJun 6, 2018


Henry Ford once said: “I invented nothing new. I simply assembled the discoveries of other men behind…” — and since it’s on the internet, it’s probably true.

As a matter of fact, we all take inspiration from the best and in the case of REPOP is fairly obvious where we got ours.

When we decided to embark the world of crypto gaming, we lacked a lot of knowledge… and I mean A LOT. Nevertheless, we were really curious about this area, so we decided to take an idea and try to build a good product from it.

In February 2018, Cryptokitties and CryptoCelebrities were two of the most successful crypto games and for the two people reading that live under a rock, let’s briefly cover their mechanics:

CryptoKitties consists on collecting and breeding very cute cats. The player would buy some kitties and breed to produce brand new ones to hopefully generate cats with rare attributes that made them more valuable on the market, or just to collect funny and cute cats.

At the end of the day, everybody needs a cute kitty and Axiom Zen has done an incredible job in pushing that possibility on the Ethereum blockchain and taking crypto gaming to the next level.

CryptoCelebrities (CC) was also a promising project were players would bid on their favorite celebrities smart-contracts to become the owner of it. Every time a celebrity was bid, the price for the next bidder would increase, but here’s the trick- if someone bought your celebrity you’d get your investment with a profit.

This mechanic is now known as “hot potato” — as the price keeps increasing as the asset changes from owner to owner to the point where it’s so high, no one can or is even interested in covering it and the owner is stuck with an asset. In addition, the team behind CC has since disappeared and closed the website leaving hundreds of players extremely frustrated.

Vitalik Buterin, Angelina Jolie and Donald Trump on CryptoCelebrities
Vitalik Buterin, Angelina Jolie and Donald Trump on REPOP WORLD

REPOP was always meant to be a learning experience.

When we started the project we knew very little about crypto gaming, so we needed a funny idea to keep us on the right track. When we looked at the previous games, there was one question that popped on our heads:

What if we could breed Donald Trump… with Barack Obama?

The idea seemed reasonable enough. In short, all characters would be called POPs and would have the mission to repopulate Mars, since Earth was gone. REPOP WORLD was born.

POPs would repopulate by creating new POPs. Since breeding individuals of the same sex isn’t yet a thing, we decided to go against biology rules and create the concept of cloning.

Clones have parts from one parent and parts from the other. Similar to CryptoKitties genetics. Original POPs would resemblance celebrities — designed by our team.

Taylor Swift as an Original POP on REPOP

The design was also a big challenge. POPs would need to look as similar as possible to the celebrity while also allowing a some interchangeability between traits. Oh… and also be kinda cute.

This way, we could combine multiple POPs to generate new ones.

Cloning Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian to generate a new POP

But there was still a problem.

If you have seen CryptoKitties, you know that every 15 min a new Gen 0 is launched. Since our art is exclusive, we needed a different method to launch characters. We chose the “hot potato” mechanic just like CC but, with a time limit. This way, we’d ensure that the highest bidder, at the end of each auction, could make the investment back by utilizing the valuable asset.

Original Auctions

Players can then make their POP’s genes available on the Genes Market, or sell their actual characters on the POPs market.

Players can buy multiple Genes from a character, so long as they’re available on the Genes Market. Each gene can be used to produce one clone with that particular character.

In the example below, we’re using our Taylor Swift POP to clone with a gene sample from Kim Kardashian.

Cloning Taylor Swift with a Gene from Kim Kardashian

The result is a brand new POP on your collection. You can also sell that clone’s genes as well.

Check out more on How To Play REPOP WORLD.

Overall, we’re quite happy with the product we’re presenting. There’s still significant improvement to be made and a lot of new Originals to launch.

If you liked please take a minute to look at REPOP WORLD.

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