Decoding Commonalities: Finding the Longest Common Prefix in Strings (Python Code)

Reza Shokrzad
4 min readJun 17, 2024


High-resolution image showcasing the concept of finding the longest common prefix among strings, with the prefix ‘fl’ visually emphasized among overlapping strings in a digital coding environment.
Harmonizing Data: The Art of Discovering Common Strings

Welcome back to my series on essential computer algorithms, where we dissect common coding challenges and explore efficient solutions. Today, we’ll tackle the “Longest Common Prefix” problem, a fundamental task in string manipulation. In previous posts, we’ve delved into “Two Sum”و “Reverse Integer”, “Palindrome Number”, and “Roman to Integer” each offering unique insights into numerical operations and data structures. As we continue this journey, this post aims to enhance our understanding of string algorithms, specifically how to identify shared starting sequences across an array of strings.

About the Longest Common Prefix Problem

The “Longest Common Prefix” problem requires us to find the longest prefix shared among all strings within an array. This common prefix must appear at the beginning of each string in the list. The challenge lies not just in identifying the prefix but in doing so efficiently given potentially large datasets.

Examples and Explanations:

  • Example 1:
  • Input: strs = ["flower", "flow", "flight"]
  • Output: "fl"
  • Explanation: The strings “flower”, “flow”, and “flight” all start with the prefix “fl”, which is the longest common sequence at the start of these words.
  • Example 2:
  • Input: strs = ["dog", "racecar", "car"]
  • Output: ""
  • Explanation: There is no substring common to the start of “dog”, “racecar”, and “car”, resulting in an empty string as the output.


  • The array can contain up to 200 strings.
  • Each string can be up to 200 characters long.
  • All characters are lowercase English letters.

This problem not only tests our ability to manipulate strings but also our capacity to design algorithms that can efficiently handle and process large volumes of data. The following sections will explore both simple and optimized solutions to address this challenge effectively.

Solutions for “Longest Common Prefix”

1. Simplest Solution: Vertical Scanning

The vertical scanning approach checks for the common prefix by comparing characters from the top down, one column at a time.

def longestCommonPrefix_vertical(strs):
if not strs:
return ""

# Take the shortest string's length as a limit for comparison
min_length = min(len(s) for s in strs)

for i in range(min_length):
# Take the character from the first string as reference
char = strs[0][i]
for s in strs:
if s[i] != char:
return strs[0][:i]

return strs[0][:min_length]

Optimized Solution: Binary Search

This method uses binary search on the first string’s length to find the longest common prefix across all strings.

def longestCommonPrefix_binary(strs):
if not strs:
return ""

# Helper function to check if all strings have the given prefix
def is_common_prefix(length):
str0, count = strs[0][:length], len(strs)
return all(strs[i][:length] == str0 for i in range(1, count))

# Binary search for the smallest length at which not all strings match
min_length = min(len(s) for s in strs)
low, high = 1, min_length

while low <= high:
mid = (low + high) // 2
if is_common_prefix(mid):
low = mid + 1
high = mid - 1

return strs[0][:(low + high) // 2]

Time and Memory Complexity of Each Method

Vertical Scanning:

  • Time Complexity: O(n×m) where nnn is the number of strings and mmm is the length of the shortest string. In the worst case, every character of every string is compared once.
  • Space Complexity: O(1) as no extra space is used apart from temporary variables.

Binary Search:

  • Time Complexity: O(mlogm×n) where mmm is the length of the shortest string and nnn is the number of strings. Binary search decreases the number of comparisons needed to find the common prefix.
  • Space Complexity: O(1) under the assumption that the string slice operation does not use extra space.

Note: The concept of optimization in algorithm design often extends beyond just analyzing the worst-case time complexity. While binary search on the “Longest Common Prefix” problem does show a potentially higher computational complexity, there are several nuances and practical considerations that can make it a preferable method in certain scenarios:

  • Data Characteristics: Variations in input data size and nature can significantly influence performance.
  • Early Termination: Algorithms that allow for early exit from loops when conditions are met can often run faster than their theoretical maximum complexity might suggest.
  • Hardware and Compiler Optimizations: Modern compilers and CPUs can optimize certain types of operations, making some algorithms faster in practice than on paper.

Therefore, when choosing an algorithm, consider both its theoretical complexity and how it applies to your specific use case.

Horizontal Scanning Explained

Horizontal Scanning involves taking the first string as a reference and reducing its length until it matches the prefix of all strings. This method starts with the entire first string and shortens it one character at a time whenever a mismatch is found with any of the strings.


Exploring the “Longest Common Prefix” problem showcases two distinct approaches: Vertical Scanning and Binary Search. Each offers unique advantages in terms of complexity and efficiency. Vertical Scanning is straightforward and works well with a small number of strings or when the shortest string is significantly shorter than the others. Binary Search, on the other hand, provides a more time-efficient solution for larger datasets by systematically narrowing down the range of possible prefixes. These methods not only enhance our understanding of string manipulation techniques but also highlight the importance of selecting the right algorithm based on the problem constraints.

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