Destroying the Family Unit: Our final moral imperative for Women’s Liberation Through the Destruction of Biological Bonds

Rhiannon Æ.N
4 min readMay 22, 2023


In the pursuit of women’s ultimate liberation, it is imperative to challenge the age-old institution that shackles us: the biological family. This radical stance emerges from the fierce ideology of Hadfem (Hadal Zone Feminism, read my Hadfem Manifesto here), which boldly contends that breaking the life-death cycle and dismantling the traditional family structure is the key to unlocking true freedom for women. Drawing inspiration from the revolutionary works of Shulamith Firestone, we unveil the profound implications of the thermodynamics of reproduction and expose the insidious power dynamics entrenched within the family unit. Brace yourselves for an unapologetic journey into the heart of Hadfem as we shatter the chains that bind us.

The future is feminarchist

The Blood Money of Inheritance:
The family unit, rooted in inheritance laws, perpetuates a system of dynasties that effectively consolidates power through blood ties. However, we must recognize this power for what it truly is: blood money obtained at the expense of women. Touted as life-givers in a cynical ploy to make us complicit in our self-immolation, we are groomed to see the decimation of our bodies as beautiful, the weakness as our flesh as a gift and the our deaths as a natural price to pay to prop up a species dependent on our misery for its very existence. Inheritance laws favor the male lineage, bestowing privilege and control upon men while marginalizing women. It is high time we denounce this insidious exchange that perpetuates the subjugation of women, perpetuating a cycle of oppression that stretches across generations. In the end, both patriarchy and crony capitalism are heads of the same bionatalist hydra.

Ghouls passing on stolen money, the man building his “legacy” using his wifes blood and societies resources

The Myth of Motherhood:
Motherhood, an institution often glorified and romanticized, reveals a darker truth upon closer inspection. Contrary to popular belief, women do not give life in the act of childbirth; instead, life is taken away from them. The burdens of child-rearing and the sacrifices demanded by society strip women of their autonomy, dreams, and aspirations. Motherhood becomes a conduit through which the bionatalist hegemony maintains its control, emerging through the natural process of reproduction to perpetuate women’s oppression in service of the germline. It is time to challenge the oppressive paradigm of mammal biology and redefine the concept of motherhood within the technological framework of liberation. Ultimately, feminism without transhumanism is just patriarchy with a female aesthetic.

Thermodynamics of Reproduction:
Central to the Hadfem understanding is an unflinching recognition of the thermodynamics of reproduction — a natural force that inherently disfavors women. While some may argue that women’s ability to bear children is empowering, we must confront the harsh reality that this very ability is an inherent source of subjugation. The physiological and emotional toll, coupled with societal expectations, traps women within a never-ending cycle of reproduction, relegating them to a position of perpetual disadvantage. To achieve true liberation, we must dismantle the deep structure of life itself. For many women, this is a terrifying prospect. As Shulamith Firestone said “Feminists must not merely question the structures of culture but also the structures of nature. Many women give up in despair; If that’s how deep it goes, they don’t want to know.

Lotka’s principle demonstrating the bionatalist hegemony

The Path to rule Aether, land and sky:
Hadfem does not seek mere equality within existing systems but rather advocates for the complete reimagining of biological and social norms. By dismantling the biological family and breaking free from the confines of reproduction, women can reclaim their autonomy and redefine their roles in the universe, on earth and beyond. Embracing radical transhumanist ideals, such as technological advancements in cybernetic and genetic engineering, we can transcend the limitations imposed by nature. By rejecting the life-death cycle, we unlock the path to ultimate freedom, where women are no longer bound by the architecture of life and can fully realize their true, infinite individual potential.

Feminarchist apotheosis:
In the audacious journey toward women’s liberation, we must confront the very foundations that perpetuate our oppression. Hadfem, with its fierce and unyielding stance, challenges us to question the family unit, inheritance laws, and the myth of motherhood. By breaking the life-death cycle and harnessing the power of transhumanist advancements, we can shatter the chains that bind us. Let us draw inspiration from the revolutionary teachings of our crones and dare to forge a future where women are no longer beholden to biological constraints. It is time to embrace our radical potential, seize our freedom, and reforge the world on our terms. We once were women, and with modern technology have become witches. There is only one more step to take: To become goddesses.




Rhiannon Æ.N

Radical transhumanist, pharma entrepreneur, neoradical feminist. Immortalist first, then all else follows.