4 Tips On How To Be A Rich Bitch Like Nicole Lapin

Christina B. Rising
5 min readMar 24, 2019


Happy Women’s History Month, National Reading Month

This week I decided to read “Rich Bitch” by Nicole Lapin, this book is bursting with tips to help you lower your bills and raise your credit score and so much more.

I will be discussing:

1. Financing Is A Trap

2. Lower Your Bills, Increase Your Wallet

3. Debt-Free Living

4. Keep A Little Budget Diary

And be sure to read my last blog on “Book Review: 5 Ways To Think & Grow Rich Like Napoleon Hill” & FREE Download: March Desktop Wallpapers.

If I could some up this book into one word it would have to be the word Rich Bitch: A woman who empowers herself by taking control of her finances in order to get what she wants in life.

1. Financing Is A Trap

One major thing that surprised me the most from reading this book was how financing things in your life will have you paying double and triple for stuff.

Which is absolutely crazy since often times we are buying new things to impress people or even our social media followers and how we are essentially renting our lives.

Dave Ramsey’s story on how he and his wife went to buy a purse and how they shocked a salesperson by not wanting to use a credit card for the purchase.

So they decided to pay for his wife’s bag and another women’s handbag as well, leaving the salesperson in shock since they decided to pay in cash. And how they shocked another salesperson by paying for a car in full, even though the sales person kept insisting the dealership amazing leasing options.

2. Lower Your Bills, Increase Your Wallet

If your just working to keep a roof over your head then your roof maybe out of your budget, try downsizing and enjoy the extra cash.

Try to lowering your phone bill to just the basics for what you need for the everyday by getting rid of your unlimited phone plan and switching to a more restrictive and frugal plan.

When it comes to utilities get creative by setting a timer or 15 min podcast for your household chores and showers, try washing your dishes by hand more instead of using the dishwasher daily. We all have to eat but it’s also important to only buy groceries that we know we actually eat, and never go to the grocery store hungry.

Be sure to delete whatever monthly subscription service you forgot about because I can promise you that your bank hasn’t forgotten. If all else fails you can simply negotiate what you pay on your bills, this is easier to maneuver when you’ve paid your bills on time.

3. Debt-Free Living

As crazy as it may sound from reading this book when they talked about getting through the Baby Steps and no longer owing people money is freeing. Debt can sometimes break up marriages and cause a lot of stress on someone and I have to agree.

Because although I am in college I always have that thought in the back of mind about having to pay back all of the money I borrowed to invest in myself and my degree. From basically having this rain cloud following me around I know that I am definitely going to pay off this debt using the debt snowball plan.

And there is just something inspiring about knowing once I pay off this debt, I will have so much more freedom and more control of my money. I would be able to give to people in my life and to go on shopping sprees without looking at the price or thinking of how I can make back all the money I just spent. And to help me definitely step into the investment world without losing all the money I invested and making sure that I will actually see a return or dividends from it.

4. Keep A Little Budget Diary

Nicole Lapin has given the LBD acronym, a new meaning this time with a more impactful purpose.

Of course, it’s okay to enjoy your extravagant purchases, but you still have to track where your money goes. Even your tiny purchases you make in a week can still stack up and demolish your budget.

So keep a designated diary and notepad or you can go paperless using a spending app the same way your technology tracks your sleep, calories and workouts.

Would I Buy Or Read Again?

Can I see myself re-reading Nicole Lapin’s book “Rich Bitch” again? Yes! Can I see myself even purchasing “Rich Bitch” ? Yes, I love the glossary she included in the back of her book, its unique nothing is mansplained. And filled with so many tips that can lower my bills, fix my credit score, control my student loans, start saving for retirement, and help me raise my credit score and invest my money wisely.

The Question of the Week is inspired by Nicole Lapin’s book “Rich Bitch”. Why do you want to become rich?

Answer: One-word bills and once those are paid my schedule will be more open to new opportunities and hobbies.

Catch up on my last blogs on “Book Review: 6 Ways To Master The Money Game” & FREE Download: March Desktop Wallpapers.

If you have any book suggestions add them below in the comments, and look out for new book reviews every Sunday. And remember “As we ‘Rise to Be’, we are becoming who we want to be” I am Christina B. Rising and I will always be rising. 🤗



Christina B. Rising

Helping you rise to be productive, organized and productive! Keep Rising To Be Who You Want To Be!