How To Change Your Life Fast

Christina B. Rising
4 min readDec 8, 2019


Happy December, The Month of Preparation & Celebration!

This week I decided to read “Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business” by Charles Duhigg, this book is exactly what you need to improve and change your life for the better.

I will be discussing:

1. Review Your Past Choices

2. Performance Over Perfection

3. Comparison Steals Your Joy

And be sure to read my last blog on “Book Review: How To Stop My Procrastination” & “FREE Download: December Desktop Wallpapers”.

If I could some up this book into one word it would have to be the word Change: make or become different.

1. Review Your Past Choices

Looking over the choices we have made in the year allows us to maneuver our future differently. Every day we go through is filled with choices, you may regret them or look back on them for your highlight reel. Everything in our lives today is filled with past choices, and in order to change your life you have make different choices.

Analyze and dissect your losses so that you won’t make that same mistake again, this will allow for you to create your master plan for success. Please understand that winners are not people who didn’t lose, but instead those that lost and refuse to lose again.

This is important to never let everything we have accomplished go to our head or fear failure when things didn’t go as planned. The key is to move ahead by taking accountability of our failures and allowing our wisdom of the past to guide us.

2. Perfection Is Only An Illusion

Of course, we want to do things without mistakes but mistakes are inevitable for anyone no matter their track record. But you can work to ensure that you make fewer mistakes overall, this will also allow for you ease up when things fail.

Understand that it’s not about how many mistakes you have made but instead what you were able to learn from them. This is what defines who you at your core, it is literally impossible to make the right decisions all of the time.

You will mess up in ways that seem like you won’t ever recover from, but these mistakes show that you are trying. And when we are able to successfully learn from them, our mistakes can slowly transform us into who we always wanted to be.

3. Comparison Steals Your Joy

When we compare our chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 27, we start to get envious and take on the woe is me mentality. The biggest source of our unhappiness is from thinking that the grass is always greener on the other side.

When we should just focus on watering our own grass, comparing our entire lives to their surface level is bad judgment. Especially when we can’t even see the roots of their life, to check and see if it’s rented. That doesn’t mean we should ask them questions to find out if they are telling the truth or their life is one big smokescreen.

How To Make Your New Year Goals Stick & FREE Goal Setting Printable

Would I Buy Or Read Again?

Can I see myself re-reading Charles Duhigg’s book “Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business” again? YES! Can I see myself even purchasing “Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business”? Yes, this book allows you to stop and see what your weaknesses are and improve them.

The Question of the Week is inspired by Charles Duhigg’s book “Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business”. How will you change to become smarter, faster and better?

Answer: By being willing to put in the time and learn and to find an answer to improve on what I am lacking.

Catch up on my last blogs on “Book Review: How To Stop My Procrastination” & “FREE Download: December Desktop Wallpapers”.

If you have any book suggestions add them below in the comments, and look out for new book reviews every Sunday. And remember “As we ‘Rise to Be’, we are becoming who we want to be” I am Christina B. Rising and I will always be rising. 🤗



Christina B. Rising

Helping you rise to be productive, organized and productive! Keep Rising To Be Who You Want To Be!