CS371p Fall 2022: Rithik Batchu

Rithik Batchu
2 min readOct 17, 2022


What did you do this past week?

This past week I set up my GitLab repository by forking from the initial public repository set up by Professor Downing and inviting my partner. I thought about my basic implementation details about how to go about building the allocator. I wasn’t able to do too much else because of work for other classes and since I wasn’t free all weekend.

What’s in your way?

It was tough to do any real implementation for the lab because a lot of my time was taken up working on a really involved Computer Networks lab as well as finishing the Cloud Computing project early since I wasn’t free all weekend.

What will you do next week?

This next week, I will work with my partner to finish out all of the Allocator project. We will work on writing our basic implementation and debugging until we pass all 5 hackerrank test cases, clean up the code to make it readable, add unit tests and acceptance tests, and finish up all the GitLab pipelines.

What did you think of Paper #8. The Integration Segregation Principle?

I think it was quite useful in describing some interesting use-cases where multiple inheritance would be really useful. I think in statically-typed languages, it can be a really useful way to chunk code properly without affecting other independent derivative classes. It reminds me a bit of modules and mixins in Ruby.

What was your experience of my_allocator() starter code and DigitsIterator? (this question will vary, week to week)

The my_allocator start code was really clear and easy to interpret, especially because Professor Downing took the time in class to explain a lot of the details. I think the DigitsIterator was a really fun, simple exercise in building an iterator and was really useful because it demonstrated the wide of variety of use cases for an iterator.

What made you happy this week?

I was really happy that my Computer Networks project due date was pushed back from today till this Wednesday. I had a retreat for church this weekend and I was really happy I didn’t have to focus on and work on the Networks assignment while I was there.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is a terminal command called tmux . I discovered how useful it is while working on a project for computer networks. When running code on different topologies for that class, we have to run multiple processes from the same location which involves multiple layers of SSH and VMs. Instead of going through that process the each time, tmux creates a new window on the same terminal so we can run multiple processes in the same place easily.

