rituels lunaires
6 min readApr 6, 2024


The New Moon phase of the Moon cycle is the beginning of something more than just lunar– it’s a rebirth that our energetic bodies experience each month and a chance to transform our energy in a positive way. The New Moon asks us: what area of my life could I add to right now? Look to whichever area in your natal chart is ruled by the sign of that New Moon to elaborate. For this New Moon, we can look to wherever Aries is held in your chart for a significant rebirth of energy and revitalization of confidence to jolt us toward our dreams.

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The New Moon in Aries on April 8th will coincide with a solar eclipse– intensifying the New Moon energy. While the myths vary over cultures on how exactly eclipses began to occur, in the present, we can utilize the idea of the energy’s archetype to align with it. So, what is an Aries Solar Eclipse like? Well, it’s a little like becoming Superman, our abilities amplified through the power of the Sun. Parts of our body and identity circulate with solar energy and it is proven that sunlight can help us maintain good mental health. During the New Moon, our abilities are amplified and we are able to feel the fresh restart we desire.

When the Sun conjuncts the Moon, something begins and the New Moon phase energetically provides that new beginning.

Individually and collectively, the Moon represents our emotional flow and function. The Moon’s natural rhythm routinely introduces different energies into our daily flow. Just like the planets in our charts, the Moon also moves through all 12 houses, activating the magic in different areas of our lives.

For example, this New Moon takes place in Rihanna’s 1st house. Different chart styles can be confusing, but ultimately, because she’s an Aries rising, her 1st house is ruled by Aries. Her Moon, Venus, and Jupiter are all in Aries — making this a perfect New Moon for her to show up courageously in her relationships. Her emotions could be expanded and on fire right now, making her excited and filled with wondrous ideas for the future. Ultimately, the experiences that cause the most friction, or spark a fire, during this cycle will what she may need to pay the most attention to in her intimate relationships.

Aries is the first sign in the zodiacal cycle and is represented by the element and modality Cardinal Fire. This sign represents the first awakening after the final descent into the subconscious ocean that is Pisces. Imagine: your head breaks through the surface of water and a primal, deep inhale that is full of desperation for life fills your lungs. All of our new beginnings start with Aries, who is brash and excitedly awaiting their challenge.

Aries is personified through the Ram, which reflects their hardheaded and impulsive attitude. Anger can be the baseline for Aries, meaning they’re able to tap into it on an unconscious level. In tarot, this fire sign is represented by the card of Divine Masculinity– The Emperor. The divine culmination of structure, concentration, stability, and focus; he knows what is required of him to achieve his goal and he simply does. The Emperor can also represent a father-type figure, or fatherhood to some capacity. The Emperor is the taskmaster, protector, and provider much like the energy the sign of Aries naturally embodies.

Typically, The Emperor represents a need for grounding and protection as we reap the rewards of our successes.

Ruled by Mars, Aries is also associated with the Greek God of War and Courage, Ares. Yes, he embodies the warrior, but also the courage it takes to become one. The Moon in Aries equally encourages us to embrace that impulsive inner child. When the Moon is in Aries, we may feel a natural inclination to expand immediately. We feel upbeat, excited, rushing with adrenaline to take on the first thing that peaks our interest.

We may feel inclined to just DO with Aries energy, but the actual success of our desires lies in our patience.

It’s important to honor the feelings we have during an Aries Moon because the impulsive answers we receive may not always be advice, but insight on a deeper level of healing we can achieve. If we take time to contemplate what that thing could really mean versus what we might want it to mean right now, it’ll be easier for us to make a level-headed decision later. A Moon in Aries creates a restless to accomplish something, specifically something that’s guided by our emotions. Being aware of this energy can help us utilize it in productive ways that promote growth and healing during this potent time.

This New Moon in Aries comes during a Mercury RX, but this transit doesn’t diminish the energy in any way; it makes it more like training wheels. Right now, we have a chance to begin something powerfully refreshing with the energy of Aries, but under the Mercury RX, we’re just taking our training wheels off. We were totally still riding the bike before, just with some help. In fact, we might need to put the wheels back on soon. As we start to ride without them though, we’ll fall off and those repeated failures, especially during a retrograde, allows us to assess what in our approach hasn’t worked to our advantage.

Retrogrades, generally, can be beneficial depending on your natal chart. Personal planets could be in RX, making the energy more workable to you.

The New Moon in Aries is also a solar eclipse, amplifying the already dense new beginning energy. Solar eclipses myths and beliefs vary throughout different cultures, but it was ultimately agreed amongst ancient astrologers that eclipses generated impactful karmic events to balance the cosmic scales of justice. With the Aries/Libra axis, this is quite literally the cosmic scales that are being balanced right now and with that, a deeper understanding of ourselves and the way we have independently lead ourselves until this moment. How has independence shown up during this eclipse season for you? Is it something you have always struggled with, or something you need less of?

This New Moon is at an angle of 19 degrees, which is ruled by the sign Libra. So, the magnifying glass for this lunar cycle really puts an emphasis on our relationship to codependency. What is our relationship to the consistent things and people in our lives? Do they define us? It’s important to ask yourself from a safe, neutral place. The judgement we place on ourselves is better utilized as fuel for growth. Negative emotions activate negative curitry in the hippocampus area of our brains. So, when we process negative emotions, we’re ultimately triggering our awareness to do better. This process is how we create new patterns after learning from our mistakes.

We’re allowed to be ambitious right now, but with the ruler of the New Moon, Mars in Pisces, our actions may be a reflection of our emotions. Perfectly in time for the astrological new year, we have the chance to begin again and purify with the fire of Aries. We’re blessed with confidence and courage from the cosmos to reach for the highest of our dreams, standing on our tip toes. On April 23rd, the Full Moon in Scorpio may add a hint of magic to the mix. We can utilize a powerful Full Moon like that to alchemize deeply rooted and hidden wounds. Just like with the Full Moon in Libra on March 25th, there’s an opportunity to foster compassion and collaboration through vulnerability that can reinstate our trust in ourselves and others.

Please also be mindful that we all experience every energy of the 12 zodiac signs. While you may not think something is pertinent to you, this transit can and will manifest differently for everyone!

