rituels lunaires
5 min readJan 10, 2024


Embody your most authentic authority with my New Moon in Capricorn playlist!

The New Moon phase of the lunar cycle can help us to shift into a clearer perspective that may inspire us to take action towards our desires. During the New Moon phase, three days before and after the New Moon, the energy of our conscious awareness and unconscious desires blend together as we blossom into the cycle of renewal.

With each New Moon, a piece of ourselves may be renewed. On the other hand, each Full Moon helps us to release a piece of ourselves that may no longer be serving our highest good.

On both collective and individual levels, the Moon represents our emotional flow and function. Since the Moon cycles through a new zodiac sign about every two and half days, it routinely introduces different energies into our daily flow. The Moon moves through all 12 houses of the traditional zodiac wheel just like in our Natal charts, activating the magic in different areas of our lives. In this case, the Moon will transit over the house(s) Capricorn rules in your chart.

For example, Jordin Sparks has her Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune ruled by Capricorn. In the 12th house, this New Moon may grant her an opportunity to do something exciting and unexpected in or around her career that leads to the healing of some mental afflictions. Doing so may help her to access greater depths of her psyche and understand the part she plays in her own subconscious healing.

Capricorn is the zodiac’s cardinal earth sign. This element and modality brings a grounding and stable leadership to Capricorn’s energy. Due to their Saturn rulership, Capricorn represents consistency, ambition, and dignity. Saturn helps us to master our responsibilities, limitations, and karma in this lifetime; this influences Capricorn to hold a deep sense of duty for supporting and nurturing the individuals they care most for. Capricorns share this trait with their sister sign Cancer, but being ruled by the planet of limitation, it also takes more time for Capricorn to develop the closeness required for intimacy. Capricorn may struggle to express their emotional fluidity because they see the way caring can become a vulnerability. They value their right to choose who they care about and are typically strategic in their relationships as a result.

Capricorn can see relationships as emotional investments, and therefore, is dedicated to maintaining their emotional value.

The Moon in Capricorn is in detriment, meaning Capricorn isn’t comfortable being alongside Her and Saturn’s rings can constrict the Moon’s flow even further. It can be difficult for individuals with a Moon in Capricorn to relate to others on a superficial level because their huge hearts need time to know and value the essence of another before committing to providing stability. This means during a Capricorn Moon, emotional ties may feel burdensome, which can cause some to project a possibly cold and unavailable nature. Energetically, Capricorn respects emotion and can be prideful of their emotional authority, which is shown through their strong sense of internal discipline. Being able to sustain everyday life while holding onto tumultuous emotions is something very typical of Capricorn’s nature. When the Moon is in Capricorn, we are able to access our vulnerability without compromising our authority.

The Capricorn New Moon on January 11th brings us a revitalized sense of authority to our authenticity. This clean slate provides us with an opportunity to become the leaders of our own revolution. Working towards our personal ambitions in a new and fresh way, we may find a sense of isolation comes easily to us during this time. The energetic combination of Saturn and the Moon may help us to manifest new energetic/karmic partnerships and lessons. These trials ultimately can help lead to our soul’s growth as our intuitive being stands ready to eliminate anything unnecessary that may limit our long-term success. It’s important to ground and affirm ourselves while taking inspired action toward our goals during this New Moon in Capricorn.

With Mercury stationing direct at the end of December, we may now be able to see the ways we can put our revelations into action. During this lunar cycle, we can cosmically claim our authority, solidfying our sense of self and ambition during this year of personal empowerment.

Connecting with nature and bringing yourself to a grounded state will amplify the energy of the Capricorn New Moon. Capricorn rules our Muladhara, or root chakra. This chakra rules over our sense of security and grounds us to the Earth.

Generating new and exciting opportunities with this New Moon, you may find more success in attaining your goals. Root chakra work, or the color red, with the New Moon may help to ground you during this time of newness and embrace the methodical processes of Capricorn. There may also be a lingering sense of insecurity that masks your intuition. Remember to stay grounded and make sound decisions that nurture your soul before you can extend to others.

Expressing the compassion and love we feel for ourselves may be healing right now. This is because the asteroid Chiron, or the wounded healer, is making a positive contact with Venus, the planet of love. Alongside lessons from Jupiter’s retrograde cycle, we are finally able to access realistic steps towards an upgrade to our public image and career sector. Matching the frequency that our abundance vibrates on will ultimately attract it towards us with ease.

During the Full Moon in Cancer on December 26th, we may have been given an emotional revelation that helped us to fully upgrade our emotional body as we released old behavioral patterns. We can aim to reclaim authority in our lives with the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th, manifesting an empowerment of ambition and helping us work towards our goals more clearly. The next Full Moon will be in Leo on January 25th, giving us the opportunity to embody the most confident version of ourselves through the release of insecurities that limit us.

Please also be mindful that we all experience every energy of the 12 zodiac signs. While you may not think something is pertinent to you, this transit can and will manifest differently for everyone.


Working with the New Moon can be done using a variety of rituals, I encourage personal research to experiment what works best for you.


  • Malasana — garland pose
  • Setu Bandha — bridge pose
  • Tdasana — mountain pose


  • Garnet — inner strength, security, + resilience. flushes toxins + improves circulation
  • Malachite — wealth, prosperity, + protection from risk. improves liver + immune function
  • Smoky Quartz — grounding, removing unwanted energy, + guides you to a higher state of being. alleviates anxiety + tension headaches


  • I am safe and secure in the life that I have.
  • I attract success on all levels.
  • I use my intelligence to create a powerful legacy.

