rituels lunaires
5 min readJan 23, 2024


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The Full Moon is a portion of the lunar cycle that encourages us to release. Representing a culmination of energy in a certain part of our natal charts, we look to the Full Moons to encourage the shedding of old things that no longer serve us. Full Moons may help to shine a light on some hidden part of ourselves. This time can be used to release, surrender, and end patterns that have overstayed their welcome in our energetic bodies.

Divine timing is largely at play during the Full Moon, helping to catalyze events that can encourage endings to things we may be avoiding. Because the Moon consistently cycles into a new zodiac sign about every two and a half days, the energy of events can build up in our body over time. It continues to build in certain areas of our lives until the culmination of that energy is released during a Full Moon in any particular zodiac sign.

The Full Moon can help us come to terms with things we’ve been seeking answers for; releasing the pressure and patiently waiting for the Universe to deliver.

Individually and collectively, the Moon represents our emotional flow and function. The Moon’s natural rhythm routinely introduces different energies into our daily flow. Just like the planets in our charts, the Moon also moves through all 12 houses, activating the magic in different areas of our lives. In this case, the Moon will transit the house(s) Leo rules over in your Natal Chart.

For example, Barack Obama is a Leo Sun with his Leo Mercury in the 6th house. For this Full Moon, he could be releasing a sense of identity tied into his daily routine, health, or wellness. With Pluto shifting signs, he could be releasing a part of himself that was physically or energetically tied to the structure of this country and his subconscious. Leo can fill him up with the confidence to know moving forward that version of himself served its purpose and that he’s a healthier man because of it.

Leo is the zodiac’s fixed fire sign; this sign represents the stubborn flame that won’t stay snuffed out. Leo operates from the most intense point of Yang energy– the Sun. This placement in astrology helps us to understand our individuality, identity, and our relationship to our father figure. The Sun rules over Leo, giving the sign a healthy sense of confidence, allowing them to shine light wherever they go and spreading joy as they do. Leo is represented by the Lion in the Zodiac and in Tarot, by the Strength card, or card number 8. The card typically depicts a figure standing in their power with a lion. This card represents endurance, stamina, and taming your emotions.

As we move into this year of 8, a year of personal development and exploration, the energy from this Leo Full Moon can help us to develop a more intimate and confident relationship with ourselves.

The Sun is tied in to our individualism and ego, so Leo energy can be concerned with their reputation. With a Moon in Leo, the tendency to fall into this energy may be stronger because pride can get tied up with emotions and ego due to desire to stand out. People with a Leo Moon can be optimistic still, wanting to bring generosity and livelihood into any room. When the Moon is in Leo, we may all experience a heightened inclination to be generous. Leos are known for their generosity and loyalty, which can now help us to understand how dedicating ourselves to our individualism may serve the greater collective in ways we can’t imagine.

Since Leo is ruled by the Sun, this sign helps us to understand and appreciate ourselves. The Full Moon in Leo is all about developing a sense of self love without conditions. Both luminaries will be sharing the fixed modality during this lunar cycle, the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Leo. This energy brings about an increasing sense of individuality. Aquarius is opposite Leo and their collective individualism is the opposite of the authentic identity Leo brings to the table. There is a conscious and unconscious awareness that’s being brought to culmination with this Full Moon, its light shining on hidden parts of ourselves that may have been dormant, subconscious, or otherwise hindering us.

This Full Moon is about releasing those limiting insecurities that hold us back as our own individuals within the collective.

With Pluto reentering Aquarius during this lunar cycle, we can look back to last Spring. We may find that similar to that time our egoic dynamics may begin to dissolve as we work towards the highest good of ourselves and those around us. The Full Moon in Leo is a great time to release things that make us feel insecure and create something new that will be steadily implemented into our foundation. We can work to empower fresh, creative energy through embracing our inner-child. During this time, using the energy of child-like anticipation to make plans for the future may help them result in success.

Try holding a hand just under your sternum, take a few slow, deep breaths, and release. This practice can charge up your Manipura, or solar plexus, and help to boost your confidence.

The previous Full Moon in Cancer on December 27th possibly brought about an emotional revelation to us that boosted healing on our journey. The New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th then may have helped us to revive our sense of authenticity with authority. Creating realistic goals and their steps into our future then, we can now release the insecurities that come along with expressing ourselves authentically. The next lunar event will be a New Moon in Aquarius, invigorating our now strong sense of individuality, integrating our vision into the collective to work towards a better future for all.

Please also be mindful that we all experience every energy of the 12 zodiac signs. While you may not think something is pertinent to you, this transit can and will manifest differently for everyone!

